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When a game seems too easy


Building empire
Aug 4, 2008
East Coast US
I've been playing on Noble lately, winning a couple games and steadily getting better. I thought I'd have a go at a random leader (previous wins on noble were with Roosevelt and Darius). I got Charlemagne.

Oh cool, I thought - this will be a good change of pace with his traits.

So on a computer I just reinstalled everything on - I start up a new fresh game. I select all my options and get cracking.
A couple goodie huts reveal some nice techs, and I actually get a settler from one. Clue #1.

Time goes on, and I'm playing, and starting to completely kick the computers ass. I mean, I am getting to be so far ahead its just stupid. Sure the AI has built a couple wonders, but it was Rammy, and he's first on my target list anyway. I decide to hold off on an early rush because none of my neighbors are aggressive, so I decide to hold off until I can get the cats out.

When I do, I completely roll over the nearest competition. At this point my score is getting close to double the nearest competitor. I'm founding religions left and right.

'Wow' - I say to myself - 'I'm getting really good!'

So in the middle of a break, after getting ready to wipe Mao off the map, I end up taking a break to let the dog out. I reflect on the game, and it occurs to me that it is just too easy, and that I should check the difficulty level.

I get back to the game and check - chieftan :mad:
Stupid reinstall reset the defaults and I didn't notice.
I feel your pain, my civilized brother. Every time I install a patch or mod, it resets the difficult and most times, I'll forget to change it. Also, when my firend plays games on my computer, he plays at a lower difficulty, so I run into it all the time. Might as well keep going with it and try to get a crazy high (normalized) score. Who knows, it might be your highest score yet!:goodjob:
I still have that happen from time to time; it's annoying to discover the actual setting is lower than you'd wanted.

But what really bugs is when it happens on a map that I'm know I'm going to enjoy. Either I've got a cool starting location or plenty of resources or just great room to expand into.

So I've got all this stuff, the makings of a great empire and fun game, only to find out that I'm playing at a level where I'd kick butt even if I were on a ten tile island...

I usually play exclusively scenarios (Usually the LHC games and Earth 18), so usually I'll have to adjust it from Noble to Prince or Monarch, depending on whether I'm playing Earth. Last Earth game I played, though, I accidentally left it on Warlord (I don't know how that happened - it defaults to Noble), and it was a romp like you'd never believed. It was fun though. :p
I remember playing a multiplayer LAN game with my brother, just us 2 vs Ai and we were going along and I went my usual tech route for a civ not starting with Mysticism meaning I didnt really notice that no-one had discovered Buddhist/Hindu.

Anyways long story short when i finally got to getting Mysticism I could see that I could found both Buddhism/Hinduism via their respective tech prerequisites and BAM it hits me, I forgot to put Ai in the game, I'd left all the slots open -.- and I wasn't about to turn it into a 1v1 game against my brother as it was on Huge map on continents
You can not get a settler (or worker) from a hut on noble level.
That could have informed you a bit earlier that something was wrong.
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