What the...


Nov 8, 2005
Does anyone know why I can't build Polish Retainers... as Poland?


The Polish (faction colour maroon) are a Catholic faction. They cannot launch crusades. Polish Retainers are on a par with Feudal Knights, and have much lower building requirements, but they are unavailable in the Early era if the game has been patched to v1.1 or later.

Nevermind, Wiki delivers. Anyone know if, once the game gets into the later stages, I can build them? Or am I just screwed because I started in the Early period?
I assume this is MTW?

If so, then yes, you can build them once you reach the High Age, in 1204.

EDIT: I looked at the screenshot, so yes.

Although, I must ask: if it's 1166, and you have those six disgustingly awesome generals, why have you not completely dominated the entirely of Eastern and Central Europe yet? By that time as the Poles, I usually rule Europe East from Brandenburg.
Although, I must ask: if it's 1166, and you have those six disgustingly awesome generals, why have you not completely dominated the entirely of Eastern and Central Europe yet? By that time as the Poles, I usually rule Europe East from Brandenburg.

They're all my princes, the Missis just keeps kicking them out. ^_^

And I'm bad at warmongering. I don't have a lot of faith in spamming Militia or Spearmen so I generally only warmonger as Denmark.
It's mainly their horrible morale that makes me leery. One you start getting Fuedal/Chivalric units I'm a lot more comfortable, or Vikings.
I'll definitely keep it in mind.

On another note, it seems like only 3 people post in here these days.
Yeah, well... it's the only one that really interests me these days. I stopped playing Civ 3 after it got to easy, don't have 2 anymore, don't like 4 and won't be buying Revolution because my comp can barely run 4.
You won't buy the console version... Because your PC isn't good enough? :confused:
Polish Retainers are a tad weaker than feudal knights. 8/3/3/4/4 vs 8/4/3/4/8

Of course, if you train them out of Poland, they get +1 valour, which gives them a slight edge in combat against FKs.

The 10 iron provinces in MTW:
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