[NFP] Weird graphics issue (see photo)


Apr 10, 2017
Centrally located
Just upgraded to a 2020 MBP from my 2015 MBP. Was running Catalina before the switch, so everything seems like it ought to be the same, but I'm getting this weird issue with some tiles, specifically barb camps and city states. I'm not sure if it has to do with shadowing or what, so I don't know what graphics settings to change. Anyone seen this before?
Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 9.43.54 PM.png
Just upgraded to a 2020 MBP from my 2015 MBP. Was running Catalina before the switch, so everything seems like it ought to be the same, but I'm getting this weird issue with some tiles, specifically barb camps and city states. I'm not sure if it has to do with shadowing or what, so I don't know what graphics settings to change. Anyone seen this before?
View attachment 560725

Yes, I started seeing this after the 1.3.1 update. It also looks like the option to switch between Metal and Open GL is gone.
I’ve had the exact same issue using Metal since April. OpenGL seemed to be a work around (though performance was poor) but with the newest update removing OpenGL support, Civ is essentially unplayable.
I've been having similar issues since the latest update. I can play about 20-30 turns and then there's an issue where the graphics suddenly stop refreshing, I get odd artifacts, and a kernel panic / crash. The game is unplayable. 2019 16" MBP.
I have this problem playing on my laptop but not on my iMac. Something with the integrated video card?
I have this problem playing on my laptop but not on my iMac. Something with the integrated video card?
Interesting theory, I'm having the issue on a laptop (2018 MBP). I don't have access to a stationary computer to play Civ on, so if this isn't fixable, Aspyr or Firaxis need to offer a refund.
I've been having similar issues since the latest update. I can play about 20-30 turns and then there's an issue where the graphics suddenly stop refreshing, I get odd artifacts, and a kernel panic / crash. The game is unplayable. 2019 16" MBP.

I've had no issues playing on my MBP 2019 with the current updates.

If it is the integrated video, try bypassing it in the Energy Saver panel.

By default macOS tries to use the most efficient form of graphics for the current activity. Try disabling the System Preferences > Energy Saver panel > Automatic graphics switching option to force it to use the built in AMD graphics card (power adapter) instead of Intel graphics (battery). Requires the MBP to be plugged in the make the switch.

If the same issues appear than the problem is somewhere else in the hw/system. Maybe a bad RAM module that is only triggered when a specific memory location is used. Beyond these ideas I can't think of anything else with the info available. Give it a try and see if it makes a difference or your symptoms change.

Best of luck.
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