Victory Screens


C2C Supreme Commander
Mar 13, 2006
What and how to fix them.

I tried two different victories lately and each one of them when it was supposed to go to the Victory Screen crashed to desktop?

I do not have any changes to the Victory Screen in my mod, i use the BtS one by default.

Here's what the PythonDbd said:

load_module CvRandomEventInterface

Game is ending

PY:Victory! Team 0 achieves a Conquest victory
[0, 0, []]

But again nothing happened but the crash to desktop?? Any ideas??:(
Have you modified anything about how the date is displayed maybe? I know I caused a nice crash when I did that wrong the first time. The date string is used in part to set the filename of saves, including replay data, so must avoid characters which are not allowed in a file name.
That doesn't tell us much.
Seems more, that something with your victory definitions is wrong.

Have you modified anything about how the date is displayed maybe? I know I caused a nice crash when I did that wrong the first time. The date string is used in part to set the filename of saves, including replay data, so must avoid characters which are not allowed in a file name.

Like i said i am using the BtS Victory Screen and i havent even gotten a Victory Screen in my MOD python folders.:confused:
My question was more about XML/Text folder modifications. I know you don't do DLL (yet), but have you changed TXT_KEY_TIME_BC_SAVE, TXT_KEY_TIME_AD_SAVE or any other such keys?

This is the only place that had any such thing: CvMainInterface
if g_iShowTurn == 0:
			g_szTimeText = getClockText() + u" - " + localText.getText("TXT_KEY_TIME_TURN", (CyGame().getGameTurn(), )) + u" - " + unicode(CyGameTextMgr().getInterfaceTimeStr(ePlayer))

Nothing listed in XML sorry.
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