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Unit Renaming and WB Saves

Even cooler would be "Our Battleship 'Bismarck' has killed the enemy Battleship 'HMS Hood.'" ;)

That's also possible as well. Heck, you could even have it say "The Bismarck, which is a type of Battleship, sank the enemy Battlecruiser the HMS Hood which Wolfshanze insists is really a Battleship." It's all just a matter of how much time you're willing to put into designing the logs system so that it's grammatically correct for each instance.
haha, that's pretty funny.

You're right, though. :)
Changing the log format is in what -- SDK? XML? (Sorry -- I've never dealt with this, neither do I know how to work with SDK).

Depends on what you want to change. If you just want to change the wording, you can do that in the XML. I don't know the tag name for it, so you'll just have to hunt around the game text files. If you want to change the information it provides you with, that will probably be in the SDK.

So, for example... in the XML, you'll see something like this:

Our %s1_Unit has been killed by a %s2_Adj %s3_Unit.

In the SDK, you basically provide it with the information you want... in this case it would be the namekey for our unit, the name key for the opposing player, and the name key for their unit.

If you want it changed to something like this:

Our %s1_Unit was destroyed by an %s2_Adj %s2_Unit.

You could do that in the XML. You can also choose to omit information too in the XML without needing SDK changes. If you delete the killing player's adjective, it won't cause problems.

But let's say you want it to provide the name of the city that's nearest to the tile:

Our %s1_Unit has been killed by a %s2_Adj %s3_Unit near %s4_City.

That would require SDK work because you'd have to find the nearest city and then tell the program to include that information in this message.
Changing wording would be very useful so it would include the unit type (sounds like this can be done in XML -- which I might be able to swing). What you suggest about adding the nearest city reference would be great. I'll have to wait for someone else to come up with the SDK coding though. :(

Which XML file is connected with the log format by the way?
It's one of the game text files... I don't know which.

But you are going to need SDK work to include the unit's type as well because that's not provided by default. You're going to need the SDK to grab essentially five pieces of information: The unit's name key, the unit's type, the other player's adjective, the other unit's name key, and the other unit's type.

It's basically like electronic madlibs. The XML provides the basic text, but to fill in the blanks, you need the SDK.
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