What do you want to see in Civilization 5?

A really nice thing about Civ is that you can kick back in your chair, take your time and think about the best way of progressing. Something about Civ V that would be fun to think about and has been lacking since a phalanx on a mountain top could hold off an army, is impassable areas. The only location strategy I've seen in Civ IV is an archipelago map which provides a bit of strategic planning against enemy ship movement. For water areas a nice added feature would be implementation of harbors (not an improvement, water depth) whereby ships could not directly unload passengers to land except in a harbor square. This would not apply to triemes. If it were possible to have real terrain like you see in EQ2 with cliffs, city placement could be critical, even triemes could not unload an army in some areas and land movement would be considerably more interesting.

un-herd view
I would love to see the economic factor working right!
It should have also negative impact on the economy! E.G. the black friday on the 20's! Creat the Great Depression.
Since Civ IV has an option for always peace, which I usually play, I would love an economy that I can manipulate better than is currently available. The Great Depression would be fine in an adventure empire building game but really it does not belong in a strategic game. It is an example of event driven game play as opposed to situational game play. An empire that is suddenly plunged into a Great Depression, suffers an earth quake, flood, etc. are all events that force a reaction. It could be argued that how one reacts to an event is strategic but it is fighting fires at best. Having a square of land with the option of mining gravel to build roads(trade+), growing cotton for clothing(luxury+) or a pasture for livestock(food+) is a type of situation where, which option you choose could have a real impact on your Civ.

This becomes much more strategic if the player can trade goods between his cities as well as with other Civs. It becomes really interesting if carrots are offered as rewards for doing well. For example, people will flock to cities with high luxuries and low taxes. Growth of cities should not be automatic. It should be based on standard of living. Naturally cities with high luxuries and low taxes won't hold their population for long if the people are starving.

http://un-herd view
Nation X:
Allows you to create your own nation, with custom leaders, flags, colours and skins for your units and buildings.

That reminds me of a minor quibble I have with the game right now. If I pick "random" as the civ, they make me choose my name *FIRST*, and I'd rather pick a name *AFTER* the game has told me what nation I'm going to lead. That way I can tailor the name to what the civ is, that is, pick a Chinese leader name like Sun Tzu if I'm leading the Chinese, or Andrew Jackson if I'm leading the Americans, etc.

Should probably just be a quick switch in the code.

Also something I miss from Civ2 was that you could play a "random" game but use the EARTH map for it, or also choose to have all the nations start where they would normally start (London for the English, etc.) That used to be fun, and I miss it.
Also something I miss from Civ2 was that you could play a "random" game but use the EARTH map for it, or also choose to have all the nations start where they would normally start (London for the English, etc.) That used to be fun, and I miss it.

I seriously agree
That reminds me of a minor quibble I have with the game right now. If I pick "random" as the civ, they make me choose my name *FIRST*, and I'd rather pick a name *AFTER* the game has told me what nation I'm going to lead. That way I can tailor the name to what the civ is, that is, pick a Chinese leader name like Sun Tzu if I'm leading the Chinese, or Andrew Jackson if I'm leading the Americans, etc.

Should probably just be a quick switch in the code.

You can change the name of your leader after the game is already started.

If you press 'Escape' there should be a menu option somewhere for "Your Details". Here you can change the civ description, leader name and so on.
You can change the name of your leader after the game is already started.

If you press 'Escape' there should be a menu option somewhere for "Your Details". Here you can change the civ description, leader name and so on.

or just hit alt-d
Remove the RPG-style combat system. Go for something simpler so combat flows smoothly and quickly. Its too fiddly for non-war players.

Also, beef up the peace-game because war is still too dominant.

Fix the diplomacy system (i.e. make the AI treat humans and AI players the same).

Gamplay first. Realism second.
3 macemen bonking each other on the head is RPG-style? What kinds of RPGs do you play?
He's talking about invidually promoting units I think. Attaching great generals to a single unit.
somehting I like about RFC is that when a civ is ahead in the middle of the game, it dosent follow that they are in an unassailable lead. stability means that one civ can go ahead but can still be caught up, making the game still exciting until the end. Something has to be done to make sure a lead isnt unassailable, which it is in C4
Got a few ideaa...

what about some kind of Drug Trade system?
  • Provides :yuck: and :mad: when your "involved" in it in a bad way.
  • It'll start closer to the equator, and work it's way to the north and south.
  • if some part of your country is involved in the trade, then the empires that "get" the drugs gain a :( face towards you "Drugs grown in your territory have ended up in our Country"
  • a map of the planet with arrows showing where the drugs are coming from and where there ending up and at what speed.
  • Different kind of drugs have different effect, (maybe 1 giving more :yuck: then another)
  • putting troops in an area that's involved with the Drug trade will help slow down/eliminate the problem. (like a police)

I think it can be implemented, wonder if the AI can handle all the concepts.

second idea... Immigration

  • Throughout history immigration has been an issue. Take a look at the world's newest nation, Kosovo, a country founded on immigrant Albanians. How come is this not implemented in the game?
  • Maybe theres been a recent conquest, and a captured city's population wants to return to it's original country, so it immigrates there
  • Border City, Population from another Country just joins the border city, happens alot throughout history, makes sense. Infact it's sorta already implemented in the game with culture.
  • Soldiers capture a city, and there lonely have no homes etc. so they settled down in the new city that has been captured.
  • The Romans made a Colony, but it's pretty underpopulated, the Roman citizens, seeking land, wealth, etc. immigrate to the new world.
  • Another conquests. i've captured a city, but it's filled with enemy population, i "deport" the population back to there homeland.
  • I've captured a city, but it's fileld with enemy population, i turn the population into slaves and send them to work in other cities as slaves. there ancestors settle down in there new city.
  • Rome captured a city, but it's filled with Russian population. Rome bring some romans from other cities to make my new city more "Roman"
  • My empire/city is so poor/backwards/horrible living conditions/unhappy/low life expectancy/seek better paying jobs/etc so i'm immigrating to another empire/city.
  • i made a new city, and i need workers in the new city, so i'm sending citizens there to work.
  • New immigrants can bring a new religion with them, as well as there culture.
  • if to much immigrants are in a small area, civil war may be about! which can lead to cities becoming part of the original immigrants country!
  • There could be a feature where you can control where you want immigrants to go.
  • Illegal immigration can be implemented into the game, and can cause unhappiness etc.
  • Finally a way to include Ethnic Cleansing! (which will probably create tons of unhappiness.
  • maybe a map that can show you immigration paterns throughout the world?

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on my ideas :)

Also this is an awesome mod which imo should be implemented in Civ 5:
I want to see a program that can be minimized. I want to play at work, but I can't have my boss catch me playing! It's small, I know, but you asked....
Programmable workers. If you accept the "fact" that the worker is the most important unit, it follows that what the worker does is of fundamental importance to good play. Constantly having to tell a worker what to do next is quite tedious. It is also a fact that Civ is used in some schools. Wouldn't it help teach basic programming concepts if each worker had a modifiable subroutine. As it is now, if you simply automate a worker, it does a bunch of dumb things, such as build unnecessary roads or develop unneeded resources beyond the fat cross etc. I can imagine simply right clicking on a worker, a window opens with "his" program and you could refine or optimize as much as you like. A good learning feature as well as adding a whole new dimension to the game.
seems like religion could be tied to specific civs - they get special units & buildings why not unique wonders tied to tech advancement and religion?

aka mayan civ could build unique wonder "Chichen Itza" if they discover "human sacrifice" (unique tech for mayan - replaces slavery) and adopt sun worship religion...
I wish that the AI wouldn't attack me if they had no nukes and I had 20. This could lead to a Cold War like game.

Also, nukes should make the world colder, not hotter.

And the stability thing that came in RFC in every game, and if the nation became to unstable, a civil war could break out, cutting a Civ in two, or three. That way more CIVs could come into the game.

I agree with The Last One:goodjob:
A really nice thing about Civ is that you can kick back in your chair, take your time and think about the best way of progressing. Something about Civ V that would be fun to think about and has been lacking since a phalanx on a mountain top could hold off an army, is impassable areas. The only location strategy I've seen in Civ IV is an archipelago map which provides a bit of strategic planning against enemy ship movement. For water areas a nice added feature would be implementation of harbors (not an improvement, water depth) whereby ships could not directly unload passengers to land except in a harbor square. This would not apply to triemes. If it were possible to have real terrain like you see in EQ2 with cliffs, city placement could be critical, even triemes could not unload an army in some areas and land movement would be considerably more interesting.

un-herd view
I like this. It's a small addition but a nice one. As I proposed somewhere else, I would also borrow the idea of "hostile terrain" from the "Final Frontier" mod: some terrain types or features -- I'm thinking of jungle, desert, tundra, mountains,... -- would introduce a certain damage percentage each turn you end in it (depending on your cultural presence/absence, movement points,...). This would introduce some natural protection and would/could make land movement more interesting indeed (plus, maybe even influence the type of units you're building in certain cities).

Here is an immense list of some of the ideas that I came up with that late winters day that my friends simultaneously "went to see there cosine" or had a "trip to Disney Land" and I had some free time.

First of the new "religions": in the same way they added corporations they should add sports, which I have been long awaiting for. Something like: Racing, Wrestling/Fighting/Sumo, Hockey (or something that uses a stick), Soccer, Ball, swimming (a water sport), dance (or something cultural); all with there own version of the U.N. which is the Olympics (mid game diplomatic victory).

The second would be agencies the new "religions"; something like: CIA, NSA, FBI, M16, KGB... not sure just what they are but they’d let you have a more complex spying system.

They should also include the three future eras: Space Era, Frontier Era (or something to that effect), and the Immortal Era.

Revolutions/civil wars so new empires can form from the ashes; fault lines for more accurate random events (and in the distant future, so that land masses can change shape); the Dark Age and Depression, Armageddon and Twilight (like Golden Age but bad and easer for revolutions); a Costume Civilization Builder for everything down to the favorite civic of the leader; stability was a great idea thanks to Rhye; weather would be cool when the dates became months; and World Wonder Units like the Pope and Titanic.

Projects wouldn’t be just the big ones but could get so important that you couldn’t talk to another civilization without starting a project to decipher there language (unless they spoke the same language like Americans and English). Or they could be something like a humanist movement or an aircraft noise reduction in special circumstances.

Some of this may be for the 6th, 7th or 8th games rather than any decade soon.
Got a few ideaa...

what about some kind of Drug Trade system?

* Provides and when your "involved" in it in a bad way.
* It'll start closer to the equator, and work it's way to the north and south.
* if some part of your country is involved in the trade, then the empires that "get" the drugs gain a face towards you "Drugs grown in your territory have ended up in our Country"
* a map of the planet with arrows showing where the drugs are coming from and where there ending up and at what speed.
* Different kind of drugs have different effect, (maybe 1 giving more then another)
* putting troops in an area that's involved with the Drug trade will help slow down/eliminate the problem. (like a police)

I think it can be implemented, wonder if the AI can handle all the concepts.

second idea... Immigration

* Throughout history immigration has been an issue. Take a look at the world's newest nation, Kosovo, a country founded on immigrant Albanians. How come is this not implemented in the game?
* Maybe theres been a recent conquest, and a captured city's population wants to return to it's original country, so it immigrates there
* Border City, Population from another Country just joins the border city, happens alot throughout history, makes sense. Infact it's sorta already implemented in the game with culture.
* Soldiers capture a city, and there lonely have no homes etc. so they settled down in the new city that has been captured.
* The Romans made a Colony, but it's pretty underpopulated, the Roman citizens, seeking land, wealth, etc. immigrate to the new world.
* Another conquests. i've captured a city, but it's filled with enemy population, i "deport" the population back to there homeland.
* I've captured a city, but it's fileld with enemy population, i turn the population into slaves and send them to work in other cities as slaves. there ancestors settle down in there new city.
* Rome captured a city, but it's filled with Russian population. Rome bring some romans from other cities to make my new city more "Roman"
* My empire/city is so poor/backwards/horrible living conditions/unhappy/low life expectancy/seek better paying jobs/etc so i'm immigrating to another empire/city.
* i made a new city, and i need workers in the new city, so i'm sending citizens there to work.
* New immigrants can bring a new religion with them, as well as there culture.
* if to much immigrants are in a small area, civil war may be about! which can lead to cities becoming part of the original immigrants country!
* There could be a feature where you can control where you want immigrants to go.
* Illegal immigration can be implemented into the game, and can cause unhappiness etc.
* Finally a way to include Ethnic Cleansing! (which will probably create tons of unhappiness.
* maybe a map that can show you immigration paterns throughout the world?

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on my ideas
Then this should interest you
Drug trade: Keep in mind, the game has to be relatively kid-friendly.
Immigration: Good idea!:goodjob:
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