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UKNES3 Reloaded - Forged in the Flames of War...

Roddy come onto AIM.
To Russia
From Austria

Treachery!!!! The French told me to but out of the Prussian War. I thus did so. You gave me Galicia and I captured Silesia. I ask you to return these territories at once. If you do not do so then we shall fight you and no-one else with all our might. If this means the death of the Austrian Reich it will also mean the death of the Russian Empire. It is your choice to go to war, to disregard all diplomatic apporaches and not attempt a peaceful solution to your grievences. If you choose to live by the sword you shall die by the sword.
To Austria
From France

WOAH!! wait a minute i told you to do what now? The only thing we discussed was expanding in different directions and by that time Prussia was dead.
Thats the only thing the French Empire has discussed with Austria
To Russia
From Austria

We demand the immediate return of all territory that was occupied by the Austrian Reich before your immoral and illegal invasion. If you wished for a diplomatic apporach you might of gained one of the territories as it stands if you do not return the territory we are committed to your full and utter destruction at the cost of our own if need be.
ooc: I hope you dont doubt my resolve when I say I am willing to go suicide bomber over this and ruin the game for Russia.
From Russia
To Austria

Austria said:
The French told me to but out of the Prussian War.
Yet the French deny telling you such, and even if they did, your deal to help in the Prussian War was with me not them.
Austria said:
You gave me Galicia and I captured Silesia.
And i have shown already that if you count that as "helping" Russia, you are wrong.
Austria said:
It is your choice to go to war, to disregard all diplomatic apporaches and not attempt a peaceful solution to your grievences.
I do not choose to ignore peacefull solutions. You have not presented any. I consider myself to be in the right and in the stronger position here, so any peace deal would include consesions from you (at the VERY least being current borders).
Austria said:
We demand the immediate return of all territory .....
sorry, i stopped listening at "demand". You are not in a position to demand anything of me.

Czar Roddy of Russia.
Sheep2 said:
ooc: I hope you dont doubt my resolve when I say I am willing to go suicide bomber over this and ruin the game for Russia.
that's not exactly ooc. but to answer it ooc:
if you go suicide nation on Russia, that is more likely to MAKE my game as apposed to ruining it. would give me a dificult war to fight, and much strategy to think about. even if it costs Russia the "win" in the game, it would still make the game more fun for me. so um..... bring it on. ;)
PS, hope you dont take my ingame actions personaly. all in fun, right? :D

Sheep at 10:21pm my time said:
Roddy come onto AIM.
not sure what your timezome is, but i had gone ofline by then. the rest of your posts are like 4am my time. will try to be online late today incase you log on at that time again.
I currently have four orders. Yes you can disband armies.

If enough orders are in by tomorrow or Friday night I will update.

Once Saturday comes, I'm off to uni, so the next update after that could take a long time - possibly even a fortnight if Fresher's Fortnight turns out to be really good :)

OK, this is NOT bad news. the game WILL be fine. and anyone who sais otherwise will have a 3 game vendetta from me (and a kick in the ***** if i find em).

so send your orders quick and hope UK has such a miserable time his first week at school that all he wants to do is stay in and do the updates. ;) (just kidding.... well sort of)
i have sent the orders ( i really hate that error message)
lol emu I've received your orders.

Roddy, I'll probably find some time to do them, well the good thing is there's no one around to tell me when to go to bed I suppose lol...

Now got seven orders. Update tomorrow evening my time - ie; about 2PM American time!

:bump: so i need ideas on how i convince the frat houses at UK's university to stage the following prank:
lock all teh students in their own dorms and dont let them out till i say its ok to do so.
I have onlygot online for the first timein almost a week. Too tired to send in orders now will do so tommorrow.
tsk tsk England, start at home and invade France

Scandinavia looks easy at first but is deceptively hard to hold
so, will the "flames of war" rage again? or is some silly real life university so much more interesting then the fate of all of europe (and some bits of africa)?
Hey, since there's not too much action I thought you might appreciate a bump and some chatter. ;)

Jason, don't you think it's rather biased to blame Dubya for the 9/11? His administration is horribly corrupt but that doesn't impact on the fact that a continued Democratic administration would beyond reasonable doubt have been unable to prevent the atrocities of 9/11.
The democrats are blamed for Vietnam, I see no reason not to blame the republicans for 9/11. He had all the facts, a report was handed to him some days before explaining Osama's plans.

The fact that I can't get over in my head is how he was re-elected after we know of his immediate response to the attacks were. He stayed in his seat for 7 minutes after being told that "the country is under attack." In the nuclear age, when a president of the United States is told the country is under attack, he needs to get up right away from that preschool or kindergarten or whatever class it was and get started with defending the country. To me, that was unacceptable, and plenty reason NOT for him to be our president again.

btw: bush used his (later) response and handling of 9/11 in his campaign...I feel that leaves him entirely open for him to be blamed as well.
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