What is your Age?

25 years old
Seattle USA,
been playing Civ since 1990 - EGA graphics
ahhhh..... the memories - losing a battleship to a fortified phalanx.
BulldogHockey said:
This histogram is exactly what I expected. This histogram could be applied to pretty much any game in existance. Of course there will be some outliers, but the core of gamers these days is typically 15-27 years of age. Not saying it's not great that there are some older gamers...just repeating some stats that I've heard.

What's interesting about the histogram is it shows a higher incidence of 25-30 yr/old playing civ then 20-25. Much higher in fact. I don't know if it's because these young kids now 'adays don't have the paitence for turn-based strategy, or the ceontect in civ appeals more to a mature audience. I think one thing we all need to do is encourage more female gaming!

BTW - I left it out of my earlier post, but I am male.
Civ 2, 3 and 4

Pretty much learnt how to use a computer whilst playing civ 2, but I wasn't that good. :)

I wasn't that old when playing civ 2, I'd watch my Dad for hours on end, then stole his ideas, such as fortifying units on every border square. (I'm sure somebody else use's that.)
Male, 43, Brasil. Very lucky to be married to an understanding wife ;).

Loved Civ I (started on 1995) and Civ II.

Lost interest on Civ III before even trying to play at most difficult level.

Civ IV is the best, started one month ago, now trying to win on huge pangea at Emperor level.

SMAC was interesting. Colonization had nice ideas, but the final phase was very boring.
Saskatchewan, Canada
Civ 1, 2, 3, 4. A bit of Alpha Centuri and A Call to Power if that counts.
Male 32. I have played Civ 2, 3, and waiting on my copy of 4. Also played Alpha Centauri never really got into that one. Master of Orion, was a great game as well. Still feel like a rookie to often for my taste though.
33 year old male living in Canada.

I became addicted to Civ3 and it has carried over to Civ4. Tried SMAC but couldn't get into it like Civ.
46 years of age.
San Fernando Valley, CA

SMAC lover, Just got CIV III last year, heard about CIV IV and stopped playing. I've only finished one CIV IV game but I love it.
42 years old

Played Civ 3 a little
SMAC a little
Now civ4 a fair bit
Still getting my ass kicked on Noble
27 years old
Oslo, Norway
Civ I, Civ II and Civ III

Waiting for a new computer before I consider CIV
Gosh, I feel like a baby copared to all you old farts.


(My brother (age 9) plays also).
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