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We want to make a good army on civ4

If 'are' is our, then you should beeline a military tech like rifling. If you can get it first, then you have a distinct advantage on your opponents.
A good army is any army of a more modern era than your opponent.

Axes over warriors
Maces over Axes
Rifles over Maces
Infantry over Rifles

Or you can just bring in lots of collateral damage units and then it really doesn't matter.
We? Do you have a split personality?:confused:

A good army is a diverse one; don't march an army full of pikemen without macemen. I suggest seeing what resources your enemies (or possible enemies) have (if they have iron, make axes; if they have horses, build spears)
Horsies!!! They make great bait (maybe not as good as spare workers...) and they are fast, and first strike! A spy to cause rioting, and then horse them to death!
The _best_ thing about rifles IMO is that they're draftable. Its a shame that steel and rifling are so far away from each other though. Cannons are amazing at reducing the amount of time it takes to grab a city compared to trebs.

Cannons and rifles are probably my favourite army. Simple, straight forward and brutally effective. I also like early Keshiks if you're the mongols with barracks and gers in each city producing them. They're fearsome early game.
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