Whither scenario design?

Wow I can't leave some of you alone for a night lol :) glad you all self-moderated though. Thank you for that.

The annoying thing for me will be that this game is probably the easiest one on earth to share. There's no longer any need for a CD and if we could simply get the blessing and a legal release in writing to add it to the downloads section, that would be that. Anyone who ever wanted to try something would be able to. If it was shareable, I would have been more motivated to get OTR going for single player for Master's of the Air, and leveraged that on twitter etc. to get more people in, but without having anywhere to legally send them to get the game besides "ebay," it just seems so pointless. Yet it seems to be in some weird limbo of "not-quite-abandon-ware vs. no-one-seems-to-know-who-can-sign-off" land and we are stuck. There's also the option, as I've mentioned some times in the past, of going the Matrix Games route a la Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich where the game is sold by Matrix but all the support (and indeed updates) are offered by fans. In a dream world we'd have that and perhaps The Nameless One's blessing to "the keys" behind ToTPP so interested parties could learn to tweak it full time.

@Lord_Hill made a good point about MGE though I would say (and have said many times indeed) that as someone who also resisted ToT for some time (you all had to convince me to make Germanicus in ToT 10 years ago), ToTPP along with other efforts by Catfish and our great artists @Fairline and @Tanelorn et al has largely erased every "look and feel" issue I ever had with ToTPP. But how does one explain that to someone who has been out of the loop and just remembers how ugly and unfamiliar it was when it first came out?

I also blame myself for not helping more. So many of you have made such marvelous scenarios and I just haven't had the time or energy to devote to them. Unfortunately it's just kind of who I am. I have too many hobbies. I fish, I draw, I blog, I write books, I build scale models, I civ, I apparently now hike, I swim, and I somehow try and be a Dad to two kids after a recent divorce and a manager to ten folks in a challenging environment. I have all the commitment of a man with a dozen hobbies and a bunch of competing responsibilities and it shows lol. Focusing on so much makes me a sprinter more than a marathon runner and frankly we've had such a Renaissance with Civ I can't keep up. Even my two main projects, OTR and Cold War are just languishing as I chip away a little bit at a time with weeks or months in between. It's tough and I'll bet many of you have the same issue.

But beyond my own personal issues, and looking back to the overall theme that some have alluded to here - ToTPP has basically given each of us a choice to make when we design our projects: Are we building a scenario or are we building a new game? Really, you can do either with ToTPP and I think that may be something to consider. I have no idea if it influences who tries something out but I'll bet it influences how much time they feel they need to set aside to try it.

I'd also just note that Civ2 has been around forever and so have we. I'll bet most people who frequent this forum prefer it to all the others. So, the more we stray from the Civ2 feel, it would make sense that many here wouldn't necessarily be as keen.

For my own work, I'd argue that Caesar (the first lua scenario I built and I think the first published ever, at least here) is still a "scenario." Yes, there are a few new lua concepts in it, but nothing too crazy. If you can learn one more key "k" you can play it well enough. OTOH, Over the Reich (at least the published version) is a brand new game. It takes a lot more learning to figure out. It has a readme that is 41 pages. It's not for everyone, and I'm hoping the new version @Prof. Garfield and I are working on is more toned down, at least "in the front stage."

Anyway I'm rambling. I'll try to be better on my end but I'm glad everyone is making these because even if it takes years to finally get around to playing them, I've always had a ball when I did. Case in point, one of the more fun scenarios I've played in the past two years was @Patine and @McMonkey 's version of the Korean War. Simple and had been on the shelf for years before I finally got around to it, but when I did, I had a ball. I'm sure I'll enjoy everyone's offering in good time but hopefully you'll all still be around for me to finally praise you for it!
@Civinator does the patch really not work at all on modern windows? Maybe an alternative could be provided that's just the patch files without the installer without falling foul of the dreaded legal grey area? In fact I'm pretty sure something similar already exists for the Chronicles set.
@Civinator does the patch really not work at all on modern windows? Maybe an alternative could be provided that's just the patch files without the installer without falling foul of the dreaded legal grey area? In fact I'm pretty sure something similar already exists for the Chronicles set.
At least I had no luck with using the Civ2 ToT 1.1. patch on my Win 10 64 bit pc. Longer time ago I made a post about it here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/totpp-download-bundle-website.632877/page-2#post-15168042

For the reply in this post I made the following test in the Civ 2 ToT chronicles installation on my pc. In this screenshot you can see parts of my Civ 2 ToT Chronicles installation with the original Civ 2 ToT exe and the patch to version 1.1. included in that installation. The patch is not able to detect the Civ 2 Tot installation, even when started as administrator:

Civ 2 ToT installation.jpg

ToT v.1.1 Patch.jpg

One of the main reasons to write my last post was, that it should be taken into account, that not only the decreasing access to Civ 2 Tot and the decreasing number of players is a problem, but also the decreasing number of pcs and laptops, which are able to perform the update to the 1.1 exe of Civ 2 ToT, that is needed to start ToTPP.

I am not a computer specialist, so may be you are able to achieve here better results with Win10 and a 64 bit pc. Good luck!
The chronicles release really dropped the ball with Civ 2. Both MGE and ToT were not the latest version and altered in such a way that the official patches don't work properly. Very sloppy work, but off topic. I agree that its just another little barrier to entry which rules a few more people out. Chronicles is the latest official release of MGE and ToT after all.
The chronicles release really dropped the ball with Civ 2. Both MGE and ToT were not the latest version and altered in such a way that the official patches don't work properly. Very sloppy work, but off topic. I agree that its just another little barrier to entry which rules a few more people out. Chronicles is the latest official release of MGE and ToT after all.
This is not an only "little" barrier. Of course I have some older installation CDs of Civ 2 ToT, too. With such a CD Civ 2 ToT even can not be installed at all on my Win 10, 64 bit pc:

Civ2 Tot installation older CD.jpg

The Civ Chronicles version at least can be installed, but the exe cannot be upgraded. The older versions of Civ 2 Tot not even can be installed on my pc (at least not without any additional tools).
This is not an only "little" barrier. Of course I have some older installation CDs of Civ 2 ToT, too. With such a CD Civ 2 ToT even can not be installed at all on my Win 10, 64 bit pc:

View attachment 686773

The Civ Chronicles version at least can be installed, but the exe cannot be upgraded. The older versions of Civ 2 Tot not even can be installed on my pc (at least not without any additional tools).
I have win 10 and a 64 bit PC as well, and ToT runs ok on my machine. I know there's a program that allows older programs to run on modern computers. I think my computer guy put it on mine. (How sad am I?)
Oh dear, a 16 bit installer, that is unfortunate. As you say, there are tools (winevdm is what you want) but its another pain.
My guy wants to know if you use compatibility mode when you download Test of Time?

"You can right click on the setup file when installing. Then click on properties. Then the compatibility tab.. Then you can select the operating system and I normally check run as administrator. And then click apply. Then when you click on the setup to run it it should use those settings."
My guy wants to know if you use compatibility mode when you download Test of Time?

"You can right click on the setup file when installing. Then click on properties. Then the compatibility tab.. Then you can select the operating system and I normally check run as administrator. And then click apply. Then when you click on the setup to run it it should use those settings."
I can install and run the Civ 2 ToT Chronicles version well on my pc, but I cannot update the exe to version 1.1, that is needed for TOTPP. Even when running the patch to version 1.1 as administrator and with win XP 2 or 3 compability, the update to version 1.1 is not working. I solved this problem by updating the exe on a very old XP laptop and than pasting the updated exe from that old laptop into my Civ 2 ToT Chronicles installation. With that procedure Civ 2 ToT and TOTPP are running on my pc, too.

I posted that problem as it wasn´t posted yet in this thread about obstacles for new Civ 2 ToT users.
Thanks for @Blake00 for pinging me.
We try our best to highlight community efforts via social media and the main page, to promote all the work which is done here. We do EDIT "not" always have a good overview what is going on where, and how much. If there was enough work recently, then someone please notify us. We try to not single out specific users, so if there were a range of scenarios or mods, then it's the time. Please let either blake or me know.

For the rest... all the Civ titles are simply getting older. Activity will naturally decrease. It's not avoidable, but we can try our best to work against it :).
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I'm pleased that this thread has attracted a number of comments from a range of folks. I'm relieved that my experience finding it challenging to find time to play the excellent scenarios out there is not unique to me. And I'm disappointed that some have said "I just do this for myself", as if they don't care if anyone ever plays the scenario they spent hundreds of hours making. I call "horsehockey", as they say on this 'family friendly' site. ;)

All of us spend time on this hobby because they enjoy the creative experience, as well as the result. And I admit that I enjoy playing my own scenarios - it's a major reason I made them. But what I really like is the collaboration. Interacting with amazing graphic artists, programming wizards and meticulous play testers, while making something that others will hopefully enjoy is what's most fun for me. That's what this community is supposed to be about - it's why we have a Scenario League in the first place. Collaboration and mutual support is the foundation of SL.

Having delivered my sermon, I'm going back to my 1937 release thread and talk about my scenario - and some others too.
Hi Tech,

I have to admit I find myself a little offended by your latest post. In all the years I’ve been an active member in this forum I don’t believe I’ve ever given a reason for people to question my veracity or honesty in my exchanges.

To reiterate, I absolutely, 100%, only design the scenarios that I want to play for my own amusement and what may be more of interests to other players are never part of my considerations when deciding what project I will work on next.

Is it nice to receive feedback once you’ve released your project? Of course it is! I always say in my development threads that I welcome comments/observations, be they positive or negative, as long as they are constructive and respectful.

But the difference is that I don’t have any expectations that they will do so because I understand 1) that the community is much smaller than it once was and 2) that members have other obligations, families, work, hobbies or interests and that time is precious to them and that for most they are simply happy to download your project and play it in their own time and place without ever needing or wanting to provide any kind of feedback. And that is entirely okay and hence my comment that designing scenarios for Civ2, these days in particular, is first and foremost a personal journey.

With regards collaborations, I do this all the time but typically only in private threads with other members who are interested in doing so. Other designers have often reached out to me in private to play test their scenarios before releasing them, yourself included, and I always try to provide extensive feedback in the hope that this is useful to them. The fact that they do so, I believe, is because they are not ready to share their work with the larger community and I respect their decision and I usually do the same for my own projects.

I hope this helped clarify my own positions and thoughts on this matter.


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Hello @techumseh

Of course I'm happy if someone comments my scenario. And if people say they had fun playing my scenario makes me more happy. I understand your opinion that it is some kind of disappointed if you don't get any comments for your scenario.
But we are a too small community were nearly everyone is designing his own scenario. Unfortunately there isn't really much time for playing others scenarios beside the obligations of real life.

'Age of Reformation' is a project in collaboration of other members. I would never have been able to create such a project by myself.

@Prof. Garfield supported me much programming all the lua scripts, @Fairline made awesome unit graphics and @tootall_2012 playtested my scenario several times. @zwei833 for example played the first version after release and gave me feedback. I appreciate all of it, and that's one big reason why I shared my scenario here. That's why I like our small community here.
I apologize. That was intended as a bit of teasing. I also get my primary enjoyment from the creative process. For me, that has always included discussion of people's work on the forum. If the community as a whole no longer has time for that then it's a loss.

civ2units: I though you were still working on a final version of 'Age of Reformation'. If it's finished, then I'd like to give it a go.
Just one final comment on my part on the subject and that should be it.

I’m not trying to discourage active dialogue in the forum on scenarios or new development features, etc. Quite the opposite, I believe it is most welcome for anyone who wants to share their ideas or feedback.

It’s simply that I realize that it has become more difficult for all the reasons explained previously.
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I apologize. That was intended as a bit of teasing. I also get my primary enjoyment from the creative process. For me, that has always included discussion of people's work on the forum. If the community as a whole no longer has time for that then it's a loss.

civ2units: I though you were still working on a final version of 'Age of Reformation'. If it's finished, then I'd like to give it a go.

I've updated the scenario to version 2.0 which makes other nations playable too.
You will find the files here: Age of Reformation
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