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What Are You Reading, Again?

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I saw 'Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives', by Alan Bullock in a second hand bookshop. I'm still doubting to buy it. Has anyone read this? At least it has some great pictures of an almost hysterical, speaching Hitler.

Actually, I was looking to buy this the other day after I finished my Hitler biography. Naturally, the shops that have had it available for months no longer stocked it.
I've finished The Fourth Bear - Jasper Fforde
I'm reading Eats, Shoots & Leaves - Lynne Truss
I want to read War - Gwynne Dyer
I'm reading Nixon and Mao - Margaret MacMillan.

Very interesting read so far, it goes very in depth to the one week visit to China by Richard Nixon.
I never read the book but i saw the film and it was really really wierd. :crazyeye: I mean wierd in the bad way ...
Was it supposed to be horror ?
I finished it now. Overall I think it was a poorly written, overly verbose story. King's earlier work was far superior.

I loved both (Narcissus and Goldmund was really something special), but all things considered, I think my favourite would be The Glass Bead Game.
Never read GBG but I loved N&G!
Never read GBG but I loved N&G!

Well, I recommend it then. The theme is similar - in a way, ALL his books are on a similar theme, I guess... Apolline vs. Dyonisian approach to culture (simplifying it, of course). But TGB stuck as me as more mature, a fuller retelling of the other stories.

That said, I ditched novels for some history books... interesting, but tedious (exams drawing near).
I finished Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire, which was a very easy book to read. Don't think I learned much from it though, so I'm onto The Fall of the Roman Empire by Peter Heather, which seems a little bit more in-depth.

I also got The Pacific War Companion, as I have only little knowledge about the Pacific War (nothing beyond the main events). Figured it was time to actually learn something more about it, after years of concentrating on Europe and the Atlantic :)
I am reading all my revision guides.
I'm reading "have a nice day" by Mick Foley aka Mankind, Dude love and Catus Jack. I dunno why I chose this book. I'm not really a fan of wrestling as such... well..... not in the last 15 years or so... but Foley is definately an interesting character, and I wanted to know more about him.

I'm only about 200 pages through (of about 700-800), but I'm not enjoying it a huge amount. It's okay...theres nothing wrong with it... but it's just not hugely interesting. Lots of stories about all the small wrestling shows he did before he made the big-time. I'm expecting it'll get better as it goes on, and he starts getting into all the hardcore wrestling and WWF he was famous for.
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