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[video]Poor guy......all he wanted was a pizza....

That woman should go to jail for a long time. Some black girl did the same thing to a kid on the bus. Luckily, the 6'4" 300 pound black guy on the bus didnt hit him.
Riesstiu IV said:
She shouldn't go to jail but learn to respect people and wait in line.

Think that through for a second... if this was a white man who cut in front of a black woman and then, for no reason whatsoever, began verbally assulting her, refused to leave the shop when asked, and then ordered a 320 pound white man to beat the crap out of this "<snip>", in the process nearly killing him, you'd sure as hell demand his imprisonment. Why should it be any different because it was a white man who was beat up?
Moderator Action: Next time write something like "and then used racially motivated insults".

Language - warned.

Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Hmm... I guess so after looking at the video more carefully . I don't think I realized how much of a role she played in the conflict. I just assumed that the 300 pound guy started everything.
Victim's name is Scarpino...I hope he has some friends that know how to 'take care of things' if you know what I mean :groucho:
Ah, I wasn't aware you hadn't seen the video or her... erm... insults. Never mind, then.

Going somewhat back on topic, what do you (nonspecific) think of current U.S. hate speech laws vs. those in, say, Norway? This seems to be a clean cut case of hate speech used to incite violence, whereas the violence isn't even hypothetical but actual. How far should these laws be taken?

I doubt anyone will disagree that this lady should be prosecuted, but what about people whose speeches don't actually cause any physical damage? Should they be punished too? (I.e., holocaust deniers, that pastor who was arrested for attacking homosexuals in a sermon, KKK members, etc.)
I tell you this much, I'm glad I wasn't one of the cowards that stood by and didn't even SAY anything to stop it. Every last one of those bystanders could be charged with violation of whatever Good Samaritan laws they have in effect there, and sued by the victim.

If they don't have a GS law, then this might hopefully spur the creation of one.
funny how everyone is saying they would jump in and rescue the guy, when i know in reality none or next to none of you all would...

i used to get in alot of fights when i was younger, i beat up guys much smaller while drunk (belive me, they were mostly drunk outta their minds too and didnt back down)
or i got in fights with a whole bunch of people and got my ass kicked, i cant recall a single occasion when someone stepped in..

its nice to get on your high horses and call the people there cowards from a safe distance :rolleyes:

i know for a fact i wouldnt interfere, id just watch a good asswhooping, how often do you get to see one of those? :D

but if the guy tried to kill him after he was down, i would stop it, not with violence necessarily
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