War on Terrorism!

I think this is a good idea in about 50 years when ppl don't feel the need to express their opinions in such knee-jerk ways.

That aside, best of luck to you.
Wyz_sub10 said:
Apparently Al Qaeda is everywhere. Why, they could even be hidding under your bed (in the old floorboards that the pinko commies used to use in the 50s).

Hey maybe we can just make a series called "Politcal paranoia: Scaring entire populations to unify for an unatainable goal or against vague enemies"

But anyways, good mod idea.
Barbarians will represent general (Muslim) terror groups in the mod.

Also Paganism will feature in the mod, it represents heathen state religions and leadercult's featuring in Communist state's. But since Heathen religions are somewhat out of the point, I might consider renaming it to Atheism.
Why only Muslim terrorists?
irishlamma said:
where's the IRA?

See what I mean? See my post above. In America we only think Middle East. This War on Terrorism is a joke. The scope of terrorism is so huge, the only way you could wage a successful "war" is bring in big brother and treat everyone like a suspect. It's an ideal, not a country or a specific group of people. So, I think this mod's name be changed to "The world Washington D.C. Lives in".
Dikaioma said:
See what I mean? See my post above. In America we only think Middle East. This War on Terrorism is a joke. The scope of terrorism is so huge, the only way you could wage a successful "war" is bring in big brother and treat everyone like a suspect. It's an ideal, not a country or a specific group of people. So, I think this mod's name be changed to "The world Washington D.C. Lives in".
Wasn't there a certain something in the first post of the thread that said "Keep political discussions out"?

Yeah... thanks.
And please, don't respond with more ranting.
Jecrell said:
Wasn't there a certain something in the first post of the thread that said "Keep political discussions out"?

Yeah... thanks.
And please, don't respond with more ranting.

Alright alright... sorry.
Besides, the name is now Modern Combat Mod (Though there still stands War on Terrorism!)

Besides, didnt I put Muslim between ()'s?
Kaiserguard said:
Besides, the name is now Modern Combat Mod (Though there still stands War on Terrorism!)

Besides, didnt I put Muslim between ()'s?
Sometimes it really doesn't matter what the context is really towards. Occasionally there are times when people 'need' to say something on a certain topic. I know from experience, and my own mistakes, this is true.

Don't worry about it too much Kaiser.
And thank you for the apology Dikaioma, I really do appreciate it.
Jecrell said:
Wasn't there a certain something in the first post of the thread that said "Keep political discussions out"?

That's the thing. It's much more political to say "the terrorists are in Iraq". To say that the terrorists weren't in Iraq until after Saddam was ousted makes you a part of the reality-based community.

Fighting terrorism isn't political.
But the so called "war on terror" is.

"Modern Combat" is a much more sane assessment of this mod, and one that I support. :goodjob: If there are going to be terrorists, though, it needs to range from Osama Bin Laden to Timothy McVeigh.
This might be too recent to be able to pulled off effectively if formed by consensus... largely because there is none. Personally, I feel like for this to focus on the issue of terrorism, it's going to require a massive overhaul of current game mechanics because the current game is not really tailored to handle the nuiances of modern politics and terrorism/counter-terrorism in particular.

There has to be way more diplomatic and internal politics features than whatever the game currently offers because otherwise Iraq is going to get flattened and be out of the game in the first five turns...
Why not narrow this mod into a iraq war scenario, since most combat will betaking place in that part of the world. Well most of the combat that could be replicated by civ4 anyway(in terms of terroism). This way you can focus on a more compact scenario with is more fun and playable gameplay. You could better represent the sunni shia divide and build it on a much smaller map, meaning less lag time for users. With the new event system in place you would be able to produce a accurate time line of the event that have come to pass i.e. the massive break out of violence in 2004 the siege of An Najaf and Al Fullja. And the falling support of the american and coalitions public meaning withdrawls of their forces from the battlefield. it would be easier to represent the various factions on the battlfield i.e. Sunni, shia, kurd and the terroist groups and militias like anasr al sunna, al qaeda in Iraq, Mardi Army, badr Brigade. You could also include Iran and syria to stir the flames of revolt.

I guess what im trying to say is the scope you have chosen seems too large and complex to build a good Mod/scenario on.
maybe "war in the middle east" would be a good name? Not as politcal as "war on terror" but also fits the setting better than "modern combat"?
Modern Combat, the Modern World, the War on Terror, War in the Middle East are all good titles. But let's not argue semantics -- if the modules name is changed too many times we might not even remember what it is anymore. :)
Canada along with other nations such as Australia would be good. I also would include Syria, Libya and Chechnya (Not really a nation but rebelling republic, but yet there are notable enough that I think its absurd to not include). Also, I made the scope a bit wider - It will begin in 1975 (Pre Iraq-Iran war).
Private Byrne said:
Why not narrow this mod into a iraq war scenario, since most combat will betaking place in that part of the world. Well most of the combat that could be replicated by civ4 anyway(in terms of terroism). This way you can focus on a more compact scenario with is more fun and playable gameplay. You could better represent the sunni shia divide and build it on a much smaller map, meaning less lag time for users. With the new event system in place you would be able to produce a accurate time line of the event that have come to pass i.e. the massive break out of violence in 2004 the siege of An Najaf and Al Fullja. And the falling support of the american and coalitions public meaning withdrawls of their forces from the battlefield. it would be easier to represent the various factions on the battlfield i.e. Sunni, shia, kurd and the terroist groups and militias like anasr al sunna, al qaeda in Iraq, Mardi Army, badr Brigade. You could also include Iran and syria to stir the flames of revolt.

I guess what im trying to say is the scope you have chosen seems too large and complex to build a good Mod/scenario on.
This is the best idea so far.
Private Byrne said:
I guess what im trying to say is the scope you have chosen seems too large and complex to build a good Mod/scenario on.

Every heard of Python?
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