[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

And if people want to tell me i'm rude, don't. I know i am.

I won't tell you you're rude, just really cranky.

I've never noticed anything referred to as a "Barbarian Nomad", which is why I asked about it. Horse Archer, yes. Nomad? Never.
Barbarian Nomad uses the same string as the default UNIT_HORSE_ARCHER and is a UU for the barbarians for chariots (this was done for compatibility issues with BtS). Probably the best way to fix your issue with the unit wol't be to change the unit strength. Rather I'd remove the free tech TECH_ANIMAL_HUSBANDRY that the barbs get (check the civilizationsInfos file). This is sort of a poor oversight on my part, I'll fix that in the next update, I generally play and playtest with the Start as Minors game option, and didn't realize how early these units start spawning otherwise. Again though, I don't think the unit is OP or messes things up, just barbs probably shouldn't get that tech for free at game start. Thanks for bringing this up morchuflex, helps me to correct it.

I see the MGs still being brought up. Again, it is entirely intended that you cannot take cities defended by MGs without either overwhelming odds, armored units, or air power. This is an intended gameplay feature of LoR, it adds more strategic depth, as well as historical accuracy. You're going to need to plan for the novel invention of trench warfare that occured in this period. If you intend to invade a rival in the late industrial and early modern ear, you'll just need to take this into account. It's meant to be that way. It doesn't take too many turns to get planes or armored units, or mass draft if that's what you need to do, but you'll have to do more then just build a lot of infantries in LoR once you get factories if you intend on warmongering.
I'll phrase the MG issue another way. If you're playing this mod now, I apreciate it, and you can certainly help balancing issues by giving advice. The unit strength in the late game is not going to change, it's well balanced and I like the behavior I see in AI v AI games. If you have an issue that you think needs a solution revolving around the machine gun, you're going to need to tackle this from the perspective of the tech tree. I'm certainly open to moving unit pre req techs around a bit, if the suggesting sounds good and makes sense. But unit strengths are pretty much fixed at this point. Remember we are pretty much at the 0.9.8 and a half stage, and 1.0 isn't too far off.
I came to a few conclusions;
The revolution component is a nice idea but its not worked out properly.
All of Civ components feel instinctive after a while, the RevComp does not.
Whats the solution?
The Rev mod would be better if the way of showing info from it, will be completly redone.
Like making unique icons for it ( like the happiness sign, etc) and integrate it into the normal screens. Its nice to have the detailed screen from Revolutions but;
The city screen for example needs the Rev components to be displayed there.
The diplomacy screen needs the info for diplomacy concerning Rev info on the spot.

In short;
I think you need to change the original screens to display Rev info. Not putting all info on Rev page.
You should use the Rev page, for detailed info use only, and for making custom Screens.

For example ive put some icons here:
Spoiler :

And the screen where you can make your own set up isnt user friendly. I think it needs to be redone. New better buttons, text to buttons, better layout.
The Rev screen doesn't feel like its men't for commercial use. Its more like a modders thing. I even cant press restore default screens.
Lists should be made so you can im- and export them to a external file. The default screens external file should be made read only so no one can delete them.
Also the external files shouldn't be used. Its only for saving and loading them in and out. Something like this:

Main file; this contains the info on list-file(s) to use. (it doesnt use the list file but imports the data to the main file so the list-file is untouched)
List-file; containing the set up of the screen (default list file is locked to read only)

In this way you can always restore a list-file back into the main file.

And i also feel like there's a distance to me and the rev part. It should be somehow more interactive.
The only thing it adds now is a sort of micromanagement that influences your "population", i know they can revolt, break apart from the empire and the AI is also affected but is that all?
America (real life) used terrorism as a excuse to invade Iraq while some say its all for oil.
It would be nice if i have influence in this way into the Rev system.
Now, all i do is make smart use of civics, etc to keep my people happy.

What i mean is give the player options to affect the masses way of thinking directly.
Why not use Spy's on your own city's, spreading rumors about a civilization of your choice in positive or negative way?
You don't like your people wanting to convert to a certain religion so you discredit the religion by sending rumors into your city's
If the spy gets caught, the people will know its the government that try's to mess with them.
If you push too much, they also get suspicious...

You could create a way of steering the masses this way into your desired direction.
And off course conspiracy theory's index can make the citizens suspicious towards you if you don't use it correct.
In this way the Rev component can be more usefull making it from " extra micro management" to "strategy element".

Spoiler :
I won't tell you you're rude, just really cranky.
Well, at least you didn't backfire...
To be honest there are a lot of people who think they are the king of something, they think they can do everything because of that.
They see themselves above all the others. (those people like to refer to the word n00b a lot also)
Its because of them i decided to never ever apologize again and be harder on them.
Also because too often i let people walk all over me. And that is never going to happen again. So i hope you understand my motive.
I generally play and playtest with the Start as Minors game option, and didn't realize how early these units start spawning otherwise.

I dont know if its my lacking skill :D but i find it pretty hard to start as minor civs.
The hard part is; They never come to me for peace, its always me who needs to contact them. And they are always are in war with me, so i need to give them stuff to make them friendly.

Why? Why does they always are in a war state when you reach non-minor state?
Its good for warmongers but for a empire builder like me it is hell.
And why do they never try to offer peace?

It would be nice if AI empires who go beyond minor select a triangle diplomacy straight away. (Choose a friend to offer peace and a 2nd one that possibly is friendly to both party's)
Barbarian Nomad uses the same string as the default UNIT_HORSE_ARCHER and is a UU for the barbarians for chariots (this was done for compatibility issues with BtS). Probably the best way to fix your issue with the unit wol't be to change the unit strength. Rather I'd remove the free tech TECH_ANIMAL_HUSBANDRY that the barbs get (check the civilizationsInfos file)... I didn't realize how early these units start spawning otherwise. Again though, I don't think the unit is OP or messes things up, just barbs probably shouldn't get that tech for free at game start. Thanks for bringing this up morchuflex, helps me to correct it.
Thanks for the explanation. :)
I actually like the Nomad: adding early, fast moving barbs is a nice touch, and the concept of barbarians raiding your territory and quickly retreating makes sense historically. But as you just said, they spawn way too early, at a stage where you have nothing but warriors. It feels like Attila's hordes invading Rome in the middle of the Fifth century...BC! :crazyeye:
I'll try your suggestion, until the next version is ready.
And once again, thank you: you've rekindled my interest to Civ. :)
And is it me or.....


A max of 100 strength is high, VERY high.
Does it ever happen that a unit like this can get 100 strength????

You're misunderstanding the purpose of iCombatLimit.

As you might know, combat units usually start with 100HP. As they are injured, their strength reduces in proportion to how many hitpoints they have.
As you'd also know, some units like catapults and trebuchets can't kill the units they attack. The iCombatLimit tells you the maximum number of hitpoints they can reduce the enemy to below 100 before being forced to withdraw. Obviously then, most units will have a iCombatLimit of 100 because most units can kill each other.
I'll phrase the MG issue another way. If you're playing this mod now, I apreciate it, and you can certainly help balancing issues by giving advice. The unit strength in the late game is not going to change, it's well balanced and I like the behavior I see in AI v AI games. If you have an issue that you think needs a solution revolving around the machine gun, you're going to need to tackle this from the perspective of the tech tree. I'm certainly open to moving unit pre req techs around a bit, if the suggesting sounds good and makes sense. But unit strengths are pretty much fixed at this point. Remember we are pretty much at the 0.9.8 and a half stage, and 1.0 isn't too far off.

How about requiring the same techs for MGs that we do for Squad Inf? In my experience I usually see machineguns teamed up with riflemen and even grenadiers and cavalry - while the power of the machinegun was truly shown in WW1 where I believe squad inf and arty were present.

Also, I notice Marines attack MGs outside cities first. That's a useless ability as Marines can't really stand up to MGs and MGs are probably likely to be the first defender anyway. I use Marines against MG defended cities, but only after it has been reduced to 0%, maximum bombarded with bombers, light bombers and arty or battleships, to the point where if it was any other unit, a lame goblin could kill it. Also it should be noted this is mostly achieved by playing a protective civ with at least level 4 experienced Marines with Urban Warfare, lvl 3 Drill, and +25% vs trench units.

So really, Marines should either be slightly buffed vs MGs so they can actually use their "attack first" ability, or MGs slightly debuffed. Reducing bonus to 75% bvs gunpowder units or maybe just reducing base strength by 2 should do the trick and still be almost impossible to attack with mere infantry or cavalry.
Hi all. I would like to play this mod with Carter's amazing Earth map, found at: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=231788

However, when I copy the map file to the mod folder, I get an error when I try to start a game. I am sure it is related to the fact that there are custom civs in the mod, and the game doesn't know where to put them on the map. Or, it could be a map size issue. I know this isn't an issue that concerns this mod's producers, but if they (or anyone else) had any insight on how I might fix this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Hello; downloaded and installed this mod this morning into 3.19 and now all units are invisible. Everything appears as normal except that no units at all are visible--they can be selected if you know where they are, but that's it, both in this mod, and in my save games from other mods and vanilla, even after uninstalling LoR.

Anyone have any suggestion other than uninstalling/reinstalling the whole game?
LoR simply couldn't cause that, there are no files put anywhere that effects regular old BtS, everything in the mod is isolated. The only thing that the mod can do that could effect base BtS is the main BtS config file, since it stores all your game options from game to game. Maybe you messed around with the graphics options when playing the mod, if so those changes will still take effect whether you play the mod or not. Just mess with your game options again and things should go back to normal. Also ensure the drivers for your video card are up to date.
Don't know if it's related or not, but in the midst of a game I'll occasionally get a situation where a single unit becomes invisible. Normally, it's a garrison unit - one I know is there and the top of a stack, so the city appears to be defenseless (that's how I find him - I swing by and think, 'what happened to the defenders there?', click on the city and find the stack...) Selecting another unit in the stack shows that unit, but the 'top unit' remians invisible.

The fix I've found is just a quick save+reload at the same point seems to reset my graphics. Not sure if it'd work for you, as I've never seen it with more than one unit.

Oh, and phungus420 - I see what you've said, and realize it's not due to the mod. Just thought I'd throw the thought out there though, in case it's either something caused by the hardware HHawk72 and I use, or something we've managed to accidently mess up in our graphics settings... :)
Hello; downloaded and installed this mod this morning into 3.19 and now all units are invisible. Everything appears as normal except that no units at all are visible--they can be selected if you know where they are, but that's it, both in this mod, and in my save games from other mods and vanilla, even after uninstalling LoR.

Anyone have any suggestion other than uninstalling/reinstalling the whole game?

u probably have switche the clear map toggle on, its on the bottom right, one of the switches, its for seeing the landscape and citys only
Ok I've finally gotten around to play some standard LoR - no scenarios or anything.

It's a blast. I admit I was sceptical to the legend units but now I love them. Early on, the 300 spartans which costs 3 axemen can be invaluable in combat - although a superb defender it's anti-archer ability makes it a really good attacker, and I got it up to level 6 in a single war (base xp 3) which I have never been able to do so early with any unit before. It single-handedly killed 5 archers in a row without healing other than using promotions! Madness? THIS IS SPARTAAAA!

Revolution brings a whole new aspect to the game. After rapid expansion it was difficult to keep the cities, and despite my best efforts 2 cities have seceded and become new civs and I was even forced to switch religion at some point when my newly captured shrine city demanded it.

More than anything else it punishes unstable economies so now I'm building courthouses and having to cottage like there's no tomorrow.

I even built the sacred band too. Not so good as the spartans (of course) ;) but still a good unit to kill the top defender so I don't have to sacrifice too many capped rams or cats.

I'm also pleased with most of the early unit changes - although I'm suprised to find units drastically altered. Axemen nerfed? Oh no how will they stand a chance against praetorians.. erh,,legionaires? Oh never mind. :)

In any case, I'm having alot of fun :) I'll let you know when some annoyance comes up. BTW any easy way for a noob modder to include units omitted from the Wolfshanze mod?
In any case, I'm having alot of fun :) I'll let you know when some annoyance comes up. BTW any easy way for a noob modder to include units omitted from the Wolfshanze mod?

For adding new units, you should follow Sovarin's excellent tutorial. It's the first modding I did for civ4:
Tutorial: How to add new units to civ4
It's a straightfoward and simple tutorial; doesn't take any computer knowledge to do, you just need to understand the basics of reading and writing, no code involved. Some people see the XML structure and throw up their hands and claim they "don't get it", but it's a farce, it's no more difficult to understand then the information contained in forum posts and other written material; there is no computer coding involved. It takes between an hour and two hours to get through though, and to get a new unit in the game and working, as it's a new thing you need to learn how to do. Following Sovarin's guide is the best and easiest way to learn how to add in units, I can't think of any better way to describe the process.
For adding new units, you should follow Sovarin's excellent tutorial. It's the first modding I did for civ4:
Tutorial: How to add new units to civ4
It's a straightfoward and simple tutorial; doesn't take any computer knowledge to do, you just need to understand the basics of reading and writing, no code involved. Some people see the XML structure and throw up their hands and claim they "don't get it", but it's a farce, it's no more difficult to understand then the information contained in forum posts and other written material; there is no computer coding involved. It takes between an hour and two hours to get through though, and to get a new unit in the game and working, as it's a new thing you need to learn how to do. Following Sovarin's guide is the best and easiest way to learn how to add in units, I can't think of any better way to describe the process.

OK thanks I'll check it out.
Can anyone answer a short question.
Is there anything about this mod that could make it unstabile in multyplayer Hotseat games?
Is there any option or BUG option that I should turn off to ensure stability?
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