WACANA: kul's Indonesian Civ Idle Ideas


Oct 23, 2015
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Living in such a multicultural nation, even when I haven't traveled far anywhere, had got me thinking about what can I do to translate such colorful and vibrant everythings that swims here gracefully in my everyday life into a boxed, minimalized, and most-of-the-time-inaccurate thing that is, CiV new civilization ideas. To quote my friend BenZL
..Indonesia is just like India, a collection of several interesting civilization that fused into one because of colonialism. It is more than Javanese Majapahit or Malay Srivijaya; there's civilization such as Sundanese, Dayak, Macassan, etc.. -BenZL43
Lets Go! Mari kita berwacana! (let us conspire together about things that probably arent going to be realized)

Civilization Ideas from Sumatra and Nearby Islands.​

Spoiler :

Leader: Balaputra Dewa
Capital: Suwarnadwipa

UA: Gending Sriwijawa

Each follower of your Religion in rival Cities lessens the penalty for capturing it. Can expend Workers to build Religious Building in other Civilization's cities, which gives them sway towards your belief.

UU: Samudraraksa
Replacement for Cargo Ship. Always visible, and allows you to find another Civilization. Each sailing technology increases its Range. Spreads out your Religion during the duration of Trade Routes.

UB: Wihara
Replacement for Temple. Besides its usual bonus, Wihara also increase the Religious Pressure for your Religion in the city. +1 Faith and +1 Production for each 6 followers of your Religion in the City

Leader: Bundo Kanduang
Capital: Pagaruyung
Settler transforms into worker after founding a City. Additionally, Settler can be spent at another Civilization territory, increasing their nearest City Population by one, but granting you bonus Gold and Production per turn as long as the City stood.

Replaces Warrior. Silek strength increases each time it choose a promotion, and this power is kept after upgrade. Never obsolete.

Replaces Granary. +2 Production besides its usual bonus.

Design coming in soon!

Civilization Ideas from Java and Madura Island.​

Spoiler :
Leader:Gajah Mada
Capital: Trowulan

UA:Sumpah Palapa
Units receive combat bonus and gain Golden Age points for fighting in enemy teritorry that is located on different continent or in City States territories. Receive Happiness bonus per each enemy Capital you possess.

Replacement for Longswordman that is available with Cover 1 and Siege Promotion. Cut the length of Resistance in City when fortified inside them and provide +1 Happiness.

UU:Jung Jawa
Replaces the Caravel. Much stronger at 26 STR and Boarding Party Promotion. 15% More expensive

Leader: Sultan Treggono
Capital: Bintoro

UA: Pioneers of Faith
May not found a religion nor producing Great Prophet, but receive a free Wali Songo instead whose teaching can you choose from one of the currently available religion. Whenever the founder of said religion purchases anything through faith, theres 80% chance that whatever it is are also granted freely in one of your cities that follows said religion, or grants you a lump of Faith instead.

UU:Wali Songo
Replacement for Missionary who started only able to spread religion once but wont disappear upon consumption, and instead gain XP like a regular unit. For each level, the Wali Songo ability to spread religion get stronger and added by 1, to the maximum of 4. Wali Songo could replenish their religion spread ability by staying inside your Capital or adjacent to its religion's Holy City for a number of turns (scaled with level). Maximum leveled Wali Songo are able to be consumed to build a Holy Site, create any Cultural Great Work or initiate Golden Age. There could only be 9 Wali Songo during the duration of the game.

UB:Ziarah Makam
Replacement of Grand Temple which can be built in your Capital, ignoring the Holy City Requirement. Makam Ziarah initially doesnt have any base yield and only increase the Religious pressure by 25%. However, upon consuming or killing a Great People within 25 tiles of your Capital, receive 2 of their respective yield and 1 tourism inside the building. Both yields are duplicated by each era passed

Leader: Siliwangi
Capital: Pajajaran

UA: Gemuh Pakuan
Religious buildings are maintenance free and generates point towards Golden Age. City with the same belief as capital grants combat bonus to units fighting in its territory.

UU: Kujang Swordsman
Cheaper replacement Swordsman. Available with "Kudihyang" promotion, which grants 50% more terain combat bonus for this unit and gain Golden Age point when conducting a defensive battle.

UB: Nyusuk
Replacement for Walls that also gives +1 Happiness. Units stationed in city and all tiles adjacent to it gain "Nyusuk" promotion, which gave them 15% defensive bonus against all types of attack.


Leader: Pitung
Capital: Batavia

UA: Jakarte, Jakarte
If possible, there's 50% Chance that upon expending Cultural Great Person to activate its bonus, then the other ability are also enacted. A randomly chosen quarter of Specialist in each Cities yield +1 of their respective yields.

UB: Lenong
Replaces Opera House. Besides it usual stats, it also yields +3 Points and an extra Specialist Slot towards Great Mucisian. Allow Great Mucisian to Fast Travel between Cities.

UU: Jago
Replacement for Paratrooper thats available much earlier at Rifling. It had time appropriate Cost and Strength that keeps increasing by discovering Technology. Gain Culture and Gold for attacking Cities and razing improvements. Requires +1 Iron.

Civilization Ideas from Borneo Island

Spoiler :
Kutai Martadipura
Leader: Mulawarman
Capital: Muara Kaman

UA: Holy Tributes
City States that has atleast 3 followers of your religion can be persuaded with minimum Faith instead of Gold.

UU: Brahmana
Replaces Missionary. Brahmana are 20% more expensive and also stronger than its replacements. Can be expended atop of Yupa resource to upgrade it into a Holy Site.

UI: Yupa
Unique Improvement to the Kutai Martadipura, replacement for Pasture that yields +1 Food and +2 Faith.

Sultanate of Banjar
Leader: Antasari
Capital: Kuin

UA: Perang Barito

Pre-Industrial Naval units can enter friendly Land with River tiles on them. River tiles in friendly teritorries are treated as Roads and can be used to create City Connection.

UU: Lanting Kotamara
Replacement for Frigate. Receive 33% combat bonus when attacking from River tile or from inside Cities. Had higher combat strength (+5) than its counterpart but weakened heavily when fighting in Deep Ocean

UB: Pagungan
Replaces Armory. Yields additional +2 Culture, and gives extra XP to units based on the number of Cultural buildings the City possess.

Civilization Ideas from Celebes and Nearby Islands​
Spoiler :

Sultanate of Gowa
Leader: Hasanuddin
Capital: Sungguminasa

UA: Kulleangi Tallanga Natowalia
All Naval melee units can move after attacking and all naval units are able to cross ocean at Compass, instead of Astronomy.

UU: Lambo
Replacement for Cargo Ship that has the chance to escape Plunder and pass through Blockades. Both the origin and receiving city of this trade routes gain extra 4% Production and Gold generation during the trade routes duration.

UI: Benteng
Replaces Fort. Unit who were stationed inside gain the ability to perform ranged attack. Connects the resource on its tile, but cant be built next to each other. If built on the Coastal tile, then Benteng also provides +2 Production and +1 Gold.

Leader: Tangdilino
Capital: Enkarang

UA: Tana Toraja
Tongkonan in your Capital receive +1 in all conceivable yield. Spent Gold whenever a Great Person are killed/expended, but gain progress towards a Random other Great Person type, plus starting a short WLtKD in the nearest city.

UU: Tominaa
Replacement for Inquisitor. Doesnt have the Belief Removal ability, but instead cause all conflicting religious units to suffer tripled attirition damage in your territory when stationed in Cities, as well as +2 Faith and Gold per turn. Tominaa can be expended to grant permanent 10% increase in Faith and Gold generation in the city as well as starting a short WLtKD.

UB: Tongkonan
Replace Palace. Granted in all your cities after founding. Tongkonan doesnt have any yields, but instead gain them per each Citizen born in that city. Each Citizen contributes +0.5 by the order of Culture, Faith, Gold, Production, and Science. Ability stops at 20 Citizen.

Leader: Anakaji
Capital: Wareq

UA: Epos
All Cities had two slot for Great Work of Writing, and receive a free one,Sureq Galigo, at the discovery of Writing technology. Iron Resource are doubled.

UU: Bissu
Luwu replacements for Missionary with an additional Religion Spread ability. Receive points towards the generation of Great Writer based on the number of Great Works and Artifacts in its target City and your Capital.

UU: (Undecided)
Replacement for Archeologist, however they are available since Drama and Philosophy instead of Archeology, and only buildable in cities with Library. (Undecided) can choose to recover Great Work of Writing when unearthing Excavation Site. While Initially cheaper, they continue to become more expensive in later eras.

Civilization Ideas from Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara Archipelagoes​
Spoiler :

Leader: I Gusti Ketut Jelantik
Capital: Singaraja

UA: Puputan
During War, Cities can perform additional, stronger bombardment towards enemy units at the cost of 1 Citizen. This ability is performable up to 4 Times in a single turn. Receive Gold and Culture whenever any naval unit had been sunk in your waters.

UB: Pure
Cheaper replacement for Temple. Gives you some Faith, Gold and Culture whenever a Citizen of this city had been lost. If this City had been taken over by the enemy, you may sacrifice up to 80% of its population for instant afromentioned yield bonuses.

UU: Balinese Militia
Replace Musketmen. Cheaper and Weaker (-3 Strength) but 2 will freely appear in your Capital whenever a War had been declared on you. Receive Faith for killings and being killed.

Sultanate of Bima

Leader: Abdul Kahir Sirajuddin
Capital: Bima

UA: Hawo ro Niru
If possible, both you and your Friend receive up to 2 of each other Unique Combat units upon declaring a Declaration fo Friendship, and you receive a sum of Gold. Gifting Units to City States grants Gold and yield 67% more Influence.

UU: Jara Wera
Replacement for Knight. Receive 33% Combat bonus when fighting in Plains and "Lewa Na'e" promotion, enabling it to Gain XP when moving outside your Teritory during War.

Albeit more expensive, Ruhu can be built anywhere unlike its counterpart, the Stable. Ruhu also boost Mounted Unit production by 25% and grants you 2 Sources of Horses. Yield +1 Gold instead of Maintenance.

Civilization Ideas from the Easternmost Archipelagoes of Indonesia​

Spoiler :

Leader: Baabullah
Capital: Ternate

UA: Spice Islands
One of the 3 unique Luxury will appear nearby when founding a City. If the City was founded on different continent than the Capital, then another one may be granted inside the City itself.

UU: Kora Kora
Replacement for Caravel. Came with "Mena Muria" Promotion, boosting its Flanking bonus and lessens enemy combat strength per number or adjacent allies.

UB: Bandar
Replaces Seaport. Naval trade routes had increased range, and deliver 67% more Gold based on its Resource Diversity.


Leader: Robodoi
Capital: Tobelo​
UA: Raja Laut
Gain Gold when foreign trade units end their turn in your territory or pass through it, with Cargo Ships grants twice the amount of Caravans. Units automatically plunders enemy trade units from up to 2 tiles away, which also grants Food.

UU: Pirate Junk
Slightly more expensive replacement for Privateer. Can be upgraded from Caravel, and keep it abilities. Besides the usual bonus, Pirate Junk also starts with +10XP. Upgrade into Ironclad.

UI: Pulau Laut
Available in Optics, only formable by Settler in water tiles. Immediately claim neutral water tiles adjacent to it, and will grow borders like a city would, at least until it had acquired randomized set of 16 tiles. Grants nearest City +2 Food, +3 Culture, and +2 Production per 4 tiles of its creation. Units stationed atop of Pulau Laut had additional 15% defensive bonus. Pulau Laut and its teritories are instantly destroyed when stacked by an enemy.

Raja Ampat Kingdoms
Leader: Gurabesi
Capital: Waigeo

UA: Petuanan
City States that's at least Friends with you and had never followed any Religion before can be puppeted to your Empire the first time it followed your Religion. These cities retain their Palace, and all Palaces in your Empire also produce additional +1 Faith, who increased by +1 per each new era. Each of these City States that you acquired this way also provides additional delegate to the World Congress, at half the amount a properly allied City States would.

UU: Komalo
Replaces Great Generals and Great Admiral. Grants all adjacent unit Survivalism 3 promotions. Able to perform once both Citadel and Naval Repair ability its counterparts has, but will be expended when both had been done. 25% more expensive to obtain.

UI: War Samdin

Replacement for Temple. War Sambin provides +2 Faith more than its counterpart and also act as a freshwater resource for the City.

Leader: Wimontok Mabel
Capital: Agats

UA: Fumeripits's Legacy
Buildings and Improvements that gives Culture yields +1 Production, and Buildings who gives Production yields +1 Culture.

UU: Kole Kole
Stronger replacement for Trireme with 14 Strength and "Headhunter" Promotion, which gives it the ability to attack land units on Coastal tiles. Never Obsoletes.

UI: Bis
Available in Pottery. Buildable only on tiles adjacent to Cities, and does not destroy Forest or Jungles. Yields +1 Culture +1 Production and +1 Faith. Grant the City a WLtKD upon finishing it. However, 3 turn after the WLtKD are finished, Bis are immediately destroyed.

Civilization Ideas from Modern Indonesia​

Spoiler :

Republic of Indonesia
Leader: Soekarno

UA: Pancasila
Receive free random Social Policy upon opening a Social Policy Tree or adopting Ideology for the first time. For every 8 Social Policies and Tenets that you had unlocked, receive 5 resting points with known City States. Farms with units stationed on them provide +1 Culture.

UU: Lasjkar Rakjat
Weaker (-2 STR) Indonesian replacement for Great War Infantry thats Invisible in Jungle and Forest tile and receive more combat bonus for fighting near Great Generals. 45% of this Unit Production are turned into Culture upon killed.

UB: Tugu
Replacement for National Epic. Can be built in all cities at a fixed cost (170 Production). Yield +3 Culture and boost Great People generation by 15% in the city. Birth and Expending a Great People grants an Influence boosts with nearby City States.

New Order's Republic of Indonesia
Leader: Soeharto
UA: Dinasti Cendana
Gain 100 Gold per Luxury traded off to another Civilizations, and each Luxury type you possess gives 1% discount for buying buildings and units. Upon reaching Ideology, may use hefty amount of Gold to supress Unhappiness for 30 turns, but spawn rebels when ended.

UU: Kopassus
Stronger replacement for Paratrooper with 72 STR and the ability to attack twice after receiving its second promotion, thus more expensive to produce.They also acted out as a more potent buffer towards spies when stationed in your cities and may catch them in the middle of their Operation. Catching these spies will grant the unit with "Petrus" promotion, which enable them to perform Range Attack once per turn at the cost of 1 Movement Point. Each Kopassus grants 2 Unhappiness.

UU: Sikudaliar(OV-10F Bronco)
Replacement for Helicopter Gunship that is stronger at 65 STR. Instead of its usual bonus against Tanks, it now comes with Bombardment I and II. Unlike its counterpart, they could also be used to capture Cities, but will stay in Resistance 50% longer, and Courthouse only eliminates 50% the Unhappiness in that city. Use this ability only in a pinch.

Republic of Indonesia (2014)
Leader: Joko Widodo

UA: Jokowi Effect
When advancing to a new Era, completely ignore Unhappiness for 2 turns. Cities connected to the Capital had all its base yields increased by +2 and are still connected even when the Road or Railroad had been razed (but not destroyed).

Indonesian replacement for Mechanized Infantry that slowly gain XP when fortified. Stationing it inside your cities provides you with +3 Happiness. ANOA receive additional free promotion for each 2 level that the Unit has.

UB: Bursa Saham
Replaces the Stock Exchange. Randomly boost the Gold generation by 8-45%, instead of the normal 25%, and changes every turn. Doubles the Science gain for Indonesia in International Trade Routes, but increases the Gold for the other Civilization by 33%.

I really wish I had the throughput to make all these interesting civs.
Plus, the first design is overpowered: not only it gets free policies, it has monument the yields +6 culture during peace? And +1 culture from farms? Its pretty insane...

About the Soeharto design: Ummmm.... Gold buildings and national wonders have no maintenance costs? And while obviously you know your own history better than I do, but I still think that Kopassus replacing infantry is kinda inappropriate... They functioned as commando unit, and having them replace infantry doesn't really reflect that well....
Plus, the first design is overpowered: not only it gets free policies, it has monument the yields +6 culture during peace? And +1 culture from farms? Its pretty insane...

About the Soeharto design: Ummmm.... Gold buildings and national wonders have no maintenance costs? And while obviously you know your own history better than I do, but I still think that Kopassus replacing infantry is kinda inappropriate... They functioned as commando unit, and having them replace infantry doesn't really reflect that well

Thanks for the tip Natan. I've fixed the issues that you had pointed out. The Kopassus designs are truthfully a bit old and I havent really check elsewhere before writing it. The argument about it replacing Infantry came from me skimming up the designs posted out at Our World's thread. Silly me. Btw, what you had in mind for the second unique? I kinda want a helicopter thingy but havent decided yet.
Boy. You kinda messed the design up... No need in to invest in a unit that increases unhappiness just so you'll have to invest gold in reducing it.... Though that's an interesting concept.

I'm not quite sure what I'll have for second unique if Soekarno takes the Monument replacement....
Nah man, its all part of the shtick. Just like how I keep throwing number 2 in Joko Widodo design, and Ideologycal Tenets in Soekarno's. Im just trying to summarize Soeharto reign as a president, as he use loaned money to keep the general economy stable, and he utilizes the military force to keep public and the outmost provinces in his grasps. The Petrus Promotion itself came from the nickname for the term "PEnembak misTERiUS" (Mystery Sniper) that secretly assassinate criminals and rebels, only to dump their mutilated carcassess in a so-not-subtle locations, such as local plantations, nearby woods, or even a market at broad daylight by a speed moving black vehicle. These things surely cause general unrest/unhappiness.

And, (I dont know if its my place to do this) If any of you felt like submitting a design OR suggesting a Civilization to make something out of it, dont be shy! Just remember the thread theme :)
Added some civs, and polished some of the already published one (Soeharto) so now at least all region had got an entry.
Things Im considering for now are Luwu (Sulawesi), Bima & Lombok (Nusa Kecil), Asmat (Papua) and Banjar (Kalimantan)
Oh, oh, I'm Indonesian too! Can I join?
Why does every mention of the word "Indonesia" will guarantee atleast 3 indonesian to come? wkwkwk. Go ahead friend, just post some Ideas, but I can guarantee where this will take us..
If you had any revision to my posted design, then dont be afraid to post them as well
How about Bugis
Spoiler :

Manurungnge ri Matajang

UA: Tau Bugis
Trade can be conducted to civilization who never meet you but had meet a civ whom you had meet too. All naval unit gain +1 movement (+2 in coast) and 10% combat bonus against city states. Allied civ's city which border you provide unit with +10% combat power

UU: Pinisi (replace Working Boat)
Can be sacrificed to create regular Cargo Ship and claiming sea resources in neutral sea. Recieve small lump of culture when a Pinisi is completed. +1 Food in Sea Resources worked by Pinisi

UB: Padewakang (replace Cargo Ship)
+100% trade route range. Generate 5% more trade income for every sea resources in target and origining city (up to 50%). Can be converted into warship with strength 75% normal naval melee unit of the age

Is this OP?
How about Bugis
Is this OP?

A little bit, theres alot of stacking bonuses in its Uniques, but I like the UA, and both units ability to convert into something else. Hwever, many moded civs are at this level of complexity, so I guess its fine when compared to the others lol
Btw, since it was a very naval strong civ, I had the image of it being led by later Bone figures, but thats just my imagination probably wkwk
A little bit, theres alot of stacking bonuses in its Uniques, but I like the UA, and both units ability to convert into something else. Hwever, many moded civs are at this level of complexity, so I guess its fine when compared to the others lol
Btw, since it was a very naval strong civ, I had the image of it being led by later Bone figures, but thats just my imagination probably wkwk

I just try to incorporate the three thing about Bugis that popped in my mind: sea, trade, and ship. But I guess you are right. Especially the leader. Is Aru Palaka fine?
Of course, I got those things in mind as well when I think about them. I guess I just dont really like having too much bonus clingin on a civ, as I instantly labeled that faction as being "OP" in my head. If possible, I just want to make a civ with one or two line for its uniques, easily and realistically able to be modded by a beginner, but still intresting to play with.
If I have to give it my own take, then it would be

Spoiler :

UA: Trade can be conducted with unmet Civilization as long as it was within your range, and discover unrevealed tiles in the process. For each allied Civilization and City States that borders any of your teritories, gains 5% Naval combat bonus (max 25%).

UU: Pinisi (replace Working Boat)
Can be spent to work sea resources on Neutral teritories, and claims 2 other random tiles in the process. +1 Food for sea resources worked by Pinisi.

UB: Padewakang (replace Cargo Ship)
+67% trade route range. Can be upgraded into the current era's melee naval units with 76% of its normal strength by spending Gold, but caps out at Privateer.

Aru Palaka could work, and definitely is an intresting personality as he allied himself with the Dutch and after the fall of Makassar had some skirmish with other Sulaweian people on other parts of Nusantara.
The last part of my UA is't supposed to benefit Bugis, it's supposed to benefit their ally, to represent Bugis' army in VOC rank (I want to incorporate that part [especially with Aru Palaka], they're quite numerous from what I've read). That's why I have 3 lines (fear of underpowered UA). I'm fine with the rest of your design, my civ is indeed OP
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