What, no Valentines thread already?

I'll be by myself and it don't bother me none. All you women have the devil in you anyway.
I'll help move the woman into her new apartment and then we can break it in appropriately.
My girl is in/out of the hospital so no real celebrations...:(
I'll help move the woman into her new apartment and then we can break up appropriately.

that is what I read at my first pass. jaded? maybe. but being European I never really got into Valentine's Day or Halloween. kind of makes me feel like putting my right hand over my heart when our national anthem is playing, meaning it appears to be quite silly when I do it but I can see how others might want to do it...
Prime hunting season is after valentine's day guys ;).

You'll save yourself a pretty penny if you wait.
The woman's best friend turns 21 on V day. She apparently rented a cabin a few hours out of town, to celebrate. I'll be having fun, but there won't be any privacy. That part comes next week!
It's Valentines! It's time to say you that I love you, my dear internet. Life before you was meaningless. Thanks for existing.

It's Valentines! It's time to say you that I love you, my dear internet. Life before you was meaningless. Thanks for existing.

what? it is mine... MINE, i say! scandalous wench!
what? it is mine... MINE, i say! scandalous wench!

No! She love ME and only ME!!

PS: Post 1400!!!!!

It's peanut butter jelly time!!!
Pass the chocolate, and don't let the door hit you on the way out...
Valentines day, Bah HUMBUG!!! Why should we single people have to celebrate a couple's holiday!!?

I'll celebrate Single's Awareness Day thank you very much.
I'll celebrate Single's Awareness Day thank you very much.
I think, in most cases, if you're single, you're probably aware of it. This is at least true for me.
I'll be alone.. I was really close to not being alone but it ended abruptly soooooo... I'll try to take it as a normal day, may not work out so well in my head but hey, if I can pretend I'm fine to the rest of the family, why not?
I'm going on a road trip to get messed up with a bunch of friends in toronto.

A girl in montreal should be receiving an awesome scrapbook of our journeys in chile sometime tomorrow, if she hasn't already picked it up.

Valentine's day is ******ed, but I'm paying it lip service anyway.
I couldn't care less about Valentine's Day. The way I see it, I'm saving tons of money by not wasting time on a girlfriend. More money to spend on what I want.
Just curious about that mind set. Is it because you think that making one day special for your girlfriend when you can do the same thing on the other 364 days? Don't mind me, but I have been listening to Steve "The Dean" William's Podcasts (he calls this season, "Sucker me Season)
Valentine's Day is just a normal day that happens to have a name.
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