v.0.1 ALPHA: The Song of the Moon: the first Civ TOTAL CONVERSION!

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Anyone have like 40-50 Colonists available to build when asked what you want to build next? That was never there before!

edit - and the points were always screwy, but now they're at 5500! They used to be around 500 to start!

edit2 - And I just CTD'd while posting which has never happened before. :(
Everything Woodelf reported happened to me too; though the many colonists were also visible in the City-View Build-list too.
Samael said:
Everything Woodelf reported happened to me too; though the many colonists were also visible in the City-View Build-list too.

There's a new version on the first page. I'm going to try that one. Maybe that was the problem?
I rather think it might have been. Anyone who has experienced problems, try downloading the new link. The webpage should be www.filegone.com/gb23.
JBG said:
Which civ?

I have never had that problem before. Were you *about* to build/finish research something?
UBI. No and no. Though maybe AI did builded or researched sth.

Or were you perhaps highlighting your nick in the bottom right of the screen?
JBG said:
Webster, in his drive to simplimify [sic] the English language, mutliated it somewhat to sound more phonetic, losing many of the English English spellings along the way.

For example
"Defense" = Defence
"-ization" = -isation

Note, however, that in English English, there are two ways of spelling "practice" or "practise". Just like "advice" and "advise", one is the verb and one is the noun. I advise you; I give you advice. I practise dentistry at the High Street Dental Practice.

In American English you would say practice in both situations.

And yes, English varies on different sides of the Atlantic, and, I suspect there are differences in Australia and New Zealand as well. It is not, however, Red Diamond, a failure of "education" to not know the English spelling of a word as an American. It is, perhaps, a failure of global awareness to not know such differences exist. Beyond that it is rather a somewhat irrelevent piece of trivia.
Being American and showing a lack of global awareness seem to go hand-in-hand these days! :rolleyes: (ducks)
Yes. I accept that. :lol: Just found a really good Dubya quote:
George "Dubya" W. Bush said:
But you must understand that I have tried my hardest to cement relations between our allies. Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better!
OK, so i WASNT the only one with the crashes, i believe it has something to do with huts, every time i have approached one or seen one i got a crash, not sure how this cropped up in latest version, maybe matthew's debugging introduced some horrible new error. my old versions work fine.

luckily americans dont have to have an international awareness, we are after all the pink (?) elephant (GOP!) in the room
I sometimes had the collapsing hut graphic appear when I first saw one, but the hut was always there underneath, and I could approach it and get a bonus as normal.

Is there any error massage?
Belizan said:
In American English you would say practice in both situations.
And yes, English varies on different sides of the Atlantic, and, I suspect there are differences in Australia and New Zealand as well. It is not, however, Red Diamond, a failure of "education" to not know the English spelling of a word as an American. It is, perhaps, a failure of global awareness to not know such differences exist. Beyond that it is rather a somewhat irrelevent piece of trivia.

Well, I beg to differ. The reality of the situation is that our education system is responsible for our children not having any global awareness of the language in which they speak. Clearly, these small differences can be viewed as a somewhat irrelevent piece of trivia, but that did not appear to be the case when the originator opened his mouth and firmly placed his foot in it. :eek:

"I'm an American and this is the way to spell in english" That's the way it came off to me. How ironic for him to be further "educated" to the fact that there are many ways to spell in english and "his" way is not the only way, nor is it the "right" way. It is however, the American way.:p
Whoa, whoa, whoa, people. This is about a mod called the Song of the Moon, guys, not an in-depth debate on the idiosyncracies of each English-speaking nation!

It might interest you to know that the sign at Cairo airport says 'welcome in Cairo', and the locals will enthusiastically and vigorously correct you if you try to point out that it is gramatically innacurate.

Each language has its regional variations, and however distasteful that might be, it BE, so we really ought to accept it. The particulars of education would make a fascinating Off-Topic thread, however. :gripe::old: :mad: :smug: :confused: :cringe: :gripe:

And incidentally, since we're all feeling pugnatious, the American way is by no means the right way either!
woodelf said:
Anyone have like 40-50 Colonists available to build when asked what you want to build next? That was never there before!

edit - and the points were always screwy, but now they're at 5500! They used to be around 500 to start!

edit2 - And I just CTD'd while posting which has never happened before. :(

Erm, I had it from the minute I tested it. It came in from Mathew then.
CONFIRMED - the bug occurs when you pop a hut (with scout??) and get gold, at least it plays the gold sound, the graphic hut drops as normal then screen blacks out and dumps to desktop. did we mess with the hut popping?
I didn't. And it works fine on my comp. I'm looking into it.
There is nothing untoward about the Goody Infos XML. It seems perfectly in order. Matthewv, WTH?

EDIT: Three huts in a row just gave me gold: 77, 32 and 41 gold, to be precise. Are you sure it's linked with gold and not some other bonus?
OK guys, enough with the symantics, the brits still spell things all goofy and over pronounce words, the americans dont give a crap what the rest of the world thinks, everyone knows this, no point arguing about it, that said this mod is a "coalition of the willing" we have americans, canadians and brits and i dont know where the hell woodelf is from (the moon?). the point is we built this thing somehow and have been posting in english (british and american).

its also important to note that this is an american game built by americans at an american company and the original game text is all american english, i dont know if that makes a difference to people who want to argue but there it is.

careful not to be so open minded that your brain falls out
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