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Von Münchhausen Civ 5 SG

Very nice sets guys, I like it and I am happy to be back on dry land. Although it would probably be better to stay out on the water for a few more days and forget about work and all that other stuff... Anyways I have no problems with Chimera stepping in if he can, unless I missed it that he isn't able to in my skimming through... Let me read over everything again and see if any of my input is worth it. I really need to start setting it up like that, you guys are pro's! haha... alright, I like the iron spot as our next city, I'm not adverse to settling the blue and buying the iron tile anyways. Got to put that money to good use and I'm sure Cathy will hate us a small amount less, especially if we leave her the other one.... for now.
And also with my earlier post, a stable in memphis will be amazing after all the sheep and horse are upgraded and with civil service we are looking at some crazy fun. so that would be horseback riding, which is on the way to currency? I'd have to look at the tech tree real quickly. Might as well take a look at the last save. I'm definitely down for whichever path we go. Being better then our immediate neighbor is always the most reassuring thing this early on that we are doing something right.
Okay, so tech wise... we can push for the 3 leading up to chivalry to bolster our production, economy, and food production in whichever order sounds good. I would then suggest finishing the liberty tree and using the GP to either pop Chivalry or build whichever wonder is still up at the time. I usually do this in games I go large now and then get the 3 policies on the right side of commerce, extra nice since we have 6 and possibly more of our own resources to get the extra happiness from. I'm a big fan of having tons of cash on hand to bolster new cities or respond quickly to an unexpected invasion. But I also like to experiment so that's what I was hoping to get with this game with you folks! I'm glad we are going with growth, its a temporary production set back but it will give us more options later if we need to specialize the cities at all.
Good to see you back, Emstinson! Although any holiday is always too short of course. :)

Going for growth is really good, I think. That's the main reason for going Civil Service, I think that's the suggestion on the table just now.
Money is always good to buy influence with city states, especially maritime ones, for the food they give, but we haven't spotted those around yet.
But saving some money would still be a good idea. Buying tiles and units is not needed if we can get those the usual way. It'll be a little while before we can hook up that iron, as a worker is not very near, but it's not a priority, as we have no war going on.
At some stage we will want a war again. Maybe buying influence with a CS that an AI already has an interest in will piss them off? Following that up with a denouncement? Having a weak unit of ours getting in striking distance of one of their strong guys? From reading the forums I get the impression the warmonger penalty if hefty, so having them declaring on us rather than us having to declare on them would be very nice.
Welcome back to :egypt: Emsinson. I think we have a solid plan for the next few turns to aim for civil service. We could maybe steadily build up and try to annoy Harald into DoWing us again. With 2 iron only maybe we can't take him down yet. So we can go for infrastructure for a bit then, what about looking towards getting a 4th city down on the East coast. Thats still a bit away though. Oh we can heal that archer and steal a worker from the barb camp below Copenhagen aswell.
Lurker's comment:

If you make a declaration of friendship, you know the AI will knock on your door the moment you hook up a spare lux. The AI's turn is just after your worker has hooked up the resource and before your own turn. That's stupid, because it means you can't do anything with that resource before the AI gets an opportunity to request it.

When your worker has 1 turn left to hook up the resource, cancel the order and give it again. You'll get your resource instantly, and can do with it whatever you want. At least, it worked for me.

Nice game, by the way. Good reading.
Too bad, I don't have the DLC's except Mongolia either...
Aaaaaarrghhhh! My post! My lovely post! I just lost my post by the way.

Welcome back Emstinson!

What is the reasoning for going to Chivalry, rather than say, Education?

I also like the idea of the GP from Liberty. I tend to think GEng to rush the Porcelain Tower is one of the best uses of the GP as you get the wonder and a GSci. Nice.

The other (aside from what we take next) SP issue is do we want to take Rationalism? I would argue that if we had the Porcelain Tower it would reduce its importance. I guess this is a relevant now actually sice Piety is opwen and I've already suggested it as a possible option at some point.

If we were to fill out Liberty then e would be neared the time when Rationalism would open for us. Doest this reduce Pieties allure?
Oh sorry, I didn't know how far a long my brain path you would have liked to hear! My favorite GW is Big Ben in this game, so I always push the tech tree that way and approach it from the top half first to get the money and production techs, especially if I have horses. Knights are still a lot of fun to have early, not as much as 2 patches ago, but still pretty fun. And I always enjoy the forbidden palace... Anyhoo, yeah I'm not adverse to rationalism if we have it unlocked at the end of liberty. I usually stray from that tech decision above if I need boats or I need better infantry or just trying to keep up military wise. If not, I shoot to be the first to economics and get commerce bonus and make building new cities cheaper then dirt. Anyhow enough of my favorite stuff, let me look at whats up next for us... EDIT: Just realized education is on the path to economics too, I suppose there is no reason to take chivalry before education! I don't remember if it was like that before but I'm going to wager it was and I'm just dumb....
I think we have a choice with Rationalism vs Piety. If we go Piety we are best to go many cities to make up for science lost by not choosing rationalism. Since it looks like we will get Haralds land I think Piety and a wide empire is maybe the best option to go. I have gone Piety post patch and it gives tons of happiness. We also will probably get a great scientist from the GL so we will not fall so back on tech. And with all our gold we can do RAs too.

I think piety might be a good choice. I can't make a good opinion without looking at the SP screen as I didn't memorise the policies yet it's just that I remember piety can be nice. Although it is better if you have monasteries which we don't. Finishing liberty I think we all agree should be the next priority though.
oh yeah, I suppose that would be a good thing to start, yeah let me take a look at it tonight and see what looks good and what makes sense and see if I have any questions. So I'll have my stuff up some time tomorrow more then likely!
okay, I didn't know if we were still trying to get another player in the rotation or not so I'm looking at the game now in a different light as I have 10 turns to rock out. It looks like I may get the policy near the end of my set, are we onto piety now? or do we want to fill out liberty? I enjoy both strategies, and it looks like agreeing will be fun. I'm down for a wide empire swallowing up anything it touches with piety now and maybe finish liberty later. Well I'll try to play a few turns tonight and see if we have any definites to worry about, I'll start CS as soon as trapping is done. Looks like I have to be careful with these troop movements the first turns, barbarians seem to be waiting for a mistake on my part....
And I'll go ahead and settle next to the iron, the worst thing it will do is encourage the lady to attack us sooner which is just more exp for us anyways. I say we live dangerously and take it because she is bound to settle the other when she can see it. I'll try to capture the Dane settler and give us another worker for our new city. And I seem to recall barbs around copenhagen from a pic so I'll go back and see how many turns ago that was as I would prefer the archer heal inside our borders of the new city but won't risk him if there are enemies in the Dane borders... I guess we are going for the barb camp north as well, so I'll do my best to archer that one down from our side of that bay...
71 is a fun turn for me, lots of stuff to do! I only have one question, what do we want as the first building in HelicoptersRus (Not really going to change the name, just my visual reminder of these fun names we'll be building soon)? I'm thinking about starting with walls first, as it will undoubtedtly be a future battle ground, but I am not adverse to the traditional monument or even a granary if that's a priority here, but I can't see it. I'm going to start the walls for the next turn or two that I do tonight, if the monument sounds better in the morning to you guys as to start growing the city faster I can switch it over with minimal time delayed as both will take 2 dozen turns or more to complete anyways. So far so good, no losses and barbs droppin like flies... Wish I had realized it was my turn earlier, I'd have cancelled some plans haha...
No to the walls! Not useful yet at all. Its better to get the city being a useful member of our community.

Also were people agreed on Piety? I was thinking that or a Lib policy next but was looking for debate about which one was best. I'm ok with piety though as it'll help us build our Tombs.
Another 'No' to Walls from me.
The next policy should come up soon, I think it was only 6 turns to go at the end of my set.
I have little idea of policies, I'm not experienced enough as a player to discriminate between them. Piety seems to give some decent boosts further down the line indeed.
When your worker has 1 turn left to hook up the resource, cancel the order and give it again. You'll get your resource instantly, and can do with it whatever you want. At least, it worked for me.

Nice game, by the way. Good reading.
Too bad, I don't have the DLC's except Mongolia either...
Ah, thanks for that advice! Yes, that is how it works, you get the resource before the interturn by refreshing the worker-order.
In hindsight, I wish I had uninstalled my game and then reinstalled it without the additional downloads before starting up this SG. It would have been a pain, but now we're missing out on potential players.
Walls there eventually is not a bad idea so it's OK if you did put some hammers in, maybe a monument first would be better. AI takes walls into account before attacking you so it could make us safer (that is why it's easier to play a peaceful game as Babylon). Even so I don't think we need to worry too much yet. I would be tempted to get a War Chariot (moves 5) in Thebes or Memphis to scout around Cathys borders as it is flat land there.

For the SP I think Emstinson can make the call depending on the save as we all agreed that we want to finish Liberty and start Piety but in no particular order.
Well the order we get our SP does matter a little. If we want the Lib GP for a specific use then we want to concentrate on finishing lib before we get involved in another tree. In hindsight tradition was a wasted SP.
Cool, yeah only two turns into the walls so I'll switch it to the monument. And I did start the war chariot last night in Thebes after the archer so that should be done around my turnset or right into the next, as I thought the same thing about the flatness of the terrain. Okay, I'll think about the SP long and hard then. I'm thinking if we are planning on a 4th city then it may not be so bad to take meritocracy as I intend to start building roads here before my turnset is over.
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