Waiting on BE because of Civ 5 launch issues...


Dec 6, 2005
In the end Civ 5 turned out to be a solid game, but as a consumer I was mad enough at launch and patient enough to remember that I'm not going to rush out and buy future products the day they're launched.
I have thought that I should wait to get future civ games until the first expansion because there will 100% be an expansion, but I really want to play this and waiting three months is already enough, I don't want to wait a year and a half.
You are right, that new civ games are bugged and very imbalanced at launch, and also lack features.
But this isn't Civ6, this is more a Civ5.5, so it isn't the next Civ game.
They are using the same, now mostly bug free, engine and can use all their experience from Civ5 and it's expansions.
There might be not enough features still, but as far as we know there is plenty new for us to explore.
I don't think waiting would be justified for the vast majority of fans.
I agree with you. As much as I would love to play this game at launch, I'll wait a couple of months to see what shape the game is in at the start of it's life cycle. Since it is based on the CIV5 engine, I suspect it will be a lot more playable than CIV5 was at release.
I plan to wait a week or so. If the early adopters are reporting problems, I will wait longer. If many people are satisfied, I will buy it.
Such maturity. Such wisdom.

I, on the other hand, will be pre-ordering, waiting breathlessly and pawing through every scrap of revealed information from every source I can get my hands on. I will clear my schedule for the day after release, download the game the minute it is released, and play for hours into the night in a drunken orgy of excessive gaming, ignoring the needs and wishes of a wife, two daughters, and three cats. :crazyeye:
Not me. I'm sure I will pre-order at some point closer to release.

I don't think 50 dollars is enough money for me to care about Civ 5's launch, or even BE's. In combination with the amount of hours I have into Civ 5, it is practically guaranteed I will get my money's worth out of BE.

(Or rather I should say 50 dollars for a game like Civ where replay value and hours are high. I am cautious with my money on your average console-to-PC single-player game with low replay value situations)
Well when you are gonna buy it anyway why wait for bugs to be fixed

So your first "out of the box/gate" experience is a positive one. I do not want to troubleshoot the game in the public beta, but if you want to? Go right ahead.

When you buy something new, don't you want it to work and do it well? or do you want to be the test subject?

We all have our preferences.
So your first "out of the box/gate" experience is a positive one. I do not want to troubleshoot the game in the public beta, but if you want to? Go right ahead.

When you buy something new, don't you want it to work and do it well? or do you want to be the test subject?

We all have our preferences.

That is exactly it. With Civ 5 I felt like I was beta testing it and then the game kept changing and shifting around. I was very disappointed with it until BNW and when that did come out I wished I had waited. I like to play the game when I know it is complete.

However - are people sure there will be expansions to BE? It already seems to have trade routes and a few other new mechanics, so I have a feeling the only DLC will be new factions and maps, or scenarios. I will give it a month or two for early bug patches then buy. For the next full Civ title I will give it until the second expansion!
That is exactly it. With Civ 5 I felt like I was beta testing it and then the game kept changing and shifting around. I was very disappointed with it until BNW and when that did come out I wished I had waited. I like to play the game when I know it is complete.

However - are people sure there will be expansions to BE? It already seems to have trade routes and a few other new mechanics, so I have a feeling the only DLC will be new factions and maps, or scenarios. I will give it a month or two for early bug patches then buy. For the next full Civ title I will give it until the second expansion!

Exactly. I do think there will be DLC, and if enough people buy it, maybe an expansion, but I'm not counting on the expansion. Patches? yes. DLC? probably. Expansions? not likely.
However - are people sure there will be expansions to BE? It already seems to have trade routes and a few other new mechanics, so I have a feeling the only DLC will be new factions and maps, or scenarios...

You may be right, but considering this is a science fiction game and not historical there is plenty of things they could do since it doesn't have to fit with the real world .
You are right, that new civ games are bugged and very imbalanced at launch, and also lack features.
But this isn't Civ6, this is more a Civ5.5, so it isn't the next Civ game.
They are using the same, now mostly bug free, engine and can use all their experience from Civ5 and it's expansions.
There might be not enough features still, but as far as we know there is plenty new for us to explore.
I don't think waiting would be justified for the vast majority of fans.

Came to say, essentially, this. Leaving satisfied.
I went into Civ 5 with eyes open to the fact that the game could be a buggy mess. My complaints with the game ended up being more about the design itself then bug and stability issues. I don't expect a whole Sim City issue where not only was networking not working, but the game itself was also a piece of crap.

Funds allowing, I'm getting this day 1. I can live with hiccups. But I don't expect anything catastrophic precisely because this game is based on a well established engine.
I don't have time to be old and grumpy.

I'll go into this with a positive attitude, and will pre-order as soon as that becomes possible on Steam.

Was Civ 5 buggy at launch? It sure was. But so are more than 90 % of games these days. For some reason that is to be expected. If you're going to be mad, then don't be mad at Firaxis. Be mad at publishers who rush products out the door way before they are ready.

Or accept that games these days require more testing than is economically feasible within even the largest of QA budgets, and require the sort of testing that only a consumer base can provide.

Or for all I care, be grumpy.

I'll still pre-order :D
I don't have time to be old and grumpy.

Nice assumption, but you are welcome to beta test it for us "old and grumpy" people, and when you've had your fill and the game is in a better state, we'll play too.

We thank you for your sacrifice and dedication you whipper-snapper.
We are doing release weekend gaming madness, no way I am waiting buggy civ releases are tradition.

It's a tradition I hate, but I'm too impatient to wait and cautiously optimistic because the engine isn't completely new.
And it will be fun to discover completely overpowered strategies and exploits (like the good old CS slingshot) before they get fixed.
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