What happened to World Builder?


Feb 25, 2013
Debugging through the game is getting to be a serious pain. Especially since a failed map spawn no longer forces a defeat (and seems to require you to close the game through the task manager as there are no menu options, etc.). World Builder would save me a ridiculous amount of time... Is it just not released as of the initial SDK release or is it not coming back?

What's coming?
Another major modding component that will arrive later is World Builder, which is pretty self-explanatory - you can use this development tool to generate your own custom maps and tiles. Nexus will be implemented in a future Beyond Earth update.
A very handy list of popular Civilization V modding tools, along with brief explanations for each, can be found over on Civfanatics. Firaxis Games is working to implement World Builder into the game as soon as possible, and we’ll be sure to let you know as soon as it’s ready. In the meanwhile, enjoy tinkering around with Beyond Earth through FireTuner, Mod Buddy and Nexus, and be sure to share your created content with the community through Steam Workshop!

I believe the correct term is Soon™ :thumbsup:
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