Unit support for RoR imperialism?


Sep 7, 2004
I'm playing Rome on RoR and switched to imperial government. I dont seem to pay any unit support though I am over the mimimum unit count, and I didnt see this list in the bug reports (though maybe its there somewhere). And if applies to me maybe it applies to the AI, and I'm not very much over the count building those expensive units. No telling how many units Persia could field in this government,
According to the editor, Imperialism doesn't have unit costs, so all units are free.
Imperialism is really over powered, I kind of dislike it in that campaign actually. It's just basically 100% better then any other government, which I never like the idea of.

But yeah, it's just in the civipedia that shows unit support, in the game it's actually free unit support. I found that out when making more units never costed me more money. Course that took a long time since even under the Civipedia numbers Imperialism would still have huge military support!
The thing is that the cost per unit is set to 0, so you can never pay anything in support.

I think they made imperialism so powerful to give the great empires a definite advantage over the barbarians. Basically it combines the best of democracy and monarchy, with free units added in.
It's not really overpowered since all the non-barbarian civs will switch asap. RoR is typically won by domination so massive armies and war are the order of the day.
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