Unit Upgrade Paths


Aug 3, 2003
Saskatoon, SK
I have found it annoying to trace the upgrage path of some units so I put it all down on a chart. Some of the upgrade paths are no brainers such as tank to modern armor and some are long such as warrior to mechanized infantry.



  • unit_upg_path.GIF
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Great gif, thanks!

What would be nice in this thread would be some information on available best promotions for units and how they may change with upgrades. For example, warriors etc can get city raider but can't once they become upgraded to gunpowder units.
I can upgrade knights to helicopters but not calvary in my curent game. I can build helicopters so i'm sure i'm not missing a resource but I don't have the option to upgrade my Calvary (its not money either as the option shows up and is greyed out if your to poor, which i am not). Are you sure Calvary upgrade to helicopters? I know my knights do.
Thanks for all the comments guys :D

I am going to modify the diagram with any changes that needed be made. Below are some notes on it:

1. I have not included any UU because it would clutter the diagram.
2. If a line joins another line with an arrow at the end it means that both units upgrade to the same unit. For instance both Longbow Man and Musketman upgrade to Rifleman.
3. I did not include some units as they did not upgrade to anything or had nothing upgrade to them such as Marines. This was more of an oversight than anything as I also have Carriers and Battleships which are not in any upgrade paths.

I will add Marines and any other regular units in for the sake of completeness. It is nice to see all the units that make up say gunpowder or melee units.

If anyone has any ideas or improvments please let me know.
drexvenor said:
Thanks for all the comments guys :D

I am going to modify the diagram with any changes that needed be made. Below are some notes on it:

1. I have not included any UU because it would clutter the diagram.
2. If a line joins another line with an arrow at the end it means that both units upgrade to the same unit. For instance both Longbow Man and Musketman upgrade to Rifleman.
3. I did not include some units as they did not upgrade to anything or had nothing upgrade to them such as Marines. This was more of an oversight than anything as I also have Carriers and Battleships which are not in any upgrade paths.

I will add Marines and any other regular units in for the sake of completeness. It is nice to see all the units that make up say gunpowder or melee units.

If anyone has any ideas or improvments please let me know.
If it's not too much to ask, would you mind adding the 3 points above to the diagram please?


As a graph theorist, I would like to point out that you could make the whole thing nice by avoiding lines crossing.
Just move The warrior-spear-pike line to the middle instead and it will be clearer...
Also why is the machine gun on the far right?
LulThyme said:
Also why is the machine gun on the far right?
Because it is grouped with the other "Seige" units, silly.
(You probably figured that out 2 minutes after you posted)
Actually, you beat me to it. :)

I was creating a similar chart but with icons and was going to post it but already noticed your thread. Anyhow, I hope some people would like it to be more visual.

Here are the pics with cost of units in hammers:

Land units upgrade path:

Fast moving units upgrade:

Air units upgrade:

Naval units upgrade:

Other miscellanous upgrades including scouts, tanks and seige units:

Sorry for my poor drawing skill.

There might be some errors here, please either post or pm me about them and I will update the charts. :)
Other units, which are not on the chart, are apparently not participating in upgrade paths. The following land units have to be built from scratch: Archer, warrior, swordsman, and musketman.

Overall, the tree is very peculiar in terms that rifleman is the central figure serving to converge various upgrade paths. Rifleman can be obtained from pikeman, maceman, musketman, longbowman, and crossbowman!
Can we somehow color-code these charts to show when a unit's upgrade takes it from one grouping to another grouping? For instance, an archer is a missile unit. But upgrade it, and it becomes a gunpowder unit. Each type of group has different promotions (e.g., Combat 1/2/3).

As has been posted (by mharmless, I believe), moving from one grouping to another means you can get some benefitial promotions in one group that mesh well with the upgraded unit's new group.
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