untitled (mois)


Apr 6, 2008
last week i just finished a game. my 2nd game with rise of mankind mod. it was great. and i felt like writing a story out of it. there's no picture though..and i deleted the saved. this is like a prologue of it. if its well received i'll continue it. otherwise i'll polish my literary skills before attempting another one. please leave a comment, whether its good or bad or horrible :)

Anxiety filled the meeting hall. Crowds of people, in groups, were discussing the next possible action, their faces struck with fear. A sense of displacement, during a time of crisis. Yet, they were all officials of the kingdom, though some might not have an important role in the ruling, they were present. Attendance was mandatory.
Among the groups of people was a guy named Tyron. He, like all others, was anxious and wasn’t sure what to do, and tried to masked himself to appear calm. But unlike others, he masked himself successfully. No one other than Tyron himself knew that he is afraid- of the future. The threat is clear, and came as a shock. Their once friendly neighbor now a subject of the invaders. Whatever the King’s decision is, it had better be sensible, he thought. The small kingdom is not the only stake on the table, but the entire island as well, and with it, the people of it. Just when Tyron started to immerse himself in his own thoughts, there was a burst of sound, breaking his concentration. He turned to look at the direction of it. The doors of the hall were open.

The king has arrived.

In Kanesh, 6000 kilometers away, the proud Indian diplomat, with hundreds of soldiers behind him, marched into the city. The inhabitants, when aware of his presence, quickly retreat into their dwellings or take cover. For them, the Indians were mighty, and it is best not to get into their way. Even the slightest provocation will not be tolerated, the newest law of the Hittite Kingdom dictates.

The Indians reached the city hall, and the governor could be seen at the entrance with several others whom the Indian diplomat considered ‘accessories’. The governor clearly wasn’t pleased to meet the Indians- his facial expression a proof of it. The diplomat seemed to be well aware of it, though he doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. When both were few feet apart from each other, the governor began to speak.

“Welcome to Kanesh, sir. I must say that it is a pleasure of mine to meet you,” greeted the governor. It is a lie. He knew it. The diplomat knew it.

“Thank you,” the diplomat replied. “I suppose you are the governor of this city?”

“Not quite correct, sir. As of your arrival I am not what I was anymore.”

“Yes. I see that you are quite well informed of the terms of the treaty.”

“Naturally. I was the governor of this city, until minutes ago. I daresay I have quite a position in the land,” said the former governor, bitterness in his voice. “I shall bring you, sir, to a place more comfortable for discussion.”

“Yes, thank you. I was beginning to feel terrible myself.”

The former governor felt disgusted for some incomprehensible reasons.

The unprovoked assault of the Indians on Carchemish resulted in war and the fall of the city. Now it is a stronghold of the Indians on this island. A symbol of Indian colonization. From there they routed the Hittites twice more, and within a month the war was over. Their technological superiority guaranteed it. The Hittites knew of the existence of firearms, but possessed none. The monarchs considered it too destructive and never had plans for them. The Indians had. Lots of them. A treaty was signed. The Hittite Kingdom once controlled three quarter of the island. Now as a vassal, the Indians controlled what that was the Hittites’- its land, its wealth, and its people. Nothing was spared.
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