when to use nukes?


Apr 21, 2003
When do u think is the proper time to nuke a enemy?If you're backed into a corner and they are advancing quickly should u nuke?Or as soon as you get sdi should you let the nukes fly and clean up later.What do you think?
If you are corned, have no backup settlers. And your forces are very low then yes use nules. Actually if I'm declaring war I wait till I have nules, but I take it you didn't start it. So I say use them now, if you can't declare peace. Other's may disagree but that's ny thought.
I've used them to cut off an advancing enemy. Like, when I do a modern invasion and own one city on my enemy's continent. While trying to build an airport, they're sending in 50 Modern Armors per turn through their railroad infrastructure.

So, I'll use a few nukes to destroy their rail system. Over strategic resources as well as through passes that they MUSt go through if they're going to get to my city. Protect that city at all costs by slowing them down while you can send in reinforcements.
Most of my games are decided before someone gets nukes, but on large or huge maps, where you need time for conquering all these far-away archipelagos :crazyeye:, nukes might be available. Then you have to differentiate between three cases:
(1) You have nukes, your enemy has not:
In this case, i have used them on troop-concentrations as a tactical weapon to ensure conquest quickly. (don't wait too long, he might get the tech or steal it)

(2) Both of you have nukes. This could be awful. It happened to me ONCE, and i try to avoid that for obvious reasons. Luckily, i had more cities and a superior production capability, which i used for a ICBM blow on his core cities :nuke: , not nice and not very sophisticated, but it worked.

(3) Only your enemy has nukes - in this case, you have done something wrong.
However, nukes need a lot of production capability, so you might have enough time to steal the tech and go on with (2), otherwise you have a problem :(
I only Nuke as a last resort because once you do the whole world will want to war against you.
Nukes are for deterence, as far as I'm concerned. I'll only fire them if:

a) The ungodly infidel enemies use the things first. Die-die, radioactive scum!

b) A conventional war is getting really badly. If I'm going to die, I might just as well take as many enemy troops and endangered species as possible with me.

c) I'm supremely powerful, nobody else has nukes and I'm bored. It's a free-for-all fireworks display-cum-barbecue!
To be honest I haven't had more than few nuclear wars EVER. And by nuclear wars I mean me launching them at the AI. heh. Nukes take too long to build and the apocalyptic war it tends to trigger just drags on for the rest of the game. I usually just use them as prebuilds for spaceship parts. Although if the game ever gets that far I'm not really too worried about using them. Unlike in SMAC, the AI Civ3 is an untrustworthy bastard who is only there until you manage to kill them off. They will backstab randomly and attack for the slightest reason. You can't force them into a true submissive state so their is no reason to keep them alive.

As far as actually using them, I'd aim for large cities right before I attack. The reduced population and less defenders make it easier to take tough capitals or whatnot. If I had enough lying around I might shoot their major production centers but I usually don't have a major stockpile. In both MP and SP Nuclear weaponry seems to be an extra toy to play with if you ever get that far. It isn't neccesary to win and often causes more problems than it helps. As far as getting nuked by the AI , I find it doesn't really hurt too much. You spend 2-3 turns cleaning pollution and rebuilding troops. The population is already reduced so starvation doesn't usually happen. If any other AI is still around and not in an alliance, it will turn around and declare war on the offending AI.
I have had the opportunity to explore the nuclear option. It's not just when you use them, but how. My nuclear strategy in CIV 3 is based on the TRIAD system we use in the real world. In other words, load your subs with tactical nukes, and have an equal number of ICBMs. If the AI or human opponent pulls the first strike, you can still have a significant number of nukes remaining to retaliate. (Note that if the Bombers functioned like they did in the CTP series, i.e. carrying nukes, it would truly be a triad system)

Not to mention the Target Priority List that can be made using this strategy. In my case it is as so:

Radar Towers

THIS is the strategy from hell in case your were wondering, and the result if you pull first strike is that your enemy's territory will be nothing short of a wasteland.:nuke:
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
c) I'm supremely powerful, nobody else has nukes and I'm bored. It's a free-for-all fireworks display-cum-barbecue! [/B]
Heck yeah! :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :slay:
You guys suck. I wait to have wars and before I ever attack I use my nukes to take out cities! Its a great way for a quick war!
cheese burn - You may want to hold off until you have at least ten nukes. One: once you start a war with nukes, all of the AI's will throw everything they have at you, and Two: ten nukes = ten times the fun.
I've used them only on a very few occasions. One of the first conditions that have to be met is: there cannot be very many civs anymore. The fewer civs on the map, the fewer are angry. In a conquest game if there is besides me only 1 huge civ left, I might use them. Another condition has to do with terrain. I must be able to either take out all sources of a specific resource (like Oil) so that the AI cannot recover easily. Combined with this is the number of workers the AI has. If he has none, perfect, no quick reconnecting the resource. If he has many, I might decide not to do it, he'll recover quickly.
I also might nuke in order to create a coast-to-coast zone in which there are no roads for at least 3 tiles deep. The cities in front of that zone I must be able to take the same turn. This prevents a counterattack enabling me to reposition my forces for the final blow. I effectively cut his empire in half, with a "nuclear no man's land" in the middle.
A third way is to steal his plans, find out where his ICBM's are and nuke in such a way that I can take all his ICBM cities. No retaliation.
But, only in case there are few civs left. I don't like my homeland to be orange-colored in nuclear waste.
Interesting bit of information: If all you're interested is a fireworks show, the AI has no problem (to my knowledge) with testing nukes over neutral land, such as oceans. They also have no problem with you nuking your own people.

So, if you're not really interested in domination, and just want a show... that's your best bet.
I just love them for taking out enemy fleets. Cause "most" of the ships just disappear and the rest are on low health, and also, the best thing is, NO POLLUTION!!! the enemy fleet gets wiped off the face of the planet, no fleet. no invasion. no problem :)
I use nukes when I need them, but theres using nukes, and then theres overkilling your enemy, and thats just mean. :lol: However, I do not think theres a wrong time to use nukes as long as its not gonna get you in some major trouble.

So IMHO, as long as you can handle what comes after the nuke (mass world war, no one ever trusting you again, global warming, pollution) then its never the wrong time to use one.

Though, the only wrong time is when the nuke is pointed at yourself... I've heard its happend before.... :lol:
(1) When your spy has informed you that CivA is one component away from launching it s/s. Nuke the capital then raze it.

(2) When the enemy has nuked you.

(3) When you're positive other civs will not declare war on you for striking first.
I've only had one nuclear war, the Iroquois were the only ones left and they ticked me off. I nuked each city twice, then blew their heads off with modern armors. I like using nukes; they're not clean, but they're easy to use, especially ICBMs.
Want to hurt your enemy with nukes without retaliation? Get right of pessage, get a worker next to everyone of their major cities and nuke your worker!!!! Or find a major gathering of troops and get RoP just to nuke them. fun as hell. Well maybe not hell
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