where the domain description ?


Dub's the way of the life
Feb 27, 2006
Helle everybody

i want to do a new unit who can go on ocean and on land, for a new tech that i called antigrav.

But i need to give a domain to the unit, if i write domain_land, unit can't go on sea, if i write domain_sea, unit can't go on land :crazyeye: , if i write domain_air, the unit can't finish his move on a tile with no city, and if i write NONE, unit can move on land and on sea, but only one move...

SomeOne can help me to find the file where are the domains descriptions ?
just need to create a new domain, but i don't know where i had to write it.
Dubmetender said:
Helle everybody

i want to do a new unit who can go on ocean and on land, for a new tech that i called antigrav.

But i need to give a domain to the unit, if i write domain_land, unit can't go on sea, if i write domain_sea, unit can't go on land :crazyeye: , if i write domain_air, the unit can't finish his move on a tile with no city, and if i write NONE, unit can move on land and on sea, but only one move...

SomeOne can help me to find the file where are the domains descriptions ?
just need to create a new domain, but i don't know where i had to write it.

Its not possible without the SDK. Well, you could remove all water from the game (flagging oceans and coasts as land tiles), make all units land units, and use terrain impassable to select which untis can travel on "water" tiles and which can travel on "land". Of course you will need to rewrite water required building code, and will probably break all the ship AI.

You could also add an onmovecheck that fixes the movement problem. But the Ai has no idea what to do with a domain none unit (ai is based on domain type) so even if you did that the unit wouldnt do anything when it was controlled by the ai.

So in short, there is no real option except to wait for the SDK.
Dubmetender said:
oki, thanks for explane,
i want do a mod, but it's a game that i had to do...
so i will wait for SDK...

do you know where the files are ?
i open all xml and python files, but i didn't find the wright file...

To which file are you refering? Even with the SDk you probably won't want to create a new domain. Instead you will probably just add a flad to land units that says they are allowed to travel on water tiles (its just a lot simplier from a code perspective then making a whole new domain type).
Sorry, don't understand what you mean...

my request is about the domain description, i want to find the file where is the description to see if i can understand something and make changes...
i'm not develloper, just civ4fanatics.
i understand i can't create a new domain, but i want to change existing (domain_air) to finish move on a tile (land or sea)
It's just an idea , perhaps with creating two differents units ,one on land and one in water with the same parameters . when the one try to go on water replace it or delete it and create the second with the same attribs and vice versa ?

but i'm not an expert with events so ... you need a reply from an expert to know if it's possible !

to Sto

not sure it's the better way, and the AI don't use this, i'm sure...

the only way i found is domain_none, but there is only one move for unit, in civilopédia, i see 8 move (for exemple) but in use, when the unit is selected, i see 9 move, and the unit move for one tile, not 9...

to Kael, i will test this evening to make a powefull unit (marvel unit) with none domain to see if the AI use it or not...
Dubmetender said:
to Sto

not sure it's the better way, and the AI don't use this, i'm sure...

the only way i found is domain_none, but there is only one move for unit, in civilopédia, i see 8 move (for exemple) but in use, when the unit is selected, i see 9 move, and the unit move for one tile, not 9...

to Kael, i will test this evening to make a powefull unit (marvel unit) with none domain to see if the AI use it or not...

Cool, let me know how it turns out. I fought with multi-domain units for a long time before I worked out a reasonable solution. I know a lot of folks want to be able to do it (Im actually surprised Firaxis didn't include the ability in vanilla civ). I would be more than happy to share the code that allows it, but the SDK has to release before I can share it.
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