What civics do u use?


Mar 3, 2008
I was just wondering what civics every1 else uses thru the course of a game?
I tend to use the same civics and there are sum that i just havnt used at all.
i try to limit my changin if im not a spiritual leader(which im usually not) and try 2 wait for my first golden age & change 3 or 4 civics at once.
My civics tend to be:
Monarchy, then US (representation if i build the pyramids)
Bureaucracy (until free speech)
Slavery til Emancipation
State property (almost always)
Organised religion until free religion

is there any good civics im missing out on?
iv never used Nationhood, caste system or mercantilism.
i dont like theology cos i cant spread all my religions!
i do use vassalage for warring, police state in late game but i NEVER research facism, i only get it from the internet or the pyramids.
am i going wrong anywhere and what civics do u use??
A lot of the times, my game goes:

Adopt Slavery and Heriditary Rule as soon as I get them (unless I get pyramids, then Representation).
Adopt Caste System if I'm running a specialist economy.
Adopt Vasslage and Organized Religion in the medieval era.
Adopt Nationhood and Theocracy in the renaissance era.
Conquor the world.
I think the best way to choose civics is to bear in mind that you need to select each civic as and when it suits your purposes. If you have a happiness problem, choose Monarchy or Rep, if you have several religions in your cities, choose free religion etc...
This is especially the case for Spiritual civs, who can swap and change at will (given a little thought).
The worst thing you can do is to tie yourself down to certain civics because they're your favourite. I learned that lesson when Monty sent a few Jags my way and they each had several promotions because he was running the right civics for war. He burnt three of my cities and then his Jags disappeared back the way they came - the git! (but I learnt my lesson is the important point.)
I was just wondering what civics every1 else uses thru the course of a game?
I tend to use the same civics and there are sum that i just havnt used at all.
i try to limit my changin if im not a spiritual leader(which im usually not) and try 2 wait for my first golden age & change 3 or 4 civics at once.
My civics tend to be:
Monarchy, then US (representation if i build the pyramids)
Bureaucracy (until free speech)
Slavery til Emancipation
State property (almost always)
Organised religion until free religion

is there any good civics im missing out on?
iv never used Nationhood, caste system or mercantilism.
i dont like theology cos i cant spread all my religions!
i do use vassalage for warring, police state in late game but i NEVER research facism, i only get it from the internet or the pyramids.
am i going wrong anywhere and what civics do u use??
Government Civics: I like Representation a lot, and I'll run it as soon as it's available. If I'm running a Specialist Economy it's a no-brainer, but even running a Cottage Economy it still has good synergy with my Great Person farm. If I have the Pyramids I'll run it from very early in the game until very late, but without the 'mids I'll run HR until I get Representation. I rarely run Police State, only if war weariness is crippling. US is something I usually only adopt to speed the space ship (for the additional hammers from towns) and/or if I have a lot of cash to spend.

Legal civics: Bureaucracy is also a favourite of mine, but I'll switch to Free Speech once I have mature cottages around other cities besides the capital. I'll only use Vassalage to spit out a bunch of promoted units for a war--usually in combination with Theocracy (more on this civic below). I'll sometimes use Nationhood, usually to produce a bunch of Riflemen. I especially like using it when playing as England, to draft Redcoats. One very helpful thing to use with it is the Globe Theatre, which I build in a city with lots of excess food; that way I can draft a unit from that city every turn with no unhappiness, and the population will grow back quickly. Combined with its + 2 :) from barracks, I like it even better than Police State during an industrial/modern era war.

Labour civics: Slavery is a favourite early on, but once my cities' production improves, I'll switch to Caste System. The slave revolt random event makes running slavery a lot less attractive in BtS. In addition, CS helps my GP farm and hyper-powers a SE. I'll switch to Emancipation under protest, once enough AI civs are running it to make the unhappiness penalty inconvenient. I don't think I've ever run Serfdom; I just build or capture more Workers instead.

Economic civics: I usually obtain access to Free Market soon after getting access to Mercantilism, because I'm often racing to get that free Great Merchant from Economics. How do I decide which one to run? I check what the other civs are running. If most of them are running Mercantilism, I will too; there's no point running FM if you don't have enough foreign trade routes to make it viable. Running free merchants in several cities will almost always result in more income. In BtS, State Property has become a little less attractive if I get the right great people in the late mid-game: a Great Merchant (to found Sid's Sushi) and a Great Engineer (to found Mining Inc.). If I get one or the other or, heaven be praised, both, I'll switch to Free Market, found my two favourite corporations, and cruise to victory. I'll only run Environmentalism if my cities' health is really, really bad--usually because I can't get access to the health-boosting resources I need.

Religious civics: Organized Religion is a favourite of mine as well, despite its high cost. However, I will use Theocracy, as I mentioned, to boost units for a war. By the way, you can still spread other religions to your own cities while running Theocracy; it's foreign missionaries who can't spread religions to you while running this civic. Anyway, I usually only run Vassalage and Theocracy for short periods of time; I build units to within 1 turn of completion in my cities' queues under other civics, switch to churn out the units, then switch back when they're all on their way to the front. I'll usually switch to Free Religion after I get Scientific Method--it provides some compensation for the loss of monasteries. However, I don't switch to it as automatically as I used to. Diplomacy has to be considered carefully; if I have a treasured ally because of shared religion, it makes sense to adhere to the faith. Also, if I've built several of the wonders that boost religious buildings (the Apostolic Palace, the University of Sankore, the Spiral Minaret), I'll often avoid FR for as long as possible. I'll usually only run Pacifism if I anticipate a prolonged period of peace where I don't have to build a lot of new units.

Overall, I try to be flexible with my civics choices, adapting the ones that will best suit my needs at each stage of the game. While my favourites tend to be Representation, Bureaucracy, Caste System, Free Market, and Organized Religion, I've played games where I've minimized the use of several of them in favour of others. My least-run civics tend to be Police State, Vassalage, Serfdom, Environmentalism, and Pacifism--but I have used them in several games (with the possible exception of Serfdom, the weakest civic in the book, IMHO).
Religious civics: Organized Religion is a favourite of mine as well, despite its high cost. However, I will use Theocracy, as I mentioned, to boost units for a war. By the way, you can still spread other religions to your own cities while running Theocracy; it's foreign missionaries who can't spread religions to you while running this civic.

You can still spread religions, yes, but only your state religion. For example, if your state religion is Buddhist, then you can still spread Buddhism to your cities that do not possess it, but try spreading Christianity to those cities, it will fail miserably.
Universal Suffrage, Nationhood or Free Speech, Emancipation or Slavery, Free Market (used to be State Property pre-BTS) and Free Religion or Organised Religion
You can still spread religions, yes, but only your state religion. For example, if your state religion is Buddhist, then you can still spread Buddhism to your cities that do not possess it, but try spreading Christianity to those cities, it will fail miserably.

Nope, Sisiutil is right (as always? ;) ); since BTS, and perhaps even before I'm not sure, you can spread any religion under theocracy. But other civs can't spread eligions other than the state religion to a theocratic civ.
Current game examples:

Serfdom: my core cities where HEAVY water, and after my initial build-out I wanted to get out of slavery once my capital was under bureaucracy. Not enough excess food (and no workshops) to warrant caste system and the additional upkeep. Thus, I ran serfdom and just didn't build as many workers. Came in real nice during the calendar hookup phase and I managed to capture "that worker improvement world wonder". Since growth was so slow with my cities it was nice not having to sacrifice growth (worker capture wasn't really an option at the time in question).

HR/US: I am first in GNP but mostly due to the obscene amount of financial coast tiles that I possess (plus gold and calendar resources). I can generate lots of gold but not many hammers. I plan to switch to US but the hammer-town benefit is going to be limited for most of my cities. I do need the purchase option, however, as my hammer output sucks for those cities.

Not being spiritual my ideal choice of civics in this game where weighed against the desire to avoid anarchy during the changes. For instance, I would have switched to representation for the happy boost (running HR with only a couple of cities benefiting during non-war periods). However, I know I need US more and can't get a golden age lined up to actually perform the switch-over. I am also stuck in Theocracy right now (just after knocking out Monty, playing cold-war with Shaka), where many of my new acquisitions would benefit from OR.

OFFTOPIC: Is there any benefit to running OR when buying buildings under US?
Nope, Sisiutil is right (as always? ;) ); since BTS, and perhaps even before I'm not sure, you can spread any religion under theocracy. But other civs can't spread eligions other than the state religion to a theocratic civ.

Then my luck has just been bloody horrible trying to spread my non-state religions when I forget I'm running Theoc :lol:
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