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What is a true Civ?

There has NEVER been a "true" Civ.. an experience that was all encompassing and made sense. Every single Civ has had exploits or inherently "gamey" elements. For me, a TRUE Civ, would be a Civ that could replicate any moment in history. I have yet to see Civ replicate the fall of empires, they way they happened in history. Therefor, there is no TRUE Civ, "just gamey" versions of the concept. They have all failed at economy, all failed with military, even on the domestic side the game has always been "gamey"... Foreign policy in EVERY Civ to date had made ZERO sense.

So yeah... there is a game called Civilization but they never have been able to replicate the experience of Civilization. I read tons of history... Civ doesn't even come close to representing historical events. It does, however, feel like an expanded upon Risk game... So in that sense I like it. Civilization does strategy well, it never did civilization well.

A little fun here with a famous quote..

Q: "What do you think of Sid Meier's Civilization?"
A: "I think it would be a good idea." :D
A true civ is a game that has "Sid Meier's Civilization" in front of the title, regardless of how much anyone does or doesn't like it.

Suggesting otherwise is a bit pretentious.
A true Civ is when you play as SP and like it or furthermore in teamgames.

In Civ3, the basics was ordinary, but playing with other ppl in SG's, made it! SP was ok.

In Civ4, the game was great with BTS, but teamplay diminished as in SG's.

In Civ5, a decent game in itself, you just can't play a SG game. The concept is dead with this newcomer. SP is somewhat good/great, but that's it.

Just take a brief look in the CIV3 forums and look for Succession Games, they are still playing!!!!
A true Civ does not require patches or add-ons.

Are you suggesting that none of the other civ games had patches or add-ons? Every single one (save civ1) of them did. If civ1 was truly the only "true" civ - it raises the question of why you are on the Civilization V forums 20 years after civ1 was released?

Or are we talking civilizations here rather than the actual civs games. In which case I suppose Mongolia in CiV doesn't count as a real civ, and no civs added in expansions for the older games count as "true" civs.


Hell, why is this thread even in the Civilization V forums, it's obviously about the series in general rather than Civ V, right?
There has NEVER been a "true" Civ.. an experience that was all encompassing and made sense.

I'm inclined to agree with the above for a single reason;

The only Civ ever implied in such a game is Humanity itself.

We can split the specie in as many different "aspects" as we want, the fact remains - culture & politics (etc, btw) always lead to some sharp division between X and Y and Z and much more.

I was hesitant at first to contribute to this tricky thread - if only because of its clearly wise wording trap, NukeEm. I'm sure *YOU* can now understand why.
in a true civ, only a single turn more isn't a question, it's the rule.
A true civ never dies, it justs fades away.
A true Civ game is one produced under the banner of "Sid Meier's Civilization".

Except for Colonization :).
I enjoyed that game very much, but I don't think it deserves to be called a true Civ game. It just didn't fit the civ formula. The only similarity was that it was built using the cIV engine.
Except for Colonization :).
I enjoyed that game very much, but I don't think it deserves to be called a true Civ game. It just didn't fit the civ formula. The only similarity was that it was built using the cIV engine.

Well, that's fair enough, I guess.

How about, a true civ needs to be one of: Civilization I, Civilization II, Civilization III, Civilization IV or Civilization V.
Well, that's fair enough, I guess.

How about, a true civ needs to be one of: Civilization I, Civilization II, Civilization III, Civilization IV or Civilization V.

So civ VI won't be real?:(
A true Civ should not require mathematic formulas in order to be played properly.

A true Civ should not require forums in order to be played properly.

12. A congolian monkey baby should not be able to play a true Civ.
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