Who-1 A new era has begun!

I've had good luck playing the farming gambit. I usually have been going worker, warrior, settler, settler. After that start working on military and get one of the newer towns starting on settlers. But I've only played 2 games.

Oh and this won't come into play until later, but pillaging villages/hamlets/cottages give a lot of cash. I've also noticed that apparently the AI has trouble leaving the cities to take care of the pillagers I send in.

I also noticed that when you go into the Modern Era, a digital watch pops up with Soren's name on it.

I have been having trouble getting the internet to connect so if I'm MIA that's whats going on. I'll be home ~ 11/10 and should be more reiable.
Well we're off. I set research to mysticism to see if we can get some religion. With our traits extra culture will be more devastating than conquest. Let's roll!!!

Turn 1: settle in place and spot a village to the north. I thought about heading along the river but the village is too hard to pass up. Tile is set on the food forest and I emphasize food. Set research to myst in 8.

Turn 2 3960: scoutsout pops the hut and gets experienced.

Turn 3 3920: Scout improves his jungle/forest experience by 20%. Spot some wheat nearby. We get marble in our borders as Berlin expands. We may have to run to Parthenon.

Turn 4 3880: Continue north with Scout.

Turn 5 3840: Hit the tundra northern coast with a deer nearby.

Turn 6 3800: Scout heads east and finds mountains. Maybe a lake hopefully?
Turn 7 3760: Scout goes south finds coast and pigs.

Turn 8 3720:

Turn 9 3680: We get myst and I start poly since we have marble. I think we can pull it off. Scout pops a village for 36g and our warrior heads west to explore the perimeter.

Turn 10 3640: Buddhism is found in a far away land. Uhoh.

Turn 11 3600: Scout finds fishes.

Turn 12 3560:

Turn 13 3520: More fishes. I think we'll make nice fishermen. Scout sees another village.

Turn 14 3480 Next turn for Scout.

Turn 15 3440 Warrior finishes and start barracks which I'll change when we grow a little. Our scout picks up the knowledge of animal husbandry :beer:

Turn 16 3400 Spot lots of mountains and jungles to the south.

Turn 17 3360 :eek:


Turn 18 3320 Scout is damaged to 90% but kills the lions. Hinduism is founded in a far off place.

Our northern warrior gets these guys.

Turn 19 3280 We win against the bears! 70% strength so head home. Scout sees panthers, runs away and spots another village.

Turn 20 3240 Scout get more experienced and spies some spices and in the jungle.

Turn 21 3200 Poly comes in and I start on masonry and switch to a worker so we can start on the marble for the Parthenon.
Add hill defense for Scout. Our southern warrior get more lions.

Boy we don't have a ton to work with but what the heck. I went a turn over 20 but it's a nice round number. I would suggest we go 20 to start if people want. It's really early.

I'm not sure if we have a chance for Parthenon but I think it's worth a try. Our culture spamming could be enormous with our traits. We haven't met anyone and have a nice choke to our south. Here take a look.

Excellent, chokes are huge in Civ4 with the closed borders feature! It looks like maybe we'll be completely unmolested as far as expansion goes, as long as we seal off that one point. (except for barbs of course)

Tonight I'll post another screenie with the resource locator turned on, take a look at the situation, and post some ideas for discussion prior to moving on.
Oops sorry Dave. Here's a better picture.

OK, since you just informed me I am now in this game, could you slot me in after a few players. :)
Here's the lineup.
Whomper-- Just played.
Daveshack--Up and at 'em
Tubby-- On deck
Formula51--in the game ;)

24 hours "got it" and 48 hours to play it. 15 to 20 for the first round methinks.
Thanks Whomp! OK, here are my thoughts on the next 20:

Build worker, settler, warrior. Settle in the choke point if we've seen an AI in that direction by then, otherwise pick a good growth area.

Research masonry, then monotheism, writing, theology if we want to found a religion (and Judaism isn't already founded by us). If we don't want religion there are too many paths to list here. ;) It would be a good idea though to pick up bronze working and iron working if our neighbor turns out to be the aggressive kind.

Gotta get some sleep, I'll check back in the morning before playing.
I'd build warrior before settler, so Berlin will grow in the meantime.

Research path seems fine, bee-line to Judaism, and then writing for Open borders.
yes at least start the warrior until growth and then switch to the settler. I love that feature where you can produce something until it's almost done and then come back to it later.

Are we sure that the northern section is empty?

Also it looks like we have a nice variety of foods so health shouldn't be an issue until pops rise > 10.

OK I'm off to get ready for work.
3200BC turn 0, hit enter

3160BC turn 1, warrior defends against lions

don't need to record combats so religiously as before, check out this nifty in-game log :)

3120BC turn 2, scout defends against panthers

3080BC turn 3, warrior near Berlin is healed, heads out to look at the NW fog some more

2920BC turn 7, exploring, run into some lions

2880BC turn 8, warrior killed by lions :(
Masonry completes, start Polytheism

2800BC turn 10, exploring, bears near coast E of Berlin, warrior RTB

2720BC turn 12, worker finishes, start warrior
worker starts pasture on cows

2560BC turn 16, start pasture on horses. can't road the cows yet, don't have tech

2520BC turn 17, warrior done start settler. warrior forts Berlin, other warrior covers workers
scout is going to fill in the coastal tiles.

2400BC turn 20, scout fills in most of the remaining coast to the east.

Monotheism in 2, still have a shot at founding Judaism.
Building a settler, due in 14
We are solo on an island, so we'll want to prioritize a coastal city and research whatever tech it is that gives us galleys (late night can't recall)

the save

Ok got it.... I'm playing with black terrain so I'll limit my turns to 10. no screenies prolly since (see above).
OK I've played my first turns of a civ4 SG :banana:

Here's the highlights. I saved it the turn before the settler came out.

turn 2 - We are Jews now with 1 turn of anarchy. Started the wheel to get some stuff connected. The cows don't do much good for health unless their hooked up.
scout is defending (that sounds wierd) the worker
warrior out to beat up lions for experience

turn 5 - lions attack accross river and we win. I leave promotion for later since we really don't need it now
also see bears to the east

turn 7 - quarry done moving to cows

turn 11 - Machiavelli determines that we are #4 out of 7 in the wealthiest nations in the world
Wheel comes in and start on fishing (pre-req for sailing).
worker starts roading cows

I think that I saved it at the end of turn 12. and here is the <<save>>

sorry about the lack of pics or any other details as I'm tired from night shift and am working from a laptop (which I hate).. I can't wait to get home :cry: :sad:
I got it. I'll try to get a dotmap up tomorrow (unless someone wants to do one tonight?)

Strategic type thunkin here:
We get boats and make contacts. Methinks we need a shrine and some missionaries to go exploring. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Shall we run to alpha?
Is whomp a cheater?
How tight a build do we want on the home land?
When shall we found our first overseas city?
I've got questions. is anyone radioshack?
I don't thunk we need missionaries, but definately boats+scouts.

Sailing provides boats I think, so that before alpha.

Yes, I believe Whomp is a h4x0r. :D

Tight = bad in Civ4, so probably at least CxxxC.

When we have 3-4 cities on our continent.

Uh, whaaaat? :confused: :D
For a shrine, we need a GP(rophet). After we get one, we send Missionaries.

Otherwise, F51's plan seems good.

But I succesfully mis-MM'ed my RL, so I'll be without my Civ4 until Friday. It's actually good, because I have a ton of school work. :)
Hi guys. I didn't do a formal turn log cause so little happened. I settled Hamburg where it is to pull in both fish (which are +1 health IIRC). I also connected the marble and the spices. Hamburg and Berlin have a trade route via the river. fishing came in and I started bronze working so we could do some forest chops for rush jobs. With marble, Berlin will build the Parthenon at double speed (no it's not too early to build a wonder). Hamburg builds a settler next then a worker then ...? We need to have some discussion about the great people and how we will use them. I'd suggest sailing as next tech (and then get one out from Hamburg. Finally (as the world says "It's about f'n time") We need to discuss city spacing. Modified OCP, it is what Igor would suggest. don't worry about "wasting" a tile here and there.

@ whomp - thank you wildcats for killing the bruins :worship:


BTW, we need great merchants asap
How about a roster.
Igor -- just played
Formula 51-- UP
Idiot Processor Pentium On deck
I got it :crazyeye:

I would like to know about city spacing before I play the save. Idiots can't make descisions by themselves, you know! :D
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