Which missing Civs should be added ?

Which civs should be added ?

  • Assyria

    Votes: 90 17.1%
  • Babylon

    Votes: 278 53.0%
  • Celts

    Votes: 183 34.9%
  • Carthage/Phoenicia

    Votes: 218 41.5%
  • Dutch

    Votes: 159 30.3%
  • Iroquois

    Votes: 142 27.0%
  • Israel ( or ancient tribe )

    Votes: 139 26.5%
  • Khmer

    Votes: 67 12.8%
  • Korea

    Votes: 120 22.9%
  • Maya

    Votes: 168 32.0%
  • Poland

    Votes: 71 13.5%
  • Polynesia

    Votes: 63 12.0%
  • Portugal

    Votes: 124 23.6%
  • Siam

    Votes: 61 11.6%
  • Sioux

    Votes: 91 17.3%
  • Songhai

    Votes: 35 6.7%
  • Turks/Ottomans

    Votes: 262 49.9%
  • Vikings

    Votes: 288 54.9%
  • Zulus

    Votes: 176 33.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 90 17.1%

  • Total voters
Disappointed that Ethiopia hasn't been included here. They were the only African country to avoid true colonial conquest (the Italian attack in '36 was really just a larger part of the events surrounding WW2 and can't count, any more than France was 'colonized' by the Nazis,) and had a civilization dating back to biblical times.

Also -- the Afrikaaners, the Xhosa, as many Amerindian tribes as possible, and ANY civilization that existed in Civ III, PTW, and C3C!
I missed the Dutch or the Netherlanders in civ1 to civ3.
Because the Dutch had a in portant roll in the worlds history

Or maybey it comes that im Dutch. :p

So you can say, "You Philistines!!!!" :D
I vote goes to Babylon, since i think they are legends
All of them + Austria, Poland-Lithuania,...
The more the merrier. Seriously, Vikings, Ottomans and Dutchmen but no Austria in C3C (and yes, I know about the mod), I was really disappointed :mad:
i vote for the Celts there so cool!!!!!:crazyeye:

and i think if the Franks was a civ it will be hilarious i can just say i am Frank and i play as the Franks on civIV:lol: :D
Taiwan should be included.

Most of your computers contain some parts made in Taiwan. Without this civilization, you can not even play this game. :goodjob:


...are the ones I'd like to see in, in that order. The Celts and Carthagians might be nice too if there are some spots left, but those could just as well be filled by some other civs that deserve to be in.
Babylon, because Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization and it really made absolutely no sense not to have one of the original civilizations on the planet (alternate Sumeria perhaps).

Celts, because they were the aboriginal inhabitants of Europe before conquest by Rome and then the Germanic tribes. Peope often associate Celts with Ireland and Scotland, but they are just the fringe lands that were never conquered, pretty much all of western Europe was Celtic (west of the Rhine and north of the Po, Iberia, and the British Isles).

Vikings, because the were an original civilization and are the epitome of a warmongering civ. Mano a mano, the Vikings could have kicked any other civs behind.:cool:
Some alternatives have been forgotten, However, I think it is safe to say that the 3 top choices should be in the first expansion, otherwise take2 misses out on some cash :) And that is, as far as i can see: Babylon, Vikings and Ottomans.
Arok said:
I missed the Dutch or the Netherlanders in civ1 to civ3.
Because the Dutch had a in portant roll in the worlds history

Or maybey it comes that im Dutch. :p
I thought the Dutch were in Civ 3.
babylon, celts, dutch, potuguil*sp*:S, vikings, zulu, ottomans, the indian tribe * the one with the i* and carthage

allso voted other, for sumeria, hittites.
y include the franks, ther nothing more then france!! hay tho, that might be a good second uu for france, the frankish throwing ax man.. chold get 2 free atacks befor atacking and defending its self... *to represent them chunking ther axs*
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