What is that violet-white civ on the mini map down there?

I think here people are more willing to stick their neck out and put their opinions out there. You get some robust debate here but the mods are good - they step in if it's going to far off topic or getting too fiery but otherwise leave people to express differing opinions. It's a good forum.

They had decided at the time that Venice couldn't live without Ragusa.
Going back to the mini-map, there's a white dot bang in the middle of Moroccan territory - the same size as a city would be. What could that be? It can't be fog of war, surely - the player is Morocco.

Great observation!!! I can't think of any explanations.
Great observation!!! I can't think of any explanations.

That tripped me up initially as well, but it's just the selected unit (not the one in the middle of the screen).
Of course it is! The other "it's not a city" clue is that it's apparently only two tiles from a Moroccan city.

...and a different colour from the other cities on the map.
...but if it was a city, it could have been part of the new gameplay for the "special" civ - though, of course, I'm clutching at straws here :blush:!

Having a one tiled Civ stuck in the middle of Morocco doesn't exactly sound fun.
Moderator Action: snip

Mobile town centers have been done in other games (Paraworld is the first that comes to mind for me, but I'm sure there are other examples), and the Lakota in Rise of Nations are essentially borderless, they can build buildings outside of their borders and city limits. I'm sure something similar would be achievable in civ, however unorthodox.
Ahh, hindsight.

Now we know, looking at the map it makes sense that Venice is large and the other two cities are former city-states, especially the top right.

What do you mean hindsight, we've know that it was Venice there since within a day of it being posted.

Several people were speculating about it being a one city challenge civ based on that screenshot.
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