What are some balancing changes from Vanilla to BTS?


Dec 14, 2019
I was messing around in vanilla and apparently elepult was even stronger than it is in BTS:

1) Catapults only cost 40 hammers instead of 50
2) Siege can outright kill units if they win their fight
3) Siege can get Combat promotions making them better against stacks on open ground
4) Elephants didn't require Horseback Riding

I'd personally consider the elephant to be the strongest unit in the game and it's crazy to think it used to be even better

Are there any other big/weird/etc balance changes from Vanilla to BTS I might not know about?
I vaguely recall that Cossacks used to be...if not stronger than at least different, somehow? It's been a hot minute since I played vanilla Civ IV, needless to say ;).
It was long time but two things that come in mind - Cavalry was "beeline" unit if not mistaken (in BtS it is kind of "mixed in" in overall military picture)
And Modern Armor/Tanks were crazy strong due to collateral damage. Still remember stamping around Eurasia with hords of them.
In vanilla I think cavalry don't require rifling. You can rush with them a lot like cuirassiers in BTS.

I like playing vanilla because the apostolic palace is a tad annoying. Although, not being able to cap a defeated civ can drag out games that are already over.
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