Violence 2000


Oct 1, 2001
North Crackalacken
On the fateful night of November 7, 2000, hundreds of millions of Americans went to the polls to choose the 43rd President. By the next morning, it was clear that irregularities and illegal manipulation, particularly in Florida, would prevent anyone from knowing who won for a long, long, time. Finally, the Supreme Court voted along partisan lines to stop recounting votes and declared Bush the winner. Gore graciously conceded. Or did he?

We have just learned that Vice-President Gore has declared the Court's decision illegal, and has called upon loyal forces in New England, California, and the Midwest to rise up and support him! Most major cities in these regions have fallen to his supporters without a fight, and are anxiously awaiting further news. Meantime, in a totally unprecedented move, Bush has asked Clinton to step down immediately so he can deal with the problem. He has nearly the entire Armed Forces under his control, and has ordered a blockade of Washington to force the President to comply. Clinton, declaring Washington to be the "true and Constitutional United States", has refused. As Bush and Gore slowly but surely take over the last cities still loyal to Washington and other partisan enclaves rise up in protest, it seems clear that the bullet will prove mightier than the ballot on at least this occasion...


Ralph Nader and is Green Party siezed north western U.S as the Progressive States of America. He was approached by Harry Brown form the Free States. President Nader was severely upset by Mr. Browns behaviour and decided that the Libertarian dogs must be severely punished. He assembled his generals and decided that an attack on the intruding Libertarian troops was imminent, and a push to free their cities was also coming.


The war between Al Gore's Democratic States and George Bush's United States was reaching a stalemate with heavy casualties. Eventhough it was just December many soldiers have died, many coporations have been put out of business, and national parks have been used as battlefields by the evil right wing loonies. But December 2000 would proove to be the month when Al Gore showed his true colors and bombers from San Fransisco bombed Salem. The Libertarians also attacked and we lost 2 regiments to 3 of theirs.


Our brave Eco-Terrorists infiltrated Libertarian factories in Reno and damaged a tank factory. The pig Gore also demanded 500 million dollars out of our treasury, naturally we denied his request. It will be his downfall. We have yet to be attacked by Bush, but we remain vigilant on the borders. The coastal fortress of Salem destroyed the DSA Battleship Tipper Gore, as she tried to sneak in to the port and shell the ship wharfs. A great victory indead. Also, US Vice president Dick Cheney has a heart attack.


The 1st Mobile Artillery regiment attacked and imposed taxes on a major corporations HQ northwest of Reno. A Mobile SAM Battery was sent to Salem to guard it against further air attacks. The single regiment of regulars in Salem could not hold on forever, so an Eco-Terrorist was sent there to assist along with the SAM. Several battles took place between the US and the DS, and the city of Springfield was nearly obliterated. Other then that, "All quiet on the western front" as they say.
Ralph Naders Progressive States of America in early March.


Not much action going on. The Army Corps of Engineers move southwest of Salem to clean up pollution caused by the evil Libertarians in conspiracy with Gore. However they were destroyed by a DSA warship. Libertarians also launch two half hearted attacks on Boise and Eugene.


Seattle regulars stationed in Boise destroyed a Libertarian mercenary. Stealth bombers from Seattle precision bombed Libertarian forces in Reno, followed by an artillery barrage from the mobile artillery. Reno was then captured by the 1st Mobile Artillery, followed by Eco-Terrorist from Eugene to root out any resistance in the city. 179 million dollars was confiscated from major corporations in Reno.

DSA bombers attack the mobil SAM in Salem and are easily shot down. Orders restored in Reno.

Green armies accidentaly damage a national park while passing by. President Nader pays 100 million dollars in reparation.

Seattle stealth bombers are re-positioned to Reno. The stalemate between Gore and Bush continues.

The Greens capture and loot the headquarters of a major multinational corporaton! Mobile artillery destroys a Libertarian army engineer outside Carson City. A new Stealth bomber weaks havoc in Carson City.

Several DSA ships were destroyed while attacking Salems coastal fortress.

Stealth bombers and mobile artillery destroys garrison in Carson City. It won't be long before we marh in to Vegas, and end Harry Browns existance. Green Special Forces land in the hills outside Las Vegas and fortify. Two DSA advanced fighters were destroyed while attacking Green stealth bombers.

Green Party electoral votes: 3

Peace is signed with Bill Clinton and the Constitutional States of America, and we recieve 950 million dollars.
Libertarian stealth fighter shot down outside Carson City. Armed militias revolt in Montana, on the Green-US border.


Progressive Stated howitzers pound the city of Sacramento in order to liberate California from Gores oppresion. Unfortunately, the city was destroyd. President Nader vowed to rebuild it. Al Gores Democratic States take the city of Des Moines from Bush's United States, but it is swiftly retaken by the US. Armed militias revolt again in Montana.


Stealth bombers obliterates Libertarian forces in Las Vegas. Special Forces lead the charge in to the city, and finds maps to Area 51. They attack the facility with zero friendly casualties and finds what the base was really hiding. The Phaeton Virus, a biological weapon as deadly as a nuke. 608 million dollars was confiscated from Las Vegas casinos. The Libertarian menace was now to an end, but there was no sign of Harry Brown....


Search for Harry Brown continues, but there is no sign of him. Fighting between Gore and Bush continues...


Troops begin preparing for the assault on Phoenix to separate California from the rest of the nation. Gores forces takes Pierre and the Montana militia moves deeper in to "Bush-land"


More units deploy to Vegas in preparation of the attack on Phoenix, and one of our nuclear submarines sink a Coast Guard boat and another nuclear submarine. Gores forces take the city of St. Louis. Republican VP Dick Cheney has a heart attack.


Attack on Phoenix begins with a "Shock and Awe" attack by four stealth bomber squadrons. But Phoenix was destroyed and yet again, Nader vowes to rebuild the city. Militias revolt again in Montana.

Will stop playing due to AI building large numbers of cruise missiles in every city, virtually making it impossible to take a city without destroying it...

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