Where Were you When BNW was Announced

May 20, 2012
Toronto, Canada
I only bring this up because I remember vividly where I was when I first heard the news: I was crawling into bed after throwing up in the toilet. :cry: :vomit:

I also think it would be a funny idea to make it one of those really memorable moments. :crazyeye:
In my mind. Wondering about what horrible choices they would pick for the next expansion.

Assyria and Venice come to mind.
I just got home from school and decided to check CivFanatics once more to see if they finally anounced Civilization 5 One World, and after lunch, I turned on my computer and bam. They didn't. They anounced BRAND NEW world :D
I was in the royal palace of Nigeria, planning a heist when I learned of it.
I had just crawled out of bed, with sleep still in my eyes, popped onto Reddit and saw the headline announcing the xpack, then clicked on the announcement article, then tried and failed to make out Casimir from his murky leaderscreen, then went to school. It was a good day.
I logged on my computer on that fateful morn a mere three minutes after it was announced. I may have been the first to point out that the siege tower looked Assyrian.
I just got home from school and decided to check CivFanatics once more to see if they finally anounced Civilization 5 One World, and after lunch, I turned on my computer and bam. They didn't. They anounced BRAND NEW world :D

this ^
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