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WH info resources needed


Apr 10, 2007
Hey, all. I'm putting together a Lustria scenario for the WH 2.51 mod and I'm looking for info on the New World. What is available on the GW website is very limited, so any documentation you guy's have on the area would be most helpful. Specifically I would like to get my hands on "WARHAMMER REALMS: LUSTRIA", "THE CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD", and "Lustria: Cities of Gold". If you have any of these in pdf format or any other documents on the region they would be most useful.

*Thanks in advance.*

EDIT: Oh, BTW I already have a few good topographical maps of the area so those aren't really needed unless they have some specific locations of things on them.

Wow no replies? None of you hardcore Warhammer guy's have any info on lustria? Stormy, LMR, Mrtn, Quinzy, Aaglo, anyone....hello...is this thing on?

I know conquest of the new world and cities of gold came out in like 2005, so is that too old for warhammer stuff to still be around, cause I can't even seem to find the books for sale anywhere.
Well, I guess I'm looking for anything that could be Incorporated into the scenario that isn't readily available on the GW website. To give it as much authentic flavor as possible without me just making it up. Info on the other races that could be involved (I'm planning it on a Conquest of the new world type scenario), city names and locations ( other than the slann, those are well documented). Leader names,both faction and military. Key locations and events that could be turned into landmark terrain to incorporate into the map. Artifacts and special items or treasures that could be used to replace the items in the thirst for power victory condition. Region specific resources could be helpful.

Some specific things I need would include info on the Pygmies. I have read that they inhabit the jungles of lustria, but that was all I could find and I don't know if there is enough information on them to make them a civ or use them as barbarians. My other choice for barbs would be some of the creatures that inhabit the region, Carnosaurs and Stegadons could be used from the dino extras from PTW if enough info on the pygmies could be dug up to make them a civ.
For the vampire counts faction, do they have more than one city on the vampire coast? Is it a city or just one castle for Luthor Harkon. All I know of this faction is that he washed up on shore in lustria after his ship was attacked by Norse pirates.

The region seems to fascinate me for some reason, so I could ramble on and on forever.....Basicly anything you know of the region would interest me at this point.
Harkon was shipwrecked then raised an army to try and conquer the Lizardmen, so they would probably start with one city and expand from there

The skaven launched an attack against lustria as some stage, clan pestilens i think.

the norse also have an outpost in lustria

EDIT: Oh, and the Dark Elves periodically raid from the north, IIRC
I'm not a WHFB player, so I cannot give you any information beyond the fact that Lizardmen bits are awesome for conversions. Sorry about that. Oh, and it's jungly...
After a day of goggling some key stuff from lustria I was able to come up with some useful pdf's and some WHFRP sites with info on the area. Enough to get the basic layout for the scenario. At some point I'll start a scenario preview and discussion thread. Probably once I finish the map, which is proving to be a slow and painfully task.
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