Which civilization do you find most interesting to play with? (August 10th poll)

Which civilization looks most interesting to you?

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Jul 5, 2016
So, since we know half of the civs right now (or maybe not, depending how we count Aztecs), which one seems to be most interesting to play?
I voted Egypt, since I am wonder builder and love Sphinx improvement. But it is pretty close, I love all of them. Scythia, Aztecs, Japan and Brazil are really lose after Egypt :)
I voted Egypt, since I am wonder builder and love Sphinx improvement. But it is pretty close, I love all of them. Scythia, Aztecs, Japan and Brazil are really lose after Egypt :)

same here. The only civs I am not so interested to play right now are England and America.
Japan- dense cities should be easier to defend, as will cities on islands (as they are more remote, and need strong navies to take), which other civs will struggle with building, as islands have limited space, and so likely only Japan could cope due to its ability. Also, coastal defense bonuses should augment this greatly. Add the samurai fight at full strength when injured ability, et voilà! You have a perfect defensive island Civ.

Overall, I think that Japan is awesome as it has a very unique play style. And Hojo Tokimune is a nice leader choice.
Skythia- Im generally a builder, or a builder-conqeeror (Rome), but Skythia and its Kurgans have me very intrigued...
I chose Scythia. They look like they excel at early game aggression, which I love. Egypt intrigues me with their never expiring wonder and district bonus.
I voted Egypt. The advantage for building Wonders is too tempting. :D China and France close behind.

So far America and Brazil are the least interesting Civs for me.
For me it's hard to choose between Egypt, China and Brazil! :)
Egypt's river bonuses add some really nice flavor to them, and favors players who focus on infrastructure, China's extra builder charges and fast wonder building soothes the wonderthirsty that is me, and Brazil's rainforest bonuses seem incredibly potent and makes for really nice decision making.

Japan, England, France and America didn't interest me as much, but I'll definitively play as them sooner rather than later.

As for the Aztecs and Scythia, I'm not a warmonger, so they don't interest me as much. The Aztec's builder district building does sweeten the deal a bit, but I'm not sure if I'll play with them at all.
But I'll be happy to see them in the map. Except when I won't. Because they are my closest neighbor.
So far I'm going to start with America, because their bonuses seem to affect gameplay the less. Can't say who's going to be next - it will depend on my experience in the first game.
England. "Who controls the seas, has control of everything"

I think the unique bonuses are well balanced between the civilizations. I choose England because I like playing as a naval power.
1-Japan, because bushido is cool.
2-Egypt, because wonder spamming ;)
3-Brazil, because MINAS GERAES is so beautiful

I don't know why but France seems to me to be the least interesting civ...maybe because we don't know so much about espionage, and more visibility...meh
I chose Egypt, because I have the hots for Cleopatra and I really love the Sphynx improvement. I can't wait!
As culturally player I choose to France, it is the best suits to my style of tourist and culture power, few cities very developed, construction of wonders and defensive war.
Scythians are definitely going to get a go early on, but I love building, so I went with China. Wonders and walls baby!
I think Japan is certainly the most interesting of the bunch. They pretty much have a blank slate in terms of the new "play the map" dynamic the devs implemented into the game. With Japan you could have a campus with 6 science regardless of the surrounding features. No need for mountains, jungles, whatever.

If you design your cities right you can pretty much settle anywhere and have your cities operate as if they were settled in optimal locations.

I think their bonus augments how the civ will actually play the game more than any other.
I voted for Aztecs as I love early war and expansion, Brazil is a close second as I really look forward to playing with great people and England just nails my play style with the culture and wormongering/expansion focus.
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