What TV Shows Are You Watching? The 9th Is - Excuse Me - A Damn Fine Cup Of Coffee

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - Another GoT spinoff is apparently in the works... Is HoD over? Are they abandoning it? or are we going to have two GoT prequel/spinoffs going at once?

TBH I'd rather they continued the story rather than doing prequels... but no one called to ask for my vote...
Well, the GOT story was basically told though GRRM has yet to finish the book series. 2 more planned and we've been waiting on the next one for like 14 years now. But GRRM gave them all the notes and they developed their own ending. He wrote quite a bit about times before the GOT setting, so there are some things to work with.

I recently heard though that they had planned a follow-up series about Jon Snow after the events of GOT but it fell through.

Honestly, though GRRM has said he has written quite a bit of Winds of Winter (next book), I suspect he will never finish the book series....ever. I think the TV series created a serious lack of motivation to finish.

It has been a long time since the last Kingkiller book from Rothfuss. That story
would would make a great TV series. (I've read the first two books twice now - they are absolutely fantastic - but will have to read them again before Doors of Stone ever releases..it is quite complex)
Well, the GOT story was basically told though GRRM has yet to finish the book series. 2 more planned and we've been waiting on the next one for like 14 years now. But GRRM gave them all the notes and they developed their own ending. He wrote quite a bit about times before the GOT setting, so there are some things to work with.

I recently heard though that they had planned a follow-up series about Jon Snow after the events of GOT but it fell through.

Honestly, though GRRM has said he has written quite a bit of Winds of Winter (next book), I suspect he will never finish the book series....ever. I think the TV series created a serious lack of motivation to finish.
Among so many things... too many to list... that made the ending of GoT such a massive disappointment was the killing of Clarke. *sigh* That was soooo stupid :shake:. They could have ended the show with the speech she gave where she promises her army to conquer the world. They could have just shown the horror on the faces of Jon Snow and all the other main characters... then, cut to black... roll credits. That would have been a perfect setup to either continue the show later, or forever leave it up to viewer speculation/fanfiction.
I keep hoping for GRRM to announce Winds of Winter. :(
I keep hoping for GRRM to announce Winds of Winter. :(
If you read fantasy, you should read the 2 Kingkiller books. Pretty sure tv/movie rights have been sold, but still may be some time before the final book is released. Lotta folks just as crazy waitin' for that as WoW...for me I'm crazy for both.
Is Kingkiller the title?
Is Kingkiller the title?
That's the series or chronicles. Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fears are the released books. Author Patrick Rothfuss. It'll def scratch that itch :D
Thanks. I put it on hold at the library.
Industry news that could/will affect consumers:


I feel like it's unlikely that this bundle will ultimately represent a discount from current prices. I expect the prices for the services purchased individually will go up, and/or they will remove their lowest-priced tiers, and/or they will start to restrict some content to their higher-priced tiers - as Netflix has already started doing, and it added over 9 million subscribers in Q1. They're also promoting the annual subs, as Prime Video has done since forever.

New comedy series about a true crime pod-caster who goes to Ireland to investigate a 25 year old triple murder.
First 3 episodes are quite intriguing and very amusing.
New comedy series about a true crime pod-caster who goes to Ireland to investigate a 25 year old triple murder.
First 3 episodes are quite intriguing and very amusing.
I just finished it. Quite good all the way through. :thumbsup:
I started Secret City on Netflix. Aussie thriller series that starts off with a bang that has carried through the first few episodes. Excellent so far. It is a political/spy thriller with Chinese (likely) as the bad guys. Lots of cool shots of Canberra.
I started Secret City on Netflix. Aussie thriller series that starts off with a bang that has carried through the first few episodes. Excellent so far. It is a political/spy thriller with Chinese (likely) as the bad guys. Lots of cool shots of Canberra.
I believe that has Anna Torv too, and the guy who played the dumb hick on Justified, who is an Aussie, plays the transgender person.
Finished Lioness last night, and I have to say it was a damn fine series. The show just got better and better with each epi and the finale was fantastic. I have always loved Saldana…yum…but she was really excellent here. Kidman is losing control of her face but still good. Very glad to hear season two has been greenlit cause this show really deserves it. I wonder if Cruz and Aaliyah (very pretty) will return. (Although a very different show in many ways it can kinda satisfy that Homeland itch)
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I started Secret City on Netflix. Aussie thriller series that starts off with a bang that has carried through the first few episodes. Excellent so far. It is a political/spy thriller with Chinese (likely) as the bad guys. Lots of cool shots of Canberra.
Season 1 has been excellent. A great show; on to Season 2.
:lol: I guess I won't hold my breadth ....
:lol: I guess I won't hold my breadth ....
Yeah, that is a pretty good article about the timeline of GRRM's writing since DoD. I used to follow his blog quite closely years ago. (Note: I read the SOIAF series well before the TV show came out) I recall some time ago on his blog that he went into detail about a point in the overall story where he became really stuck. Something to do with how certain storylines split off from a certain event. The issue may have gone back to even before DoD, which, mind you, took years to be written after the prior novel, but I think the greatest impact was on WoW. GRRM mentioned that due to that conundrum, he had to rewrite a ton, including some predrafts of WoW. Basically, what I took from that is that he wrote himself into a hole and is still digging himself out.

The TV show was a blessing in many ways to book readers, as it gave us some kind of conclusion to a story that, as most of us feel, will never be concluded on the page. Also, it gave us the fate of Jon Snow which was a huge emotional cliffhanger from the last novel.

Based on that article's update, we are still looking at years for WoW, unless GRRM has a breakthrough. He is not a young man.
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