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When does Civ 4 make you laugh?

I'm sorry for doing a necro on my own thread, but I had a good laugh a few moments ago. I am now playing civ4 using the Bat/Bug mods, and during the game loading screen I saw a "Lemon tip" , when your wife or gf walks up to you wearing something slinky as your playing civ, don't say " we have enough on our hands right now". I had a good laugh, and still have a big smile on my face.
Looking through some old screenshots, I discover an image showing a smiling Isabella.

Isabella - Kingdom of Spain (Pleased)
"We have suffered your insolence long enough!" (Isabella declares war)

Pleased towards Ragnar
+4 "We care for our brothers and sisters of the faith"
+3 "Our trade relations have been fair and forthright"
-3 "This war spoils our relationship"
-1 "You have traded with our worst enemy"
-1 "You refused to help us"
War with Aztec.
Worst enemy of Montezuma.

It was Earth map with historic starting locations.

Now, I'm used to Isabella flipping out and declaring on me because I'mthe wrong religion and she hates me. But this time we were getting along fine, sharing the same religion, far enough apart that we weren't competing for the same land - and she declared on me because I didn't want to get involved in a pointless war on the other side of the world.
Whenever I'm playing a game with my youngest son, and he thinks he's discovered a new way to beat the old man.
Case in point; He recently discovered how to chain forts for a canal to get his navy from one side to the other. Being the teenager that he is, he decided to show up the old man and declare war just as he cleared his lands to mine.
Minor problem. I was waiting for him with nuke subs and tacs, the howls of anguish brought a huge smile to my face. Afterwards, he asked if I knew about the chaining. I told him yes, but it wasn't that I knew about it that done him in, it was the spy that I had on his penisula that showed me what was going on.. He just glared at me and went to go play his console.... Poor zombies :)
When Mr. China settles MY continent :splat::spear::mad:(I ruled it. Just had a few unsettled corners) and I found a city close and next turn use great artist! That was funny!:D
Yeah nothing better than using the culture bomb on cities that are next to rival cities that are low in culture.
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