What is it about 1950 AD?


Oct 1, 2005
Lately at Prince I have played several games where I had a substantial lead around 1500 AD to 1800 or so. But then around 1900-2000 the AI's really start to spike upwards.

Just finished one game where at 1500'ish the score was something like me 2300, next AI down was 1500. And I was at least 10 techs ahead, probably more.

Yet by 2000 it was more like me at 3500, AI at 4000.

(not real numbers, just to show the approximate ratios)

And usually around 1400 or so is when I really start to expand, get modernish weapons, and go crazy on tech.

but they still beat me.

It's an obvious question, an maybe a bit irritating, but if you were 10 techs ahead why didn't you win the before you even reached the 1900?
Have you checked production and GNP graphs? Maybe AI has more land than you do because they have expanded more initially, while you have only found a couple of cities and have focused on infrastructure. This would halt their economy while you tech like mad. However, when the AI land is improved and their economy becomes stable, they become powerhouses and start catching up, finally surpassing you. My advice is to beeline to Astronomy, then conquer/vassalize your neighbours after you get it, and you can easily cruise to Domination or Space Race victory sub 1950s.
Silly question, but were you trading techs or just teching ahead by yourself? AIs are whores when it comes to trading techs to each other and if you don't slow the financial civs down, they become research monsters!
Have you checked production and GNP graphs? Maybe AI has more land than you do because they have expanded more initially, while you have only found a couple of cities and have focused on infrastructure. This would halt their economy while you tech like mad. However, when the AI land is improved and their economy becomes stable, they become powerhouses and start catching up, finally surpassing you.

BTW, I usually play on isoloated continents, so vassals or conquests is usually not much of an option that early, but...

This appears to be the problem. While I am often WAY ahead in tech early on, by looking at the replay I see that at around 500-1500 AD that the other civs are expanding a lot faster than I am.

Going to try a little bit different strategy next game and try to get out some real early cities that will have a chance to grow pretty good by that time frame and see what happens. It means I will get less wonders, but half of the wonders don't seem to be helping that much anyway...
Silly question, but were you trading techs or just teching ahead by yourself? AIs are whores when it comes to trading techs to each other and if you don't slow the financial civs down, they become research monsters!

Nobody to trade with usually, since I am usually so far ahead in tech that they have nothing I want.
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