[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

I have updated the SVN. See here for more information on the LoR SVN:
Almost all BUG component issues are fixed in the SVN, as I have merged in the fixes the BUG mod team has made available on their SVN (all interface issues in LoR, such as the fact PLE settings are not saved are also in the current official version of the BUG mod, but there are fixes on the SVN for those who are happy to use SVNs). More importantly there is a 0.9.9 version available on the SVN, see the SVN thread linked above for more details.

Also the known bug list has been updated with all that have been reported. Nothing major to note, and still no critical bugs found, but there are a couple minor issues that have been imported from either the BUG mod or RevDCM. There is unfortunately a bug which could be considered pretty serious in RevDCM (and thus is in LoR, as LoR is built around a RevDCM gamecore) that effects the game option permanent alliances and tech diffusion, if both these game options are on, if you ally with a backwards civ, that civ gets a lot of bonus beakers, and you end up being able to discover a couple techs pretty quickly.

Finally, Legends of Revolution has had about twice the normal amount of downloads over the past week :) This is probably because of the front page coverage the mod received from the Strategy Informer Interview I did recently. However it's been a few weeks since someone posted in this thread, which is a bit odd, considering this has coincided with an uptick in activity, at least in terms of the amount of users trying out LoR.
I guess there have been fewer comments because the mod is actually very stable. I played with Romans in Prince, but got my ass whacked. I played my last successful game with Mayans through several future techs and my only worry was a large rebellious continent that I had conquered.
Hi phungus420

I have some problems with the SVN version.

I've downloaded and installed LoR SVN, used the following link for update:

https://civ4lor.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/civ4lor/Branches/LoR 0.9.9/LoR/

Followed all the instructions to export and to create an icon.

After clicking the icon I get a message: DLL Atached, I click ok and the mod starts normally, I select my options and launch the game, on the main screen I get 6 lines:

BugOptions - cannot locate settings folder and the terrain looks bad, like the old terrain, am I doing something wrong or is it normal for the svn 106 version?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for letting me know. I accidentally put a debug dll in there, and also left out the UserSettings folder. I've put the UserSettings folder back in, and swapped the debug dll with a final release one. Anyway mistakes like this will probably be common with the SVN, as I mainly use it as a place to store the current development version, and have something to revert to in case I screw something up with the dev version I am tinkering with on my computer; I generally wol't notice missing UserSettings folder or something like this as I have it stored differently on my computer. So yeah, if you notice anything isn't working right with the SVN, just let me know and I'll fix it quickly; the more people that test the dev version that's on the SVN the better as it helps work out any possible kinks in an upcoming update, so I definitely want what's on the SVN to be useable.

and the terrain looks bad, like the old terrain
I'm not going to store the enhanced graphics add on in the 0.9.9 SVN, it wol't change from the 0.9.8 version anyway, so no reason to put it in the branches folder. If you want to use the enhanced graphics add on, copy the ExpandedGraphics.FPK (I think that's what it's called, not on my computer right now, it might be EnhancedGraphics.fpk, anyway there are only three .fpk files in there, so it should be obvious) from your previous version of LoR into the assets folder of the new version you have manually installed from the SVN. If you want the enhanced art for the buildings and improvements as well, you will need to also copy over the CityLSystem and PlotLSystem xml files, found in the building folder.
Thanks phungus420,

I'll update my SVN, add the rest of the stuff from 0.98d per your suggestion and start a new game asap.
Hi phungus420

The game loads and plays fine (svn 106), one strange fenomena, strarting a new game from the menu I get two warriors and a settler, with regenerated maps I get one warrior as normal.
When you select the game option "Start as Minors" you get gifted an extra warrior for defense (AIs at Monarch and above get other defensive starting unit bonuses as well). This code executes on game start, and thus isn't ran if you regenerate the map. It's pretty minor, and something that is self evident I think. Maybe I'll port some of this into the SDK and see if I can't get it to work better in the future, but it's not a focus of mine right now.
Thanks for this awesome mod! :D The Legend units and Leonardo's Workshop in particular sold it to me. I've downloaded it, and can't wait to play. :)
The game freezes in the startup screen if I try to run with the PerfectWorld map script (either version 2 or 2f). However, if I run with another map script, it works fine. What's up with that?
Perfect World takes about 5 minutes to generate a Standard Size map on my computer (My computer is old though, it probably takes 5 minutes to build a Huge map on a modern computer, I think I timed it once and it took about 100 minutes to build a huge map on this old thing I use :lol:). It basically runs a tectonics and then a meteorological simulation to generate a realistic looking map. My guess is it's not freezing, you're just not giving it enough time to finish building the map.

Here is a link to to the Perfect World map script thread if you want to read more information on it:
Wow... that's a long time. :eek: Guess I'll have to leave it loading while I make dinner one night or something.
Hi phungus420, thanks for a quick reply regarding an extra warrior on new game start.

I think the "the start as minor" is a brilliant concept, and I don't mind relaunching the game if I don't like the map.
I don't know if this is a bug. But sometimes at startup you only get one warrior. I always play with the "Start as minor" option. Anyway, if you get one warrior, and just load the autosave at 4000BC, you automatically get that extra warrior.
Hi nahuiocelotl

I asked about the same problem seven posts above yours, anyway, your solution is fine for me, sometimes I do a lot of "regenerate map" which always ends up with one warrior, so I'll try your wayto get back to two warriors on "Start as minor".
Well the fact you don't get the bonus defender when regenerating a map with Start As Minors has always been the case, and it never seemed like a major issue before. I'll look into this though, and see if I can't port the code over to the dll and get it to spawn the bonus defender when the map is regenerated as well. It probably will take some time, and isn't a priority, but I'll try to get it into 0.9.9 when that comes out.
ive been playing it constantly for many months now (since it first came out). I dont even think i have the latest build as the one i have never crashes and plays brilliantly (i modded it slightly so it ends roughly around ww1 era tech)> Definitly worth checking out for anyone out there thinking about downloading it
Well the fact you don't get the bonus defender when regenerating a map with Start As Minors has always been the case, and it never seemed like a major issue before. I'll look into this though, and see if I can't port the code over to the dll and get it to spawn the bonus defender when the map is regenerated as well. It probably will take some time, and isn't a priority, but I'll try to get it into 0.9.9 when that comes out.

It's really not a problem, nahuiocelotl's tip works fine, just reload 4000BC from autosave, thats all.
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