WARNING : Dont Buy Civ online and Download!


Nov 8, 2005
I've been noticing problems people have with their downloaded copies of Civ, so I thought I'd make this and see if the mods would be kind enough to sticky it.
One person [ I forget their name ] posted that they bought Vanilla for 30 dollars online and it wouldn't work with expansion packs they bought.

To prevent my fellow Fanatics from getting ripped off - here goes:

Vanilla - or the original Civ 3 - is available at Walmart for 10$.[I couldn't find the 10 dollar vanilla link, but they Are there - I've seen them]

Civilization Complete is 30$ and includes: Conquests, Play the World, and Vanilla - three cds.


Complete - 30$ Walmart

Civilization Complete - Gamestop - 30$

Be aware! Dont pay more then you have to!
Well, I won't go so far as to tell people they should not buy Civ3 online. But I do agree they need to be aware that they cannot use the standard patches put out by Firaxis - they have to badger the company they buy from to produce a suitable patch for them.
Just trying to save 'em money and hassle ^^. So yah.. your right.. edit in order?

Edit: I just realized, I can't edit my title...

Padma : Would you mind changing it to " Caution: Downloading Civ3-Not worth it? " Pleaseee.
i'm the guy whose name you can't remember...i bought online cause i'm impatient and lazy...and at the time didn't know the reality of what i was doing (which is screwing myself)...i've been in conversation with the yahoo site where i bought it and, tho i'm now patched to 1.29, they won't give me the expansions (which they now feature in the gold edition they're seeling now)...so i informed them they have lost my business. from now on, i'm going to the bloody store.

of course, you gotta remember, i'm a newbie both to civ and computer games. this computer is new even (haven't owned one since college...too broke). while your warning is def a good thing, i doubt most people out there are as "green" as me, nor as gullible. so i don't see too many civers making the mistake i did. a better place for your warning--if you care, which you certainly seem to--would be forum or usegroup where comp gaming as a whole is being discussed, because there you'll have a higher volume of gamers playing and talking about all kinds of games. the downloadable-game sites feature a huge list of titles, and i imagine their other games carry with them the same problems their civ3 does.

you were one of the original guys to give me advice, 101stImperial, so i thankyou, for both then and for now. :goodjob:
: rollseyes : P2p is the new punk - for sure. But what the mods say - goes.

Shawntown : Good idea, I'm thinking jolt meself.

so i don't see too many civers making the mistake i did

I'm sure there are and that they just havent posted here about it.
you were one of the original guys to give me advice, 101stImperial, so i thankyou, for both then and for now.
No prob! I was just registered when I gave you your advice, frakkan bizarre.
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