• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Video Preview of Civilization Board Game

I personally didn't find the Eagles Games version very fun--the rules weren't very elegant and the game took too long for what it was. It also lacked tension and fell into Monopoly-syndrome near the end, where you KNOW who the winner is but you're just waiting for the time to tick by. I only played it twice, and I never want to play it again. Unless I am paid much in cash to play it, lol. :)

The Fantasy Flight game has more elegant components and design mechanics that all work together. Check out the preview on Fantasy Flight Games' official website about the economic/coin victory and how it ties to technology. I think some people will be quite pleased with how they connect.

Within the board gaming enthusiastic community (i.e. Board Game Geek), the Eagle Games version had a very poor reception. Meanwhile, another Civilization-clone (Through the Ages) is the 4th highest ranked board game of all time on the site. However, demos of the Fantasy Flight game have gone pretty well and the game is highly anticipated. I am delaying getting Through the Ages to try out the new Civilization.

It's probably safe to say that the Fantasy Flight Civilization will be much better than the Eagle Games version. What remains to be seen is whether the former is a better Civ experience than Through the Ages.

I'd been looking for a new boardgame to try with some of my friends. This would be perfect.

I always wondered how they'd do a tech tree in a Civ boardgame. I'll have to look up some of the older versions and see how they did it as well.
dammit I can't see youtube at work =/ Is there an estimated release date?

My bro already got a copy at the Essen games fair (Germany).

You do know there have been two previous Civilization Board Games, right?

Anyway, 4 player limit bites. The Eagle Games board game allowed 6 players.

Feel free to mod it. Rhye did a great job doing just that with Civilization the Boardgame (and it needed it, unlike this version).

Fun, fun, fun!

I notice they went for square tiles.

Yes. Everything else is very much CiV (icons, illustrations, etc).

I'll buy it. Just need to find someone to play with....

The leaders look like Rev leaders, and the terrain looks like IV terrain.

Leaders don´t really play a part. (Something to mod?)

Loading times are bad. Lots of small components.

There aren´t that many components, though it´s handy to have a box with trays for em.

How's the AI coming along? I bet it's even worse than in Civ5! And then it's bad. At least the map will look the same as in Civ5 or better, with static, dead and lifeless, chunks of plastic! Yay! Hope they lose the trading posts in this release though.

Basically, there isn´t any AI - just the players and the rules. No trading posts, just (city) components you can build around your cities.

Within the board gaming enthusiastic community (i.e. Board Game Geek), the Eagle Games version had a very poor reception. Meanwhile, another Civilization-clone (Through the Ages) is the 4th highest ranked board game of all time on the site. However, demos of the Fantasy Flight game have gone pretty well and the game is highly anticipated. I am delaying getting Through the Ages to try out the new Civilization.

It's probably safe to say that the Fantasy Flight Civilization will be much better than the Eagle Games version. What remains to be seen is whether the former is a better Civ experience than Through the Ages.

Through the Ages is the civilization board game - but it takes many more hours to complete. This one can be played in one day tops.

My bro and I did a trial game on last Saturday evening-Sunday morning. (He won - he´s more of a boardgamer than I am and owns tons of em.) ;)
So, there's a Civ board game, what's the point of Civ V's existence then?
A true CivRev2.0!
Not just CivRev1.5.
Through the Ages can be played in two hours.:confused:

Through the Ages' duration basically scales linearly with the number of players. Two hours for a two player game is reasonable for experiences players. For four players it's more likely about four hours. As I understand, the new Civilization should be a bit shorter, but in the same ballpark. Although 3 hours is the duration listed on the box for the Eagle Games version, I've heard that's not possible, and the game is more likely 4-6 hours. (It's not unusual for game publishers to low-ball game durations on the box.)

That said, if you have the time, it's the Civ experience as JEELEN claimed. I've played it about 5 times now and was a heartbeat away from getting before I heard about the new Civilization board game by Fantasy Flight. I'm not crazy about FF board games--they're too luck driven in general--but the lead designer has some cred, so I'll hold out for a chance to play the game before I decide whether to pick up this game or Through the Ages.

If you do own a copy of the Eagle Games version, definitely check out Rhye's variant. It looks great, and I've heard good things.
The last time we played Avalon Hill's Civlization/Adavanced Civilization was about 7 years ago. Day after Thanksgiviing; six players; 14 hours; newbie won the game as Egypt. Lots of fun, but way too long. Started at 2 pm on Friday, finished at 4am on Saturday.

Now we play a lot of Settlers of Catan which can take about 4 to 5 hours as we play the game (6 players, a meal, chit-chat, etc).

A new Civ game....:eek:

My wife would have to agree, first. I do plan to check into this further.
The wiki site says that Sid may or may not have been influenced by the game.
Bruce (EDIT: Brian?) Reynolds developed the game for Avalon Hill and was part of the computer game process, but I am hazy on the exact details.

Civilization was the first complex/adult level board game I could convince my wife to play twice! And she loved it.
On the FF website it says it takes 3-4 hours to play a game.
Did they bring back unit stacking and tech trading? I didn't like that about Civ V.
This'll be good... Half of our regular AH Civ crew is out of the country, so a smaller game should be just what we need...
I think I'll stick with Risk; if I want to play Civ, that is and should be something for the computer.

There's a certain level of complexity where it is just a lot cleaner looking, less space consuming, and easier (Don't have to learn 8 billion little rules) to play on the computer.
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