Unit requests thread

I think that should be pretty easy, I could probably do it if you already have the logos for these corporations. But if you get DXTBmp (I don't know where to get it, but you can search for it) it should be as easy as copying and pasting it, you could also probably use Gimp too (I don't know where to find that either, but you can search it), on to the briefcase/over the old logo.

Although I have never made a unit before, but I am pretty sure that's all you need to do if you just need an executive with a different logo on his briefcase.

I downloaded DXTBmp, but I am afraid, it does not help. All CEO seems to use the same basic graphics for the suitcase. I think I'll have to chance the .nif to tell the program which symbol it has to use. But I do not know how to change it. It would be easy for me to create the symbols as dds now, but does anyone know how to get it into the .nif? I just did not find the file with the symbol graphics.
I downloaded DXTBmp, but I am afraid, it does not help. All CEO seems to use the same basic graphics for the suitcase. I think I'll have to chance the .nif to tell the program which symbol it has to use. But I do not know how to change it. It would be easy for me to create the symbols as dds now, but does anyone know how to get it into the .nif? I just did not find the file with the symbol graphics.

The nifs for the various logos are in art\units\CEO\Logos.
The logos themselves are in art\shared.

Copy an existing nif and edit the name of its logo-dds with NifSkope.
And this is a colored image for Ming's rifleman.
His uniform is typical, but the gesture of firing doesn't have to be followed:)
The Ming cavalry's fringe on the hat, and scarf should be red.
His hat and long coat should be grey_yellow(like the rifleman) or some other deep color.
His sleeves and pants can be team colored.
Are these infos sufficient?

I would be very thankful for having these great units! :)
Actually Ming's cavalry is a little like Spain's Conquistator.
But he is using a rifle(or even better, a pistole and a sword).
The nifs for the various logos are in art\units\CEO\Logos.
The logos themselves are in art\shared.

Copy an existing nif and edit the name of its logo-dds with NifSkope.

NifSkope? What kind of program is this? I do not know it...:confused:
I'd really like a pack of the ethnic explorer's in the Wolfshanze mod refitted with muskets please. Preferably with buttons (explorer buttons with a musket in the background like the button for the pioneer--US industrial age explorer), although hopefully Asio is going to show me how to make buttons, so I'll probably be able to do that myself.
I'd really like a pack of the ethnic explorer's in the Wolfshanze mod refitted with muskets please. Preferably with buttons (explorer buttons with a musket in the background like the button for the pioneer--US industrial age explorer), although hopefully Asio is going to show me how to make buttons, so I'll probably be able to do that myself.
Buttons are EASY to do if you have a half-decent paint program and know the very basics of transparency work (it's easy to learn if you don't know how). Takes about 60 seconds to make a button from scratch (if that long). Takes me longer to FPK a button and code it into the game with XML then it does to make one.

You been looking for something like this? Took me about 45 seconds.


  • USexplorer.png
    9.3 KB · Views: 196
  • USexplorer.zip
    3 KB · Views: 64
I realized assuming any prospective artist who would be kind enough to help me would go through the Wolfshanze files to grab the units was kind off assholish of me. These are the late era explorers I would like to have muskets instead of melee weapons. It would look alot crisper having late renesaince/early industrial era explorers out with muskets instead of swords.

These will definatly find a home in the WolfRevolution mod, though I bet Wolfshanze and others could probably find a use for them.
But explorers are useless, I don't actually build any preferring to focus on settlers and warriors or other military units to do the exploring...
Well, I don't have using them only for explorers in mind, they'll be for an upgrade to explorers.
But explorers are useless, I don't actually build any preferring to focus on settlers and warriors or other military units to do the exploring...
In the Wolfshanze Mod explorers have offensive attacks... and on maps with NEW WORLDS to explore, they can have a HUGE impact on the game.
I realized assuming any prospective artist who would be kind enough to help me would go through the Wolfshanze files to grab the units was kind off assholish of me. These are the late era explorers I would like to have muskets instead of melee weapons. It would look alot crisper having late renesaince/early industrial era explorers out with muskets instead of swords.

These will definatly find a home in the WolfRevolution mod, though I bet Wolfshanze and others could probably find a use for them.

try this, in the folders without fx the gun version has the appendix "_fx", if there was already a fx version the appendix is "_fx_gun". I have no idea if it works what i did and unfortunally i don´t have the time to test them in game, you could test them, but expect problems (strange looking units, because of wrong positons of body parts, etc), at least i do it. Oh and please don´t expect that i can solve this problems ;) . All gun version should hopeful work with the musketman animation

please post when i can remove the attachement (Edit: removed)
File downloaded, will test later. Thanks you very much, very fast.
Hey everyone, I'm making a Phoenician Module and I wanted to know if anyone could help me out with some units (because I can't make them). I have a couple here, it is a spearman and a swordsman and I was wondering if someone could help me make these into medieval units. Basically I need a Pikeman, a Crossbowman, a Longbowman, a Knight, a Cuirassier and a Musketman. Just giving them the right weapons would be sufficient, I just don't know how to do it.

I had planned on using this swordsman as a Maceman, but if you want to go all out and make ancient and medieval units I won't stop you from doing that either. But I NEED the ones I talked about above. I attatched an image of the units as well as the files for the ones I have.

Thank to anybody who does this for me.
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