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What's your occupation in the FfH universe?

I'm gonna aim for a Magister too :) . Anyway, what happened to the "Short explanation" part? Just listing the thing is boring :(
I don't even know what's which position of which society is the safest, in terms of not getting beaten, killed, have your soul dragged to hell, enslaved... it almost seems like everyone runs the risk of getting into a lot of trouble. It almost seems like the whole of Erebus is already next to hell, that's why it's in danger of being dragged into it.

I guess I would be a Grigori landlord. I would be in an empire that doesn't fight anybody and never drafts (their armies are made of volunteer farmers, and I won't volunteer!!!). I would have the money and influance to ensure that myself and my family will have the bare necessities to live on even during plague and famine, but since I am not a noble or a civil servent, I won't be the target of assassinations or abductions. In times of peace I would be a solid middle class.
A farmer on a (hopefully) secluded farm, far away from anyone's front lines and largely unconcerned with the despot, benevolent or otherwise, who considers my land part of their nation... hopefully avoiding the plague and making enough to feed my large family after the local lord takes his share, perhaps heading in to the nearest city to see the carnival or visit the library with thte little ones now and again.

Or else champion, crusader, or paladin in some good nation sent afar to help some other nation turn back the tide of demons or barbarians killing thier farmers.

Either way. I'd prefer the long, quiet, good life, but if necessary, I'll take the short, bloody, good life. ;)
A Bannor Bounty Hunter. There are a lot of laws to be broken when your state religion is the Order. Minor offenses are dealt with harshly, plenty of business I imagine. I'm on the trail of a certain Great Sage right now. Capria is not remotely amused by his latest antics. ;)

Oh yeah, Demons and Orcs are dealt with for no fee. An allied Infernal and Clan of Embers army burned my hamlet to the ground. They killed my wife Sarah and two daughters, Leah and Rachel...
largely unconcerned with they despot, benevolent or otherwise, who considers my land part of their nation...

perhaps heading in to the nearest city to see the carnival

If you're going to go to the carnival, Perpentach might be a bad despot to live under. :p
Faeryl's personal masseuse.
I'd be either a Vicar of the Empyrean, or a Grigori Adventurer...
Dentaro's personal assistant, privy to the best kept secret on Erebus: "What makes the War Machine run?"
Either a Bannor Crusader/Paladin or an Elohim Paladin. When there is an actual threat of hell, it would be my duty to protect the world from it. Or kill elves, dwarves, mad cultists, and Esus spies.

An Illian priest of the White Hand would work too. I've always enjoyed the cold. :p
If my skill in AoE2 or Rome Total War is any measurement, I think I'd do reaonably well as a Hippus battle leader of some sort. I'm good with math too, maybe some sort of "desk" job. (How widespread is literacy in Erebus anyway).

Or I'd get sick and die, far more likely than any of the above...........
Either a Bannor Crusader/Paladin or an Elohim Paladin. When there is an actual threat of hell, it would be my duty to protect the world from it. Or kill elves, dwarves, mad cultists, and Esus spies.

An Illian priest of the White Hand would work too. I've always enjoyed the cold. :p

Killing elves and dwarves is good, especially in your spare time when there are no demons or orcs around.
Illian Inquisitor , Lanun Immortal :p
Inquisitor prolly.
Mabby Grigorian Luonottar.
I would invent the steam engine and, shortly after, the combustion engine. :p
If I had more technical expertise, I could also invent the computer.
Or are we not allowed to "cheat" by bringing modern technology with us?
Judging by my future profession (law), I'd probably be a vampire:D

But in reality, I imagine I'd be a Sidar, a perpetual nerd with all the time in the world to hoard knowledge.
I would invent the steam engine and, shortly after, the combustion engine. :p
If I had more technical expertise, I could also invent the computer.
Or are we not allowed to "cheat" by bringing modern technology with us?

The steam engine was invented in 62AD by some crazy smart guy in Egypt. Unfortunatly he didn't invent the railway so he didn't have much practical use for his engine. Little did he know that 700 years before that a guy created a 4 mile railway in Corinth that was powered by slaves.

If the egypt guy would have known about the other guys work Jesus would have been close to taking a trains around the middle east.
The Ancient Greeks also developed the Steam engine as a child's toy but didn't think much else of it.
By "close to" I guess you mean that it could have happened but not for at least 30 years after he died.

Hero of Alexandria was that "crazy smart guy." He was in Egypt, but was almost certainly also an Ancient Greek (some used to claim that he was Egyptian of Phoenician, but most say Greek. About 2/3 of those at the Musaeum of Alexandra in Egypt were Greeks after all, and most of the remaineder were Jews.)

It actually wasn't just a child's toy, it was also used to open doors (mostly in temples). The Ancients liked temples whose doors opened automatically when someone sacrificed a burnt offerings outside the doors, since the commoners think that the Gods were pleased with the offering and were opening their doors to their worshipers.

I'm not so sure the Ancient world would have had enough fuel (coal, charcoal, peat, oil, whatever) to make moving locomotives for great distances be very feasible. Their engines probably wouldn't be efficient enough to move very far or very fast (kinda like the first steam ships, which couldn't really move but had all the principles right)

I assumed that in the world of FfH that the Dwarves have already developed steam engines, and that this knowledge was obtained from them and used in building The War Machine. (I also think that a slow but strong (possibly armored) steam ship would be a good Dwarven UU.)
back to topic :p
I would probably be a Elohim druid. My strong connections to nature make me live very hermitic. I want to live a peaceful life and bring peace and goodness to everyone. I would only give advices to guide others to the path of wisdom and wouldn't force anyone to follow them. For me, wars would be never excusable (although I am quite militaristic in FfH :D) as well as any harm to nature (by human, demonic, elfish, etc. behaviour). I would be sober-minded and reliable person. But when it comes to treachery and deceit, I could be going to make them uncomfortable...
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