Unit requests thread

Hi everyone, I need a set of modern arabian units (Infantry,MG,Para,Marines,AT-Inf). I thought about how they should look like but unfortunately I have no skills in unit making. My idea is that all these Units should have the head of Great Spy Unit. The Marine and the Para should be equipped with G3 or G36. I think small Rucksacks for both the Infantry and the Marines would look cool. The Marines, Paras and AT should have Desert Camo for both Uniform and head the Infantry and MG maybe could have khaki Uniforms and white head. Also it would be really cool if they would have ammo
belts weared diagonal hanging over their shoulder. I hope one of you great unit makers can realize this units for me. I can´t wait to see what they look like
Second request for Highlander Rifleman Unit

Please someone do a highlander rifleman!

So what's wrong with this guy?


i'm still working on some native units, INCLUDING a cuirassier-type... :)


Cool... we desperately need a Native Cuirassier... any update bernie on a release?


Not sure if this has been covered before... but...

I've been looking for more modern armor... we have lots of Russian tanks... we have the American M1A1 and M60, we have German Leopards... I have yet to see any French or British Modern Armor for Civ4...

Now I just realized Snafu is nearing release of an AMX30 and Leclerc for the French... hopefully he will find it in his heart to release this soon, as his Beyond Modern Warfare mod seems delayed due to the release of BtS 3.13 patch.

I still haven't seen any Challenger tanks for the British though...

Have I missed any previously released AMX30s, Leclarcs or Challengers for Civ4? I searched the forums and downloads, but didn't see them... at least not seperately... maybe they exist in a current mod? If so, which one?
Wolfshanze... I found that unit after I posted that request above!

Thanks anyhooo :)
Wolfshanze... I found that unit after I posted that request above!

Thanks anyhooo :)
Perhaps this might be nitpicking, but I think the Highlander unit would fall into the "Musketman" category as opposed to the "Rifleman" category... the British Army didn't really start using Rifles widespread until about 1870 or so (give or take) and (if I'm not mistaken) the Highlander style uniform in this unit is more akin to early 1800s units... which would place it in the musketman timeframe (the picture you showed above was Napoleonic, which is definately musket timeframe).

To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% sure when that particular Highlander uniform fell out of use, but I'm thinking it was before the 1870s (though I'll admit I'm not an expert on Highlander uniforms).
I have one question.
Is somewhere any unit with worker and battle animations together?
Iy yes, write me, please, where
I have one question.
Is somewhere any unit with worker and battle animations together?
Iy yes, write me, please, where

I don't believe so. This would be really grunt work. You'd have to import all single kf files, convert each one seperatly to maxfiles. Merge all the maxfiles together and smooth the animationflow of dozens of different sequences that weren't made for each other.
You might try another solution. You could have two similar looking models and write some code to switch artstyles(you could do this with FFH code actually by just adding/removing promotions with python or just use the spellsystem) and switch animations with them.
I don't believe so. This would be really grunt work. You'd have to import all single kf files, convert each one seperatly to maxfiles. Merge all the maxfiles together and smooth the animationflow of dozens of different sequences that weren't made for each other.
You might try another solution. You could have two similar looking models and write some code to switch artstyles(you could do this with FFH code actually by just adding/removing promotions with python or just use the spellsystem) and switch animations with them.

Thanks you, Ploeperpengel. Unfortunately I´m working in Blender. Blender can´t work with civ4 animations I think. I tried it... Can make internal animation without kfm and kf files only
Is possible write code type:
For this action use 1.kfm a for second use 2.kfm?
I wish everyone would limit making ancient and medival units, i think Firaxis is giving us a hint on whats coming, ie more Modern and Futuristic units(ie Final Frontier/Next War/AfterWorld), i think we have TONs already of the older units and tons of reskins already. So how about people start making some NEW (modern & Futuristic (more stuff like Assault Mech) stuff rather than the OLD stuff, would be nice, just my opinion.
Thanks you, Ploeperpengel. Unfortunately I´m working in Blender. Blender can´t work with civ4 animations I think. I tried it... Can make internal animation without kfm and kf files only
Is possible write code type:
For this action use 1.kfm a for second use 2.kfm?

If you feel like experimenting, I believe you can open kfm files with Nifskope. I'm not sure what can be editted though.
i would like to request a futuristic soldier in uniforms like those worn in the ghost recon advanced warfighter games and hopefully futuristic guns like the scar or m8 assault rifles?
As an add to my last unit request I found some pictures that could be more inspiring than just a text.

These guys may be good for cavalry, infantry and mg

These guys could be used for arab/middle eastern marines and antitank

I hope the picture upload worked
Is it possibleto make a new Japanese UU: Ninja? range unit, replacing longbowman, with 2 first strikes, and +25% city attack? Throwing stars? (if thats impossible, throwing knifes or darts would b cool 2.)
-dont replace the original samurai tho...
Killer rabbit unit please?
RCMP please instead of Clavary
I am making a scenario for the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (and perhaps one for Liberia as well) and I need a child soldier mod. I hope you all find the below pictures useful.

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