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What Civilizations should be included ?


Overlord of Eternity.
Jun 14, 2005
There has been many talks about what civilizations should and should not be on the game. In truth far more deserve to be in there than there actually are but thats just not posssible. For now at least.

So who do you think should be on there. Assumeing say no more than 30.

All eras of history will need to be covered even then 30 isnt enough so some historically important nations will be omitted and that cant be helped. What i would do is try and split the grouping into 3 or 4 sub groups. Representing things like Ancient, Medieval, Modern or however you prefer to name them. There will be some overlap on these so any particular nation that does that just keep them on one and not two. Although if a nation does seem to deserve to be on more than one that probably means they should be without a doubt on the short list. This is not about just picking you own country as that can sometimes be a would like rather than should be. Although to be fair your own nation will be more than a viable choice. So who would you pick. After a few days it would be intresting to see what commons countries are chosen and prehaps give reason why you have chosen some not obvioues ones or maybe even why you have omitted some very common choices.

I will start ,may change my mind depending on what others put tho as im open to change on this.

My list is in no particular order of relevance.

1 Arabia
2 Aztecs
3 Babylon
4 Benin
5 Byzantia
6 Canaanities
7 Carthage
8 Celts
9 China
10 Egypt
11 England
12 France
13 Germany
14 Greece
15 Incas
16 India
17 Japan
18 Mayans
19 Mongels
20 Netherlands
21 Persia
22 Rome
23 Russia
24 Spain
25 Sudan
26 Sumeria
27 Turkey
28 USA
29 Zimbabwe
30 Zulu

I really want to put Brazil on that list as well but th thing is who do i drop ?
I also need to get some of the following in there as well


So who would you put on ?
1. China
2. Mesopotamia (just keep it all as one civ)
3. Egypt
4. Greece
5. Rome
6. Spain
7. Arabs
8. Aztecs
9. Incas
10. Confederation of the Iroquois
11. England
12. Germany
13. France
14. Zulu
15. India
16. Russia
17. America
18. Japan
19. Brazil
20. Korea
21. Songhai
22. Persia
23. Mongols
24. Vikings
25. Cambodia
26. Indonesia
27. Mayans
28. Navajo
29. Carthage
30. Turks
I was considering what you said with Mesopotamia but i felt they deserved there own individual representation.
(No particular order, just whatever I came up with first)
1. Normans
2. Spanish
3. Romans
4. Egyptians
5. Greeks
6. Ottomans
7. Byzantines
8. Americans
9. English
10. French
23.Russians or USSR
24.Franks (Holy Roman Empire)
28.Arabians (Muslims)
29.Israel (Hebrew)
I'll give it a shot, and my 2¢:

1. Egypt
2. Apache
3. Aztecs
4. Americans
5. Germany
6. Vikings/Scandinavia/Norse
7. France
8. China
9. Japan
10. Korea
11. Arabia/Araby
12. Spanish
13. Russia
14. Romans
15. Greece
16. Yoruba/Yorubans
17. India
18. Brazil
19. Mexico
20. Polynesians
21. Mayans
22. Persians
23. Babylonians
24. Celts
25. Hungarians/Magyar
26. Iroquois
27. Cherokee
28. Australia
29. Inca
30. Canada
Here's my choices
1 :king: Japan :king:
2 Polynesia
3 Babylonia
4 Russia
5 Cambodia
6 Lakota/Souix
7 Carthage
8 Mali
9 China
10 Greece
11 England
12 France
13 Germany
14 Egypt
15 Inca
16 India
17 Arabia
18 Spain
19 Mongols
20 Netherlands
21 Turkey
22 Rome
23 Celts
24 Mayan
25 Aztec
26 Sumeria (or maybe Assyria)
27 Persia
28 Iroquois
29 Sudan/Nubia/Ethiopia
30 Zulu

But this is still missing Scandinavia, Portugal, Indonesia, the Navajo, Tibet and I would like to see separate Assyrian and Sumerian/ Nubia and Ethiopia civs, but not at the cost of any of these.
Alright I dun even know that I can come up with 30 civs off the top of my head but here it goes

1. Mikmaq
2. England
3. France
4. Spain
5. Celts
6. Rome
7. Greece
8. China
9. Japan
10. Mongolia
11. Egypt
12. Carthage
13. Germany
14. Russia
15. Israel
16. India
17. Arabia
18. America
19. Canada
20. Inca
21. Aztec
22. Maya
23. Taino (not sure about the name on this one)
24. Iroquois
25. Metis
26. Navajo
27. Zulu
28. Scandinavia
29. Brazil
30. Mexico

I think my list gives some pretty historical civs here but maybe 2 of my choices are a little unclear. The Mikmaq (my nationality) were an obvious choice because they were the very first civilization that came into contact with the Europeans and it was because of their hospitality that the Vikings stayed and gave birth to the first European on North American soil. The Taino (if I got the name right) were the civilization contacted by Christopher Columbus and it sadly, they were too polite and were taken as slaves to allow for future Europeans “visits.” I wish I could have had more Amerindians in there but there just wasn’t enough room as I tried to represent every continent.
After we got a few more of these ill compile alist out of them which consists of what the top 30 consists of if you take an averange. What i mean is ill count up how mnay times each civilization has appeard tital and put in the top 30. It will probably go over by a few tho.
1: England.
2: Japan.
3: China.
4: France.
5: Germany.
6: Rome.
7: U.S.S.R.
8: Mongolia.
9: Russia.
10: Greece.
11: Ottoman.
12: Zulu.
13: Spain.
14: U.S.A.
15: Eygpt.

That's all I can think off for the moment.
Why is America always included but never Australia? Same grounds, no? Btw I'm neither so just curious :p
i would say

1. Greece
2. Rome
3. Babylon
4. Egypt
5. France
6. Germany
7. England
8. Russia
9. Austria (although too close to germany, when there is only one messopotamian civ... )
10. Spain
11. China
12. Japan
13. Carthage
14. Persia
15. Arabia
16. Incas
17. USA
18. perhaps mongols (to fill up that vast steppe part)

19. Vikings (norway)
20. Korea
21. Portugal
22. Sweden
23. Mali
24. Khmer
25. Mayas
26. Aztecs
27. one of the native american civs
28. Byzantines (although they are greek-roman, but anyway)
29. perhaps a second slav civ? (poland-serbia-bulgaria)
30. Holland
Shujaa said:
Why is America always included but never Australia? Same grounds, no? Btw I'm neither so just curious :p

I agree Australia is historically significant and does have a good claim to a spot in the game. Many people say America is only in the game for marketing purposes. I will agree that historically America is a relitively new nation. But even during that short time they have had a dramatic impact on the entire world and thats why they should be in there (along with some of the native American tribes before anyone saies that) I guess Australia has not had as big an impact on the world as America but even so they have a strong claim like many places.
I would still like to see Sparta added (even though I got the beat down the last time I brought this up).
I don't know. Sparta had some individualistic features (government, militarism, etc.)that really make it stand out among the ancient civs. Instead of just "Greeks," you could have Athenians and Spartans. Spartans get the Hoplite (in black), and Greeks get the Trireme.
Himalia said:
I agree Australia is historically significant and does have a good claim to a spot in the game. Many people say America is only in the game for marketing purposes. I will agree that historically America is a relitively new nation. But even during that short time they have had a dramatic impact on the entire world and thats why they should be in there (along with some of the native American tribes before anyone saies that) I guess Australia has not had as big an impact on the world as America but even so they have a strong claim like many places.
I also agree that Australia has a good claim to a spot but, just as the game includes North American Iroquois in addition to the Americans, the Aussies would really need to also include the Aborigines. They have never been a major world power, but their culture has certainly lasted as long as any civ currently in the game.
Imo Sparta wasnt overall that important in world civilization; it was mostly a tyranic state, which frequently allied itself against other greek city states (as with persia) and contributed extremely little to the arts or sciences. Also it just was destroyed when thebes rised as a military force. You could think of sparta as the ancient highschool bully, who also went to a secret karate school and so became even more fierce, but not much else imho.
Sparta is a noteworthy part of history, but i would only include them in a larger lis tor list or a scenario revolving around that period.
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