What strategies are you working on?

ok, so has anyone here managed to save 24,000 gold and pop the AC in one turn? i have been dieing to try but have not had the time.
Huh? How dyou do that? Get lotsa city's and build lotsa Ritual of Sheiams? If so; youc an't rush rituals.
hmm, instant apocalypse? You could try this:
-get a hyboream super city--and don't worry about happiness. 100+ pop, perhaps.
-gift it to a good/neutral player
-get open borders with them, somehow. Inquisition the Ashen Veil out. (requires owner to not have it as state religion)
-Declare war and raze it.
I think that would raise the AC a few dozen points. I'm not up to trying it, though.
It might be possible to do w/being Infernal if you had a mess of flood plains and agriculture.
I'm playing elves mostly these days, and I seem to often end up on a continent with only one other civ. I use cottage spam+forest to push Pact, smash/pillage whoever else is there with the stooges mixed with archers of leaves/hunters/the odd warrior, and then settle into happy terraforming mode and push caste system to lock up the whole continent under my culture (I'm debating whether I prefer Thessa's arcane prowess, faster promotions for your terraformers, quick granaries, effective free farm from bonus health, and free healthcare civics to Amelanchier's superior combat skills... I'm leaning towards the latter for effectiveness, since it's the getting a continent to yourself part which is the vulnerable stage of the plan and I probably won't have Mages by the time the battle is over if it goes well, but I keep returning to Thessa). The elves are the first group with which I have ever received the top ranking in any civ game (I like Sid's games, but I'm usually pretty bad at them), and I'm giving them a lot of attention on account.
Okay, I've been fraustrated trying to figure this out.
How does great person &#37; work? I'll build a bunch of wonder specifics in a city, and it won't do anything. Tried changing the specs in the city, no difference. ><
Can anyone elaborate on how this thing works? =/ Much appreciated Thanks ^^
hmm, instant apocalypse? You could try this:
-get a hyboream super city--and don't worry about happiness. 100+ pop, perhaps.
-gift it to a good/neutral player
-get open borders with them, somehow. Inquisition the Ashen Veil out. (requires owner to not have it as state religion)
-Declare war and raze it.
I think that would raise the AC a few dozen points. I'm not up to trying it, though.
It might be possible to do w/being Infernal if you had a mess of flood plains and agriculture.

i did that once when i was really bored. i set a city up to the pop cap of 999 people then rezed it and all of a sudden the avatar of wrath and all 4 horsemen appeared to kill the 20% of my army that remained
In summary, producing a blessed Crusader with mobility, combat IV, shield of faith, courage, and spiritual hammer every turn from my priest-filled agrarian capital of thirty million people is my kind of game.

Can someone explain how that is possible?
Can someone explain how that is possible?

High level altar giving both experience bonuses to disciples and massive production bonuses for priest specialists, spiritual leader trait, 3 buffing high priests of kilmorph, heroic epic, and the military civics.
Hahaha, that is one powerhouse city...
I've started to avoid agriculture civic and even farms when playing evil (or good with a razing mania) - so when the Armageddon Clock reach's 40 I can switch to agriculture, build 1 or two farms for each city and regain or even hold the cities population it had before. And I profit from not using agriculture by using something else.
^ Also slaving is good when armageddon hits :D Slave yourself a few workers, maybe a few adepts with water1 if you can, and you're set!
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