v.0.1 ALPHA: The Song of the Moon: the first Civ TOTAL CONVERSION!

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it plays the gold sound, maybe its trying to give me a tech and crashing somewhere while playing the wrong sound

im going to try it again and see if i can pin it down precisely

edit - this time i was moving scout and uncovered a silicon and maybe (?) a hut that was off screen. didnt even pop it and i got the crash, it was stable until I started uncovering the map, perhaps we should have revealed the whole map at start to avoid this...

Well It sounds as if there are bigger problems further down the road from where I'm at, however...a few posts back someone asked the question "are you playing on the moon map?". Is there a moon map? If so I cannot find it. I tried starting a game and never came across a moon map option in the scenario screen (nor anywhere else for that matter), so I attempted play on a standard size continent map which froze the computer before the game even began. Basically I guess I'm asking where is this moon map if it indeed exists.

I'll understand if bigger,more pressing matters prevent an answer, but I'll wait patiently if not for feedback than for a fix to the goodie hut problem plaguing the rest of you.
Thanks - Seamus
Well, I beg to differ. The reality of the situation is that our education system is responsible for our children not having any global awareness of the language in which they speak. Clearly, these small differences can be viewed as a somewhat irrelevent piece of trivia, but that did not appear to be the case when the originator opened his mouth and firmly placed his foot in it. :eek:

"I'm an American and this is the way to spell in english" That's the way it came off to me. How ironic for him to be further "educated" to the fact that there are many ways to spell in english and "his" way is not the only way, nor is it the "right" way. It is however, the American way.:p

The idea that there are other spellings which are accepted in other parts of the world as correct does not make his point any less valid then those who responded by saying the British spelling was "correct". There are different standards in different places. I take exception to the implication that either position is "correct", or that he somehow "put his foot in his mouth", and really find the idea that people are going to take umbrage with each other over ignorance of minor vagaries of etymology quite disturbing. There is no need to take on airs of erudition because someone is less worldly then you or made an honest mistake. Typos happen, and it is good to get them cleared up. Mistakes happen too. His mistake was quite understandable. It wouldn't kill you to have some understanding for it as well. :/
there is a file called moon_map.py that must be put in your public maps folder then when you go to start a custom game on the map type you pick moon map not continents or whatever


i agree belizan, also red diamond, there is nothing wrong with our educational system except that it is top heavy and expensive and tied down by teachers unions, i am a product of public education, whether someone is aware of world politics or not is generally a function of how involved they want to be not whether it was crammed down their throat in high school.
dsquared said:
it plays the gold sound, maybe its trying to give me a tech and crashing somewhere while playing the wrong sound

im going to try it again and see if i can pin it down precisely

edit - this time i was moving scout and uncovered a silicon and maybe (?) a hut that was off screen. didnt even pop it and i got the crash, it was stable until I started uncovering the map, perhaps we should have revealed the whole map at start to avoid this...

Where could we set it up to reveal map just to try it?
ill WB reveal it and see what happens

@seamus dont worry we all did that when matthew first finished the terrain (at least i did)


well WB reveal doesnt crash i popped a hut for gold, then was scrolling around and crashed, it seems to happen on the second or third turn after i found a city hmm
Erm, I had it from the minute I tested it. It came in from Mathew then.

uh-oh. Looks like I got some serious work to do tonight. Though I did not touch the goody infos XML while dubbuging last night. Looks like we are paying the price for not playtesting enough before releasing the alpha.
dsquared said:
ill WB reveal it and see what happens

@seamus dont worry we all did that when matthew first finished the terrain (at least i did)


well WB reveal doesnt crash i popped a hut for gold, then was scrolling around and crashed, it seems to happen on the second or third turn after i found a city hmm

Do me a favor and send me a PM when we get a stable merged version, otherwise I might miss it :/. I've got a long wishlist of things to get done today 8).
that might be awhile it works on matthew and JBG's machines but between archival and upload and download we lose something, they may have something in their customassets folder they dont realize.

also it does not play the new music at startup it plays the original hmm, i think i may skin some new hut and unit graphics while i wait for them to figure out what went wrong.
I say release the version matthewv gave us last night!

GeoModder was playing that one fine today. Something happened between then and now....

I just got the worst crash ever. The scoring is completely screwed. The 50 Colonists in the build menu is screwed up. What happened?
Looking good. Are you going to make those crater terrains 3D in the future? They look a bit naff at the moment IMO - colours contrast too much on them as well.

EDIT: and the college computers don't have winrar... I'm going to have to find JBG's house and attack him with a zip drive/writable CD.
Belizan said:
The idea that there are other spellings which are accepted in other parts of the world as correct does not make his point any less valid then those who responded by saying the British spelling was "correct". There are different standards in different places. I take exception to the implication that either position is "correct", or that he somehow "put his foot in his mouth", and really find the idea that people are going to take umbrage with each other over ignorance of minor vagaries of etymology quite disturbing. There is no need to take on airs of erudition because someone is less worldly then you or made an honest mistake. Typos happen, and it is good to get them cleared up. Mistakes happen too. His mistake was quite understandable. It wouldn't kill you to have some understanding for it as well. :/

To clear the air and set the record straight. This is what I commented about

"Just to point out, colonisation is spelled coloni"z"ation."

No that is not a typo or an honest mistake. I attempted with humor to "educate" where it was needed. No more no less. Interesting that the person being educated took it as such.;)
Now, to the mod, is it ready yet?
You can download WinRAR for free. If you're prepared to trawl through 60 pages, you can find that in the Rallying Call for the Moon thread someone posts a link to the download site!

Or you can Google it. It's a free, painless download. And it really helps. :D

And which college are you at?

@RED DIAMOND: Emphatically yes. Some people have a wierd crash error which I never get, so pray to your God(s) that you aren't one of them!
JBG said:
Or you can Google it. It's a free, painless download. And it really helps. :D
Hehe - I have it at home, but I'm not allowed to install stuff on college computers... though I supose I could install it then uninstall before anybody noticed :mischief:

JBG said:
And which college are you at?
Did you know Tami Yoselof? She's one of my mum's best friends.

Okay, guys, I'm going to post a brand new RAR file to filegone and link to it on the first post. NOWHERE in the code, XML, file layout, art or ANYWHERE is there any error that could be causing a crash. The new file will be uploaded FIRST THING tomorrow morning, because right now I've got to go to bed before I fall asleep at the keyboarddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd >thunk<
I got an unspecific temp file crash today from this version. Also, the Multiple colonists issue.

The Tech tree could use some significant work. It was very confusing what was required and it seemed like there were some cheaper techs visually further back in the tree than some more expensive ones.

When selecting a civilization from the Play Now! selection screen, some of the civs wipe out the civ selection buttons and dominate the window.

bug report for now. keep working guys! love the moon map!

Sounds like an art file bug to me. Which one did you install? When you downloaded, was the Filegone extension /gb23?

Look, I'm going to post an update tomorrow (it's past midnight GMT here) and in the meantime I'm going to bed. 'night all.
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