Unfair to Islam and Taoism?

I always hated that too. Buddists and Hindus always take over with Judaism sometimes. Christianity and Confucianism sometimes become popular but I never see Islam or Taoism. I think they should have a slightly higher spread rate or something because it is pretty annoying.
Sometimes the later religions become the most popular, in my games. Generally there'll be one religious bloc with 3-4 civs, and one of them will sometimes be the founder of a new one, meaning that they and a couple of others will switch away. Especially if I'm the founder of the bloc.

The reason is because the AI will naturally pick different religions and a game like that is very easy. If the AI are mostly one religion the game is much more difficult and you actually have to work at converting some of them.

I don't understand. You do know that all 'Choose Religions' does is allow you to pick the name+icon of whichever one you want, don't you?
Choose Religions also allows the AI to pick and choose. Check the sticky link "BTS Ref. Guides" in the BTS subforum. Most AI leaders have a preferred religion to found for Choose Religions.
Choose Religions also allows the AI to pick and choose. Check the sticky link "BTS Ref. Guides" in the BTS subforum. Most AI leaders have a preferred religion to found for Choose Religions.

They will pick their preferred religion if they found one, but this still doesn't change anything. It's only the name and the icon they pick and it has absolutely no impact on the gameplay.
I personally don't have a problem with the state of Islam and Taoism. They tend to be small because they come later, but that is in fact accurate. Islam is certainly the most recently founded of the religons. It is only as prominent as it is due to the efforts of its early believers, something that can be replicated in Civ with effort.
Unlike in the real world religions never lose influence unless cities are actually destroyed so later religions will always be less significant. I always play with choose religions for that reason. Also so A.I. civ will found religions more in character. I always found Judaism (if I found one) because no civ favors it and that way the A.I. can have whatever fits.

I had the idea of a new event where if a religion is spread to a city that already has several then one might might be removed if that religion had no buildings, and possibly modified by the religion civic and if it has a shrine and a holy city.
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