"What do you want MOST from the next patch?"

move units that have been ordered on a multi-turn movement to MOVE BEFORE THE END OF THE TURN.

From a personal point of view, I quite like the system in V because it gives me a chance to change unit orders. In Civ IV so many times something happens, I've got a unit close by but when I try to get it to respond I find that it has already moved on a goto order :( Yes, I know, the answer is not to use goto orders but they are just so useful for cutting the less interesting stuff out ...

However, you are not alone - see this thread http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=407737 where they are talking about the old ctrl-a order from Civ IV.
Most Important, Needed Fixes:

1) Fix remaining crashes, bugs and slow load times (I play on 8-core, 12 gig Ram, and it's still slow!) :(
2) Fix HDMI issues with the HUD (ie tiny text for people playing on large screens) :mad:
3) Prevent AIs from building cities every 2 squares :mad:
4) Further refine play mechanics (happiness, resource amounts, etc) :(
5) Redo Trading Post graphics :(
6) Redo road graphics (hard to see, doesn't touch cities) :(
7) Still have 'invisible/disappearing' cities in late games :sad:
8) Fix Catherine's looks (ie plastic face and boobs) :eek:
9) Add Hotseat ;)
10) More CIVs (prefer free, but DLC ok if good). :p
11) Add an in-game clock :mischief:
12) When you restart a game, save the settings of the last game in the main menu :mad:
13) Improve AI combat, especially when they are losing, as it always turns into a rout even on harder levels once you start winning. :(
14) Drastically improve the diplomatic function of City States. As of now, they make little difference in the game unless they are your social strategy. Allow city-states to be proactive and not 'questy' :(
15) While I personally like and prefer 1UPT, I think to make everyone happy add a switch so 1UPT can be turned off :sad:
16) Finally, return the option of random events a la Civ 4 for those who liked them (e.g. me).

What I would most like to see having played a few games:

  • Save games sorted by date and time, not alphabetically.

  • Improved AI diplomacy and far more information, better displayed, regarding +/- diplomatic factors and general political situation enabling:
    1. Introduction of a genuine diplomatic victory
    2. More satisfying interaction with city states - I quite like the idea, up to a point, but I need to feel that I'm dealing with a city mayor or princeling!
    3. Actual personalities for the various leaders - right now they just feel like the green tribe, the blue tribe etc in Civ II. The AI leader graphics in V may be pretty, but I simply have no idea what any of them are about really, whereas AI leaders have very distinct "personalities" in Civ IV.
    4. Less volatility regarding the denouncing/declaration of war and the ability to repair damaged relations (simply having more information might help this a lot, depending on what information there is).
    All of this is very important for immersion.

  • Map display - could the cloud please not obscure the edge tiles quite so much!
  • Vastly improved user interface (see Buffy HoF mod for Civ IV :mischief: ) . I don't care about pretty - I'm more at-a-glance and everything I want to know in a particular area on one screen (PLEASE!) In particular, getting to the active deals info is unbelievably cumbersome, especially on larger maps.
  • More thought regarding bonus tiles - the health bonuses are really not worth having at the moment. In addition, I should be able to farm my deer if I want! Tile yields, generally, need work.
  • Obviously the balance between production yields and research speed needs work across the various game speeds, although I have to admit that I'm finding it less of a problem than I did on standard speed.
  • Address the performance issues - my computer is really pretty fast running most things and it takes far too long to load a Civ V game, or end a turn late-game.
  • Address road costs, currently much too high with the result that I build none at all in OCC games, just the minimum required to hook up a city in others. This is daft, but there is no incentive to connect to other civs since, apparently, none of us trades with any of the others!
  • Please bring back the in-game clock! (Well I think that was default Civ IV, apologies if Buffy brought us that :) )
  • Provide a civilopedia containing proper data and a level of detail appropriate to a Civ game. For the money I paid, I really would have expected a printed manual that I could annotate, to be honest. :(

Umm. Well, yes I know. Too many things. But I do think that over time, and as the issues get addressed, Civ V could be quite a good game (and I am an absolute Civ IV fan).
If I could only pick one, I'd want a diplomacy system to make some sense. While many mock the predictable modifier-based diplo system of Civ4, it was light years ahead of the mess we have now where opponents insanely jump from friendly to hostile and vice versa without any reason.

The building balance is the second most important thing. Now most of the buildings are never worth building because they cost too much and give too little. These include all but one national wonders. I really hope they won't nerf the last useful nat wonder (NC) but fear they may do just that as most of the patching so far has been nerfing the "exploits" rather than giving new interesting choices.

The combat AI is third on the list. It's horrible but combat isn't (or shouldn't) be the most important aspect of the game.
Keep improving diplomacy

Improve naval AI. The AI is getting better at naval ops, but it leaves too many units unprotected. It needs more escorts.

Improve performance. Stop units from moving around unnecessarily, especially city state units.

Do something about AI spamming cities wherever there is an open tile with a resource. I would love to see a distance from capital penalty.

The game's getting a lot better, with a couple mods I'm having fun.

Is this the same Ktulu that I used to play MP Civ3/4 with? If so you should come back to CivPlayers and play against real opponents again!

As bad as the diplomacy system is, I think it's at least functional. There are certain triggers that need to be fixed (warmongering/denounced by friends) but if you're careful the AI can create an interesting diplomatic environment.

The AI isn't even functional on the tactical or strategic levels. And I don't just mean combat (although combat is definitely included in this), I mean in pursuing any kind of victory condition. The AI needs to be viable while remaining on relatively even footing with the player. I suspect the limiting factor here is CPU and time between turns, though.

How to fix? Dunno. I dunno how you teach the AI how the 1UPT system, how to siege, or how to use navies, because in my head I'm imagining any kind of fix here would result in a massive increase of CPU usage. Maybe I'm wrong? I hope so.

As far as strategically though, I'd like to see the AI set and prioritize some goals, particularly when it goes to war. For example, cultural civs may want to simply survive wars without losing any holdings, or science civs may set a specific resource tile as an objective.
temporary and permament alliances with the AI is the best suggestion for me to improve diplomacy - if a human player and and AI player sign an alliance, then it should be irrevokable unless there is deliberate (but non-warlike) aggression from one civ to another - for example attacking your allies friends, culture-bombing your borders, settling cities near you - these would detract points from the alliance quicker - basically like city state alliances they degrade over time, but you can't buy the AI off.
Most Important, Needed Fixes:

3) Prevent AIs from building cities every 2 squares :mad:
5) Redo Trading Post graphics :(
10) More CIVs (prefer free, but DLC ok if good). :p
12) When you restart a game, save the settings of the last game in the main menu :mad:
14) Drastically improve the diplomatic function of City States. As of now, they make little difference in the game unless they are your social strategy. Allow city-states to be proactive and not 'questy' :(
15) While I personally like and prefer 1UPT, I think to make everyone happy add a switch so 1UPT can be turned off :sad:

3) When i modify the GlobalDefines.xml MCR value to 3 or 4, there's a definitely great feel to the entire gameplay flow.
5) Simply put a single_couple of "tents" in the middle, splashup a strict minimal amount of road-trails and you're done. Indirectly similar to the gorgeous Farm improvement.
10) At least a second Leader for each default major Civ (not as DLC though!)... but also allow a new full set of customizing options (Edit is there already, btw) when we are setting our games; Colors, Personality, Uniques, Flavors, etc.
12) *THAT* is soooooo important... Archipelago, King, Resources Strategic Balance, Disable start Bias, No ruins, No barbarians, TurnTimer -- many more repetitive selections must be done every time we start new games when we simply could glance over our previous choices & acknowledge by hitting StartGame rather easily.
14) Yes, but be extra careful. Balance is at stake even if the Diplomatic UN victory is totally revamped. CS must gain worthy status beyond being simply bought out for a winning vote - only.
15) Full range of 12 directions to move into and a tricky new ZoC ruleset could certainly do it as long as the AI algorithms are tackled head-on to allocate for such new stuff.
I would like Civ IV's religion, wonders, processing speed, and random events, combined with Civ V's military units (including the ranged units), 1upt, and graphics. Probably too simple an answer, but Civ V just seems too basic when compared to previous versions.
I'd also add in that I'd like city-states diplomacy to be more than just money. Make the quests they ask for mean something. Even something as simple as if the city-state has a quest you have not fulfilled, influence degrades at double rate until it is completed. If they have asked you for a quest and not fulfilled it, you have 30 turns to complete it or you can not be allied with them until you complete a quest of their (oh, and they have to change quests every 50 turns so you're not indefinitely locked out of an alliance). That would make it a lot tougher to win diplo victory end-game instead of just spending 500-1000 gold on each CS the turn of the diplo vote.
I'd also add in that I'd like city-states diplomacy to be more than just money. Make the quests they ask for mean something. Even something as simple as if the city-state has a quest you have not fulfilled, influence degrades at double rate until it is completed. If they have asked you for a quest and not fulfilled it, you have 30 turns to complete it or you can not be allied with them until you complete a quest of their (oh, and they have to change quests every 50 turns so you're not indefinitely locked out of an alliance). That would make it a lot tougher to win diplo victory end-game instead of just spending 500-1000 gold on each CS the turn of the diplo vote.

Personally I don't want bigger role to CS quests. They are as annoying as the quests in BtS as they are nearly completely random element in the game. At least there should be an option to turn them off (without turning off CSs).
Personally I don't want bigger role to CS quests. They are as annoying as the quests in BtS as they are nearly completely random element in the game. At least there should be an option to turn them off (without turning off CSs).

You can just ignore them :)

Maybe not necessarily the quests as such, but I'd like there to be more cs-diplo than how much money you can throw at them (give or take a couple social policies and random factors).
diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. please, i would like to have some allies who i could trust throughout the game.

also, buff tile yields on non-happiness resources.
How about:

Mousing over a worker will show what it's working on and how many turns to complete.

That would make me very happy.


Holy Sht yes. This is actually, (strangely) one of the biggest things I miss from Civ 4.
While I think that one unit/hex is a good improvement, when you have many
units, your landscape gets cluttered with all these units.

I would like to be able to stack all units in the cities. Only one unit can act as its defender, whereas the other are just there for storage and cannot defend the city.
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