What is your favourite unit?

Teperi Blaze

Sep 24, 2010
Mine is the upgraded scout as SongHai from ancient ruins, on a big map with few opponents.

I was lucky and got 2 of them running scout/archers in my last game and they bought my empire just about everything.

Only King difficulty, but a peaceful win is also a win, though raging barbs is a bit crazy. :)
Mechanical Infantry and Giant Death Robot.

I like slow offensives, and when the artillery first arrive they are unstoppable.

Funny thing is I've never seen a tank, modern armour or GDR in my games, even though I've done multiple science victories including one on deity were many of the AI's were in the future era.

I like slow offensives, and when the artillery first arrive they are unstoppable.

Funny thing is I've never seen a tank, modern armour or GDR in my games, even though I've done multiple science victories including one on deity were many of the AI's were in the future era.

I saw one tank in my games but it was embarked :p

And my favorite would be any unit that can shoot 3+ range and over obstacles. But then it feels quite overpowered ...
Modestly, I haven't seen most of the newer era unit, but one that is mentioned is the artillery....quite awesome.

still, no better than my double scouts/archers as Song Hai :)
I mainly play OCC, and the artillery is probably my favourite unit because I can station it in my city and practically destroy any of my backwards invaders.
I like the sound the mech infantry makes. Actually, that can be said for many other units, particular modern era units. One thing Civ 5 got right are the unit animations and sounds!
I've only played a few games but so far, in general, I love using Artillery. Massed Artillery just destroys everything in it's path. Great for defence too.
Destroyers. Yes I know the AI sucks at Naval engagements, let alone building a Navy to begin with. But these units have 8 movement, HUGE line of site, sees all subs, and are relatively cheap to build. Destroyers rule.

Plus with a few turns of peppering barbs and workers and enemy cities you can get range and bombard bonuses almost equal to that of a Battleship. I never build subs late game. A bunch of Destroyers plus one or two Carriers (MAYBE a cruiser if the Air threat justifies it) is a formidable force.
Janissary. Upgrade them and they're self healing, attack bonus, death machines. Not as good as Artillery, but a lot of fun to use.
Longbowman with extended range and indirect fire promotions. Nothing until modern era can stand up to it.
My favorite unit is the Hoplite, no recourse costs, capable of fighting agianst swordsmen (9-11) and the fact that there spearmen makes them all-round and my unit of choice. When you also use some CC alongside you will have a very deadly fighting force...

No wonder Alexander conquered a large part of the world :p
(Shame they have no Spartans, would love them having in the game also...)
Songhai's Mandekalu mounted units as horse resources are the most common ingame, they come at the early tech of chivalry, they get a +30% bonus vs cities and along with the UA of extra pillage they can make you super rich really quick. Get lucky enough to have Egypt nearby and you will be super super rich. Very fun indeed.
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